The Valley of Tears
The Valley of Tears
| 17 November 2006 (USA)
The Valley of Tears Trailers

A man is trapped in a place between worlds, where his actions are meaningless.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Jack Cotral

This movie makes sense, if you are intelligent enough to think about life and death. If your favorite movies are actions and horrors, don't rent it, because it won't satisfy you. You have to give time to this movie and I honestly understood it only days after I watched it, but then I got it all. I don't think young kids would get this movie and since I'm being one I just get it because I always watch movies that tell different versions about the unknown. The only reason I gave 9 to this film, because it was not perfect, it was not perfect, because it was missing the money that these stories would deserve, but it became an independent low-budget film. If this material had a studio behind and stars attached, it would've been a great success. Maybe a remake, one day! I hate when good projects get no recognition, just because it had no name in it, but at least it managed to reach people like us.

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Layla Rodnick

I was so disappointed in the movies you can find in blockbuster, because every other film is a low-budget junk, so I challenged myself with Netflix, and they offer a lot more movies that I thought they had. The Valley of Tears was the third I rented; I watched it with my husband, because the premise was very exciting. Few days earlier we just lost one of our friends in a car accident, so we didn't want to watch comedies, actions or horror, but something that would make us feel better after loosing a friend. The film offered something that I never seen in movies, which is: it offered lots of thoughts without actually telling you the whole story. This film gave us a lots of sense of how to manage and accept death. We loved the fact that the director, Peter Engert didn't trick you with a twisted, weird end, but respectfully let you be part of the film and you could finish it on your own, if you are connected to the material. We did and we loved it!

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John Preis

I see a lot of movies that you can watch with one eye closed and you still don't have any trouble following what's going on. If I know where a movie is going right from the start, I can't watch it. I get bored too easy because the filmmakers didn't really make any effort to challenge me. Now, to be fair, most movies aren't smart enough to challenge the audience. They are content to give the people what they think we want, and no further than that. They don't have any respect for the intelligence of the viewer.Not so with "The Valley of Tears." Here's a movie that sets up a bunch of stuff, and don't even bother to answer all the questions it proposes. Why? Because, it doesn't need to. We, as an audience, are left to figure things out for ourselves, or not to. It's our choice.

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I shouldn't have wasted my time with this bad movie. Also , the story is not attractive although it is new , however , the way the director and the author ( they are same person ) failed to express the new ideas and make a good link between the flow of the scenes in a good way , beside there were a lot of time without any use ( i mean , the movie could have taken less time than 90 minutes !!!!!!! ) . the director fails to express his target from the movie , also it is strange from him to include a (very new character ) at the very end of the movie . He ( i mean the cop ) should have chosen not to fight the thief at the end otherwise he would die , but on the contrary as if the director wanted to say ( MY HERO IS STUPID , HE WOULD CHOOSE TO FIGHT AND DIE ) . anyway , nice try to this beginner director and author , and try to be better next time :D .........

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