Thor and the Amazon Women
Thor and the Amazon Women
| 09 August 1963 (USA)
Thor and the Amazon Women Trailers

A race of Amazon warriors is enslaving the men of a country, and the mighty Thor is called upon to help them regain their freedom.



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everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Or should the summary be delightfully dreadful drek?I would recommend this with certain caveats. Seen years ago with the local Sci-Fi group on Bad Movie Night, this sophomoric effort of a jaw dropping galacticly gaping yawn of a YAHM (Yet Another Hercules Movie) was astoundingly amusing due to the rapid fire quips, comments, puns, & imaginative invented subtext. The script/dialog & plot are entirely forgettable which, juxtaposed (w/a nod at T&A) by minimal female costuming along with burgeoning beefcake exposure, results in any attempt at good, much less excellent, acting a forlorn forgone conclusion. The rough low budget charm of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and the wondrously sad editing (police car leaving station at night cutting to completely different police car in rapid transit down road in daylight cutting to original police car arriving at destination at night) and props (wiggling of cardboard "head stone" in graveyard as cape brushes over it) of Plan 9 from Outer Space are entirely missing. Missing also is any value as a stream of consciousness Psych and Sociology Prof Fodder audience endurance test such as Erasurehead. The entirely forgettable character of Uber-Tattoo (de pain, de pain)… er... Uber-Tanto (heap bad medicine, Kimosabi)… er... Ubaratutu has no real redeeming character traits or anything of value to support interest or this movie. Just further evidence of a lack of any talent or skill by the writer(s) of this sad effort totally negating any scope or expanse for an actor to work completely hobbling the characters.Unless in a very open and receptive frame of mind with a view toward enjoying the obvious lack of energy between characters, you will leave the video store upon returning the movie muttering, "What was my motivation?" (which I would imagine the actors would echo once the project was over, they saw the completed product, and they received their paycheck).Further comment would be redundant given previous reviews so would rather recommend viewing this schlock w/a group forewarned and ready for fun. Solo viewing isn't recommended unless in the proper frame of mind (out of body?).

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Having just viewed this god awful movie I cannot go on without a comment. As a long term fan of sword and sandal movies I try to hunt down just about everything from that era, however this is the first time I have had to watch it bit by bit, yes it's so bad it's hilarious. Our hero Thor, a real bad acting performance from British actor Joe Robinson see's him up against Amazonian women who rule the land with an iron fist enslaving men and even having their own female gladiators to kill each other in the arena. From the very start it is quite clear that the writers of this nonsense must have came straight from a school play. Our hero Thor lives in a neat little underground cave with his black "servant", homo erotic overtones by the score when he gives his master an err...massage to sort his bad shoulder you know you are in for some fun, the servant...what ever his name is!, is portrayed as a bungling oaf and with the silly music that accompany's him is all there to see just how degrading it is, I will refrain from going over the plot but you really must see some of these scene's for yourselves, the first one is when Thor is discovered by the Amazon women and the line is "we are here to capture you Thor and take you back" or when his servant is captured by the queen who is luckily for him is also black puts him on a revolving pedestal and tells him to flex his muscles all over his body, she is so smitten by him in an instant he has some sort of African garb on and is to be her husband and king, the ensuing fight between him and Thor who is trying to change his mind on this is utterly hilarious.This movie makes greats like Santa Clause Conquers The Martians and Plan 9 From Outer Space like cinema masterpieces!.

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Only reason I watched this today (on a tape from one of the usual online sources) was that I expected it might be a movie I remembered from my youth. And, by "youth," I mean when I was about 7 or 8. The movie is a pretty standard "strong-man" film, although the man appears in very few scenes. Mostly, it's about a bizarre society of "amazon" women (who, I suspect, have none of them ever been on the same continent as the eponymous river) who enslave other women and force them to participate in gladiatorial combat. The slaves wear delightfully short skirts and lots of facial make-up. I have this creepy feeling that this film may have set my notions of what "sexy" means for the 35 years that have followed my seeing it, as I _still_ think thighs and mascara are pretty neat. But, also, I have always remembered a couple of scenes in particular, especially a climactic tug-of-war between Thor and 100 of the amazons. Perhaps it must be conceded as some indicator of quality that, unseen by me again in all that time, I _still_ remembered this movie. (On the other hand, if I had remembered it better, I'd have saved my money and not bought the tape. Make of those facts what you will.)

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In this unusual sci fi/ancient warriors flick, it is the women who dominate the Kingdom, enslaving the men and any women who disagree with their tyranny. Queen Nera is searching for the man destined to overthrow her if he outshines 101 Amazon warriors in a contest of sheer strength, who turns out to be Thor (Joe Robinson), accompanied by his sidekick, black slave Ubaratutu (Harry Baird). Both are muscle hunks. Lovely Tamar (Susie Anderson), whose father was the rightful ruler of the kingdom but like others was overrun and killed by the queen and her Amazon warriors, is seeking to restore his throne to her adolescent brother.Women who disagree with the queen must fight each other as gladiatrices, while the men join Amazon warriors as guards or are kept dehumanizingly in caves. Tamar and her brother are captured, while Thor and Ubaratutu come to the rescue. The queen has her men as temporary husbands before disposing of them nastily when she is tired of them, and she seduces Ubaratutu after he is captured. We are treated to some amusing muscle displays by Ubarututu before the black queen (she reminds one of Eartha Kitt) preceding the sudden appearance of Thor, who insists to Ubaratutu that he should not trust her. Both are taken prisoner. The queen declares it is women who should rule, but a chief henchwomen confides privately to prisoner Tamar that she agrees with Tamar that rule and force are for men, that they deprive women of their softer side. It is up to Tamar and Thor to save the day.Phew, such a plot could only be in an Italian-made movie! The visuals are excellent, with nice scenic backdrop, and the story does not drag. The acting may not be great, but the actors have only the wooden characters of the genre to put anything into. Despite the title, it is Tamar rather than Thor who is the chief protagonist, and she is a commanding presence throughout. Women don't have to feel cheated by the theme: to each his or her place, but the women become more human again. Fun to watch, not to be taken seriously.

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