The Voice Inside
The Voice Inside
| 20 January 2001 (USA)
The Voice Inside Trailers

While alone on the subway a man discovers that his inner voice can no longer be suppressed with medication. "The Voice", angry at being ignored for all these years, vengefully reeks mental and physical abuse upon the man - the likes of which can only be imagined.


What a waste of my time!!!

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Lack of good storyline.

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Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Colin Burrowes

I was told I had to watch this but that I should wait until I had a high speed internet connection. Got it and watched it. I'm not easily disturbed anymore but this thing did it to me. The most intense movie I've seen in a long time and it's only 13 minutes long so I urge you to give it a try. I dare you to give it a try. Go ahead! Excellent that will disturb all those turds cobwebbed in the back of your head. Like G G Allin in a film by Richard Kern. Must view at least once just to prove you can. This may not have been a life altering experience but then's just a movie. At least I hope it was. Excellent effects for a low budget short. This little movie pushes buttons other filmmakers would be afraid to put their fingers on.

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'The Voice Inside' is disturbing although not as horrific as I had been led to believe. It follows the adventures of a nameless average joe as he is tortured by a 'voice' that torments him endlessly.I liked the concept; somebody tormented by a voice and driven to such lengths that he basically mutilates himself, and as the violence gets more and more horrific, as does the humour, in a Peter Jackson 'Bad Taste' sort of way, but I felt that certain things could have been accentuated to exaggerate and enhance this original concept. Small parts of the film, like some of the slowed down sequences, felt unnecessary and slowed the film down, and I also felt the film could have been pushed even more. I know that seems hard to state, considering the amount of grotesque, self-mutilating behaviour that occurs, but something really over the top would have really brought the shock and the self-deprecating humour out even more... such as after the anal sequence, if the intestines fell out or something equally as ludicrous. Either that, or if the anal scene was longer or contained more gruesome close ups or what have you. I also think that when our hero mutilates his face, it would have been nice had he really gone far and if his face was really quite mashed up... I think that would have enhanced the humorous aspect of the movie, as well as the horror. THat being said, the disgust and horror still emerges.The film, in its very concept, is cartoony, and the self-mutilating bludgeoning was very comical. The film and the credits are low-fi and simply done. The camera-work works for what it is, and there is a nice shot when our hero is riding the hammer and he looks up with a look of absolute terror on his face. It really enhances the absurdity and terror of the moment.For me, the most fascinating quality about the film was the idea that the horror is created by the victim, who is both victim and terrorizer. It's also interesting how a hammer, a typically 'male' tool, is used in the film.. especially since a hammer seems the archetypal heterosexual male instrument. the filmmaker seems to be making a statement about masculinity and it's role in horror films... The film seems to be poking fun at the 'inner voice' that's heard in umpteen horrors and thrillers. I found myself wondering about the character... who is he? where is he coming from? what are the pills? and i wonder if the film would have been stronger had these questions been answered. I cannot say. But I found myself wondering what led him to self mutilation and sodomy and wonder if it would have added an extra layer to the film, had we seen the transformation. Otherwise, it's horrific and disturbing, but inexplicable.It's not perfect, and could have been tighter and elements could have been enhanced to bring out the horror and comedy even moreso, but that being said, the film was well done, well edited and manages to shock. The puking and writhing scene at the toilet is classic.

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This extremely impressive short movie is one of the darkest and disturbing shorts i've seen in a long time.Shot in wonderfully crisp black and white, it tells the story of a young man and the voice inside his head, which torments him and refuses to be repressed with medication. And when our protagonist speaks up against the voice and talks back to it...well, the voice isn't too say the least, and goes about teaching him a lesson in a sort of extremely cruel and sadistic "respect your elders" kinda way hehe. What follows is really quite shocking, but also darkly comic (like blacker than black dark)Certainly worth watching if you're a fan of extreme cinema, and especially if you're a fan of films like Eraserhead and Tetsuo: The Iron Man, as the dark subject matter and black and white cinematography tend to remind you of them. (The reason i saw it in the first place is because I'm a big Tetsuo fan, and heard that this film had been compared to it in the past)Enjoy....

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Biff Juggenaut's 'the voice inside' is a well made piece of film with an incredible cast assemble of one! Yes, they manage to pull off such a great story with only one cast member. It shows our long suffering character listening to the voice inside his head. It soon leads to him mutilating himself in very nasty ways. Put it like this, male viewers will cringe and are likely to cover their eyes whilst some women will be cheering him on. The humour is jet black and done in bad taste, but in the good way. The whole concept of the story seems very simple yet it is very effective how the film-makers have pulled it off. I look forward to seeing more from these guys.

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