Thundering Fleas
Thundering Fleas
| 18 July 1926 (USA)
Thundering Fleas Trailers

The kids from Our Gang have to attend a wedding, and they bring along their flea collection--which gets loose.

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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

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best movie i've ever seen.

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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Hayden Kane

There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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Horst in Translation (

"Thundering Fleas" is an "Our Gang" film from 90 years ago. The basics are the usual: It is silent, black-and-white and runs for slightly under 20 minutes. Writer an director have made many of these films, but this one here may have bigger names than usual in the cast as Charley Chase and Oliver Hardy appear as well. Unfortunately, they are only in here very briefly. Blink and you may miss them almost. The story is what the title says. The kids cause some trouble with their fleas and a poor dog pays the sacrifice. Overall, this was a pretty wild little movie, but it lacked the heart and comedy that some other "Our Gang" short films delivered. I do not recommend this one here. Nowhere near the best the series has to offer. The most interesting aspect may be the occasional animation, which is very unusual for the franchise.

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As we well know fleas are not solitary creatures and the kids of Hal Roach's Our Gang Comedy Troupe have amassed quite a collection of the bugs. They can't resist being part from them for any length of time so they even bring them to a wedding they're invited to. Do I have to describe what happens when they get loose?This particular Hal Roach Our Gang short subject is noted for the presence of a pair of his adult comedy stars. Charley Chase is a wedding guest and Oliver Hardy plays a policeman. But these two are distinctly in support of the kids.Trying to spot them is half the fun of watching this short subject.

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Thundering Fleas (1926) *** (out of 4)The Our Gang kids help a flea trainer try and find his missing fleas but when they don't find the main one the trainer gets upset and lets them keep the ones they did find. This doesn't work out too well because the kids take the fleas to Mary's sisters wedding and soon they get loose and cause everyone to start scratching. This is one of the better Our Gang shorts thanks in large part to some nice animation but also some fine supporting performances by Oliver Hardy, James Finlayson and Charley Chase. Hardy shows up in a funny bit as a cop and Finlayson plays the preacher. Chase is the guy at the wedding wearing the large mustache and he has a funny bit. The mixing of animation and live action was certainly in its early days here but I enjoyed what they did. Most of the animation deals with the tracks done by the fleas including riding a bike and we get several animated clips of the fleas getting on the Gang's dog. The stuff at the wedding with everyone scratching themselves as pretty funny but there's no question that the main reason to watch this is for the supporting players and the animation.

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This Hal Roach comedy short, Thundering Fleas, is the fifty-first in the "Our Gang/Little Rascals" series. Inspired by her older sister's upcoming wedding, Mary stages a mock one with Joe as the groom. He refuses to kiss her since he doesn't want the gang to laugh at him, however. They indeed do when Mary does the deed on Joe's lips. After one of them throws a shoe to Joe's face causing a track there, they point to Farina (who had nothing to do with it) who gets chased by the tracked-faced boy with dog Magnolia in tow. After Joe stops, Farina and the dog encounter a flea circus with the star attraction-Garfield. That flea (which is amusingly animated here) lands on Magnolia and decides to reside there with the dog now scratching herself. Along the way, Farina encounters a new friend, Scooter, who says his father is the vice-president of the U.S. They drop a bowl of fish with the amphibians jumping up and down. Scooter's mom then shows and sends Farina on his way. Meanwhile, Garfield's owner offers the rest of the gang $1 for finding his star flea. At this point, the rest of the owner's fleas are set free as Garfield tells his friends to "come on up" on the dog. It all ends in a hilarious disaster of Mary's sister's wedding...This has to be the most hilarious of the silent "Our Gang" comedies I've seen yet! Besides what I've just mentioned, there's plenty of now familiar faces of other Hal Roach comedies that provide additional pleasure starting with the up-and-coming Oliver Hardy as the cop who's the first victim of the fleas as he loses his trousers and paints his bright white long johns black to prevent further embarrassment, Charlie Hall as one of the wedding musicians, Charlie Chase with a big walrus mustache that hilariously moves from side-to-side, and James Finlayson without his usual prop mustache as the preacher reacting with his familiar fisheye reaction when the groom shakes his head as if to say "no" before the fleas then also lands on the preacher. Once again, kudos to the YouTube poster who added the familiar LeRoy Shield music from the "Little Rascals" talkies for providing the topper for this very enjoyable "Our Gang" entry, Thundering Fleas.

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