The Wedding Video
The Wedding Video
NR | 09 March 2014 (USA)
The Wedding Video Trailers

When the rogueish but loveable Raif is asked to be his brother Tim's best man at his wedding, he decides the best present for the happy newlyweds would be to catch the entire thing on video. He returns home from abroad to find his brother is no longer the bohemian vagabond that he used to be, and is in fact marrying into a very wealthy family, and the wedding they're about to be part of will be the most outlandish and bizarre that Cheshire has ever seen... Thank the lord Raif has caught it all on tape!


I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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The problem with The Wedding Video is that it is just too darn predictable.Oafish Raif (Rufus Hound) is going to be the best man at his uptight brother's Tim (Robert Webb) wedding. His gift to the happy couple is to make his own wedding video which gives the film a point of view look.The bride to be Saskia (Lucy Punch) is a one time wild child, now reformed and a daughter of a higher up Cheshire set. Saskia also went to school with Raif and he has always carried a torch for her.Pretty early on it becomes apparent that Tim and Saskia lack sexual chemistry and that things are not going to go well with the preparation of the wedding. On the other hand Saskia and Raif seem to get on very easily but the trouble is, it is difficult to get behind Raif, who appears to be too self absorbed and easily gets into silly scrapes.The film is only intermittently amusing despite having several eccentric characters such as the highly strung wedding planner.

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I read some of the other reviews posted about this movie, and wanted to add my voice to the mix. I disagree with others that this movie was a train wreck. I watched the movie on a flight from London back to Los Angeles, and enjoyed it very much. In fact, I found myself laughing out load so many times, I was worried the flight attendants or other passengers might think I was a basket case.The concept, I thought, was a good one. The interaction between the groom, his brother and some of their friends was fresh and fun. Rufus Hound was absolutely perfect in the role of the goofy brother, trying to do well by his marrying brother. The movie , also finds Lucy Punch in a role as someone other than the crazy friend/girlfriend/stalker. She proved herself to be more beautiful, funny and a better actress than I had previously thought her to be, and I look forward to seeing her in more substantial roles in the future. But maybe the best part of the movie was the undertone of competition that constantly occurred among the mothers of the brides-to-be.The end was slow, and could have been improved upon, but overall I thought this movie was very fun.

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Having read the 2 reviews on here and seen some of the critics reviews I wasn't expecting a lot from this film. I'm a fan of peep show and Robert Mitchell in general so thought I'd give it a go and was pleasantly surprised! If you take this film for what it is, a light hearted comedy romp, it's actually quite enjoyable. Rufus Hound, who I have never heard of or seen before, was rather irritating to begin with in a Ricky gervais kind of way and I was worried this would ruin the film, but his character really grew on me and I think I was a bit in love with him by the end! The characters are all likable and amusing in their own ways and I'm sure some of them are fairly true to life, particularly the rich society women who are the "friends" of the mother of the bride! I found myself chuckling through a lot of the film and laughed out loud several times and left the cinema with a nice warm glow! It may not be a lasting classic but it's a fun, sweet and enjoyable film and I would give it 7/10

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The idea of combining a Blair Witch type of video to a wedding is rather appealing.The brother is very reminiscent of Simon Pegg at his most infuriating.Whilst this combination is uppermost the film is reasonably funny and has few dull moments.However about two thirds the way through it stops being a video and turns into a rather naff rom com which rather outstays its welcome.Which is a shame as it was entertaining up till then.Unfortunately at this particular moment all humour seems to drain out of the film.It even manages to make 4 Weddings look good if you ignore Amie Mcdowell.Worth a look if you have nothing better to do.

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