Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives
Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives
| 15 October 2010 (USA)
Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives Trailers

A group of trannies are violently bashed and left for dead. The surviving ladies regain consciousness, confidence, and courage ready to seek out revenge on the ones who attacked them.


Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Procrastinator sixteen

Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives combines almost every genre of film possible into one movie, but has it all make sense. I really love this movie because it's completely independent but looks like something you would watch at the theater because it's high quality, while still maintaining the elements of exploitation and grind house movies from the 1960's, 70's, and early 80's. I was surprised at all of the actors performances, which were amazing since it was some of the actors first film role. I also enjoy that it's not just for the LGBT community; it can be for men and women who grew up in the 1970's, and 1980's (because of the grind house style in which it was filmed in) ,but it can resonate with anyone who has ever felt alone or the "odd character out." It's not just a "popcorn movie" but a cult classic, that will be sure to entertain many fans for years to come.

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I'd have to agree with almost everything in the 3 reviews I read previous to mine. I definitely viewed this movie as a 70's-esque, B horror flick with hints of "I spit on your Grave". I loved this movie in almost every way. I struggled with the continuity of the movie, but was able to stay with it and figure things out as the movie progressed. Obviously, the plot and content isn't that complex, so if you experience a hiccup in your viewing, it is easy to climb back on board very quickly and easily.I loved all the trannies, but the main character (Krystal Summers) was exquisite. If all of these gals aren't full fledged trannies in real life, they sure had the transsexual experience nailed. The comical give and take between all the girls was hysterical at times and they all definitely had some chemistry going throughout the movie.Because I connected with the girls so much, it was very difficult for me to watch the baseball bat beat down scenes. I watch all kinds of gory flicks etc., but I really liked all the girls so much that I was having trouble watching them get hit etc.All in all, this is a B movie style of flick and is like Pink Flamingos meets Tarantino, but the characters provided a new twist to this style of movie and I hope I see more of this type of movie in the future. If you like this type of movie and can watch content ranging from the Human Centipede to Pink Flamingos, this is one for your collection.

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John Ferreira

I saw this movie basically because GLAAD objected to it. Fortunately, it was one of the better independent movies I've ever seen. The acting and production values were higher than other films of this budget.I don't know what GLAAD's problem is. The violence is so unrealistic, it's almost cartoon-like. And yet, they honor shows like "Queer as Folk",which could be put LBGT people in bad light. Years ago the organization objected to another gay independent film. One of the scenes had a guy having sex with a corpse. Turned out that the guy was only knocked out,and not dead. That film too (and I forget the name), was not very realistic, and presented as a comedy.

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Bo Asher

I was lucky enough to see the cast and crew screening of "Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives" last night at the Magnolia Theater in Dallas, TX. Not only did the movie play to a completely sold-out audience, but there were several rounds of applause at the end of the movie that included a standing ovation.Director Israel Luna's created a throwback to the revenge movies of the late 70s and early 80s. The first act -- getting to know the girls -- was nothing but non-stop laughs. If you've ever been to a gay club, you know how comically catty and funny the 'ladies' can be. This was captured wonderfully, and has more than a handful of one-liners that had the audience laughing hysterically.The 2nd act -- where several of ladies are brutally attacked -- was tough to watch... which in all honesty, made it that much more realistic. One lady, during the Q&A after the movie said that in facing discrimination like that daily and her fear being attack, it was very hard to watch those scenes, but was very liberating to see this type of violence brought to light.The final and most entertaining act was where the girls decided to do something about what happened. I won't give away what all goes on, but there's something done with a nearly two-foot-long knife that even had me squirming!After the movie, I was able to meet Mr. Luna (and get a photo snapped with him). It was refreshing to meet someone so humble about something he'd done. In watching him interact with others before approaching him, he was completely gracious and genuinely thankful for each and everyone that was in attendance.If you get a chance to see this movie while it makes the rounds in the film festivals, you really should. I personally can't wait until it returns to Dallas for the Outtakes Film Festival so I can see it again!

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