Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle
Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle
| 02 November 1999 (USA)
Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle Trailers

The hilarious story of a restless young farm-thumb, Loke Groundrunner, and his tasty companion, Princess Bunhead, who go on an quest to combat Black Helmet Man and the Evil Thumbpire.


Sorry, this movie sucks

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Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.

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Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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When I watched this short film I couldn't help laughing because it was such a seamless and brilliant rip off of Star Wars, which is definitely a Film that is not easy to make a spoof of. Steve Oedekerk really delivers in this because he takes a very serious story, as sci-fi films go; and turns it into something that will make you fall off your chair with laughter. Everything about his script is great, right from the moment where you first see a hand being used as the main spacecraft of the Thumbellion to the moment where all of the people are honoured for their part in the destruction of the death star; with even Oobedoob Scooby-Doo Benubi showing up in spirit with big grin and all. The names that are chosen for each character are great, my favourites are Princess Bunhead, Hand Duet, Cruchie and Oobedoob Benubi. If you haven't watched this film, give it a whirl; because you will not be disappointed. And even if you're a die hard fan of the Star Wars movies, you should definitely consider watching this film.

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There were many times I saw this movie on DVD and almost bought it. But I'm sure glad I didn't! This is the worst satire ever. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. It's way too long and never funny. Princess Leia with Danish pastries on her head might've gotten a couple laughs in 1978, but by now it's a tired and worn out joke. And what's the point of having the characters as thumbs? It has nothing to do with the humor (or lack of). I love Star Wars and fan films, but this is just bad news!

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Tintin a Tokyo

Thumb Wars is a nice, odd little parody on the now culturally mythical original Star Wars. The short interview/making of sequence following the filmette added to the enjoyment when you saw the number of people and the amount of effort which went into filming some thumbs (and one foot).It's true that some of the jokes made are pretty much standard fare (Leah is Princess Bunhead - with cinnamon buns for hair, a Stormtrooper comments on Darth Vader's "cool" voice). However, the curious effect of faces superimposed on thumbs, some of the attention to detail and references to the original (the bar scene), and some of the just plain whacked out humour (the naked X-wing pilot) are what maintain the pace.2 minutes longer and I think I would have begun to lose interest, but for something different and a good laugh Thumb Wars does the job. The preview for Thumb Tanic looked good too.

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Thumb wars is an excellent adaptation of the Star Wars trilogy, brought down to a little under 30 minutes and made funnier than seems possible. Thumb wars is laugh out loud hilarious and worth seeing more than once. An avid fan or a relative Star Wars new comer will both find it hysterical.

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