Three Steps Over Heaven
Three Steps Over Heaven
| 12 March 2004 (USA)
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A bad boy and a socialite girl hook-up.


Sadly Over-hyped

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Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible

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Best movie ever!

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A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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From what I've read of the other reviews this film does not live up to the expectations of the book. May I recommend another film (Spanish, not Italian) under a similar title. Tres metros s o b r e el c i e l o/ Three steps above the sky/ Three meters above the sky. The love story is beautifully portrayed with very real and believable characters. It's definitely worth the watch. Plus, the lead couple are incredibly cute. The main characters are not simply characters who come from a privileged life or a sketchy background. They are more complicated than that which allows viewers to able to relate to them on various levels. There is more to their stories and their true colors are slowly shown throughout the film, just enough to play the emotions of the viewer and to make the viewers empathize with the characters. The film gives you a little bit of everything you look for in a good romance film: laughter, love, life, danger, action, thrill, and a poignant ending. An ending which makes you look back on your own life and wonder if you've found or will ever find the kind of love that too will take you Tres metros s o b r e el c i e l o.(It was necessary to type the Spanish words for "above/steps" and "sky" with spaces in between in order to submit this review as the system does not recognize them.)

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Claudia María

This story about the love between a good, correct girl and a charming, troubled bad boy is beautifully told in the book, but the main aspects of it are blurred or straightly changed in the film, turning it into a shallow, nonsense, boring teenage romantic film. First, the film fails to state the huge abyss that separates Babi and Step. In the book, Babi didn't like Step and his lifestyle, she finds him violent and rude (in the film she actually says she had a great time riding on the back of the motorcycle, which is ridiculous, because it's dangerous and she's just not that type of girl). Despite her objections, Babi falls for Step because she is attracted to him and the freedom and fun with which he faces the world. In the film, Step is presented as a bitter teenager who's constantly angry and doesn't talk much. The 'true' Step is quite the opposite. He is charming, happy and manages perfectly to turn all questionings to his attitude towards the one who is judging him. He is secure, irresponsible and, together with his friend Pollo, feels like he owns the world. They are not stopped by fear, manners, social and legal rules in the way of enjoying themselves and life. In this, the plot manages to engage the reader/viewer in wanting to feel as free as they do, but at the same time to question the illegality of their actions and recklessness towards other people. Just as Babi does. But she surrenders to what she feels for him, despite this. This fact on its own is crucial. It tells about inner conflicts, the judgment call we all have to make about what we can and cannot accept, and how so many times our feelings are not something we can control, whatever our mind says. Step is not only charming but actually shows to be sensitive enough to wait for Babi until she is ready to make love with him. She doesn't feel ready, but he is so tender and caring, doesn't push beyond what she lets him and creates a perfect atmosphere for their first time, just as she had asked (again, this is totally twisted in the film, where Babi is eager to have sex with him, apparently only because he is so hot (since Step is not charming in the film, just violent). This troubled, intense love story ends (in the book) with Babi leaving Step, as she realizes that he is not going to change his violent self. Also, once the initial wave of maddening love is passed, the fact that both hate each other's world becomes too evident. Step is left heartbroken, because he is left with all his wounds exposed, those he had managed so well to hide. The fight with his mother, his loneliness, the origin for all that anger and violence. The end is truly heartbreaking, because he is left alone, with Babi gone and Pollo dead. But at the same time it makes total sense, it couldn't have been any different. He is left to face his issues, deal with them and perhaps make a better man out of himself, more considerate, less violent, more responsible. All this in the book of course. As said, the main facts about the personality and relationship of and between the characters have been totally changed in the film, so one could actually say that the book and film are not the same story, even though they bare the same name. It makes one wonder why people bother to make a film based on the book if they are going to change everything. Such changes are usually based on attracting the wider audiences, but if the book was so successful is for a reason, and they should have realized that. So, out of a great book that managed to engage a whole generation capturing the essence of adolescence and the first love, they made a shallow, not convincing film, with some lousy acting too. In summary, don't bother with the film, read the book.

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One of the most beautiful movies i have ever's true it's a chick flick but who cares when you have Riccardo Scarmacio with his piercing green eyes? If you're in search for a typical romantic story set in an Italy breathtakingly beautiful, then go for it. Leave behind all misconceptions, preconceptions, get rid of the idea that the movie isn't as valuable as the book ( in case you read it ) and succumb in love's magical power. If you wanna laugh, cry and above all, dream, then this is the movie for you. If you like movies that require a second thought and a second viewing, then skip this one. 3msc doesn't require much of a thinking, what it does, nonetheless, require is a free mind and an endless power of dreaming with the eyes wide open. The love story between a bad boy ( the dream of every teenage girl )and a kinda nerd young girl mostly attracts adolescent viewers. But this movie is about the journey towards love through the eyes of 2 different people, one belonging to a high social class, and the other struggling to do everything to escape from his world, from an attitude of revolt to illegal motorcycles racings. The movie has everything what a movie for teenagers should have:excitement, adrenalin, adventure, the illusion that the love conquers all and 2 young and promising protagonists. All in all, give this movie a shot and you won't be disappointed.

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iva dj

this movie isn't very good and the experience is much better if you read the book, book moves you more and hits you directly in the hart (written by Federico Moccia). Also, it's in Italian so that's another no. Male actor is hot while the female looks a little nerdy to me and doesn't capture Babi's personality well. Aditional characters are good and the movie is exciting and is mostly based on anticipation of love and first hookups. You we'll miss a great experience if you don't watch it. This Drama/romance is something that will deeply move you and make you cry in a good way over life that passed and that's going to pass. It describes first loves, broken harts and passing life exceptionally well. I wish they make Hollywood version because this movie will be a blockbuster. Just so you know, Roman teenagers send this book with short messages so that tell's much about popularity and quality of this book

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