Three Blind Mice
Three Blind Mice
| 08 October 2003 (USA)
Three Blind Mice Trailers

Thomas is a talented computer programmer living in a vibrant, urban metropolis. Lonely and unsure about life, he finds solitude in the world of internet chat rooms, webcam sites and virtual communication. One evening, Thomas witnesses the brutal murder of a webcam friend and in a vain attempt to protect her he becomes the prime suspect in the homicide. Determined to prove his innocence, Thomas teams up with Claire, a specialist in internet crimes to uncover the truth. To expose the murderer, Claire and Thomas decide to set up their own webcam site using Claire as the cyber bait. Somewhere down the line the truth becomes blurred and Thomas no longer knows where to turn or who to trust. As his life starts to spiral out of control, he has to face the terrifying reality that he could be the next victim.........the virtual nightmare has only just begun.


This is How Movies Should Be Made

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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Claudio Carvalho

In London, the hacker Thomas Cross (Edward Furlong) snoops into many persons life using their web cams. Thomas mainly enjoys watching Cathy (Valérie Decobert) but he has never talked to her. One day, Thomas witnesses a masked man killing Cathy and he calls the police, but he does not know her name or where she lives. Detective Claire Bligh (Emilia Fox), who is an specialist in Internet crimes, comes from Paris to investigate the case and the discloses that Cathy lived in Amsterdam. Further, several women has been murdered in the last years in a similar way that Cathy did. She teams up with Thomas and they discover that the murder are related and are part of snuff movies made for millionaires."Three Blind Mice" is a very disappointing movie with confused story and screenplay. The plot is such a mess that it is only possible to understand the storyline. The characters and situations are awfully developed and in the end I did not understand many subplots and the motives of many characters. Edward Furlong is awful and watching this movie is a waste of time and money. To make it worst, the DVD has problems with the audio after chapter 7. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): Not Available

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I saw this movie online and was so excited cause Edward Furlong was acting and I knew his potential already from all the movies I've seen so far since Terminator II. That made it even worse for me seeing him suffer in this bad directed, written and performed movie. You can read it in his eyes that he couldn't stand the movie. Me too. i think the movie's biggest problems are 1) the scenes are not connected and not motivated by the leading scene 2) storyline is not really structured and misleading 3) camera and light are bad beyond any explanation 4) the shouting, swearing and whining doesn't create any atmosphere 5) Characters are dry and flat - only Furlong seems real/potential because he couldn't lack all his professionalism although it seems he tried to flee from the movie. Must have been torture for him. 6) Music=crap 7) Dialogues are dull and boringI'm so sorry he had to endure this. Eddi, I'm so sorry. You deserve better. SOSORRY; SOSORRY; SOSORRY; SOSORRY... Crying right now... because of Ed. :)I believe he signed the contract and couldn't go back when he realized that this would possibly kill him. But I still believe in Edward and a comeback or at least good parts in other movies. YOU CAN DO IT! If I produce a movie some day I'll get you in there for a big load of money!

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I actually really like Edward Furlong and most of his movies, but to be honest, this one is one of the most awful films I have ever seen.The camera work is so horrid that it makes you wish that you could hold the camera yourself because everybody could do a better job than that. The basic plot was promising but the script completely ruins it by jumping from one stupid mistake into the next (not only in relation to the simplest computer knowledge, but also to basic police investigation techniques and international law). The dialogues are mostly boring (except for when their lack of logic confuses you). The editing is just as bad, putting in scenes that neither make sense nor are of any actual use to the rest of the film.All in all, I deeply regret to have wasted 93 minutes of my life on this dreadful film. If you want Edward Furlong and computers, go and watch Brainscan, because that one, despite how surreal it is, has some actual potential to entertain you.

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29 July 03"Three Blind Mice" leaves the viewer shattered, trying to make the picture come out differently. Edward Furlong and especially Emilia Fox might seem perfunctorily cast at first; by the time the film is halfway to its end they seem to have merged with their characters. Trapped between computers, highjacked television channels, and all all-stops-out reality show combining B & E, sex crimes, mutilation, and murder, their characters are caught up in a plot they keep trying to convince themselves they can control, knowing they have almost no chance. Fox, so quietly convincing in "The Pianist," here seems capable of going in any direction, and for that matter three directions at once, whiplashing the viewer from one perspective to another. The drama is under pressure--no actor dominates any other, there are no McGuffins, no cheats, no teases, just a momentum that builds so cruelly you may want to forget the film when it's over. Chances are you will have to see it again.

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