The Survivor
The Survivor
| 06 June 2008 (USA)
The Survivor Trailers

After WWII Comisarul Moldovan spent years as a political prisoner of the communist regime. The favorite entertainment of the Russian Colonel in charge of the prison was to have the inmates play Russian Roulette. Only his unbelievable luck and survivor spirit helped Moldovan live through his detention. Out of the prison the ex-policeman joins an international Russian Roulette illegal gaming circuit. In late 70's faith brings him to a Central European town where Goldberg, an old acquaintance of his is organizing an "improved" version of the game where two opponents are shooting each other. Step by step Moldovan meets lots of familiar faces, both friends and enemies. It looks like the whole Bucharest's underworld from the 40's chose to meet here.


Truly Dreadful Film

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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second part of Ringul. final parts of Moldovan/Miclovan series. or only the isolation of Sergiu Nicolaescu in his personal universe. it is easy to define it as a bad movie. many scenes are ridiculous, the acting is not exactly decent, the dialogues - fake and the script seems missing. different events in an exotic kilt of clichés. and only explanation is the desire of director to end his work , out of political pressure, in his manner, ignoring the public or critics. a kind of revenge. or only similarities with Ludwig II of Bavaria. not the eccentricity is the problem but the absence of a coherent story. Russian roulette and Zaraza. Moldovan and entire his universe in an Utopian Bucarest . Comunist jail and the past as clay for a kind of success. the fury to say all without create a message. result - a sad film . because it has not identity. only status of jokes of an old stand up performer from different period, front to an indifferent public.

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This movie is the perfect example that you have to know when to stop and when to retire. Sergiu Nicolaescu should have stopped before this movie! The reason I gave 2 stars instead of 1, is simply for old times' sake, in memory of some good actors that appear in this movie, and in the memory of their good days. Personally, I found every actor's interpretation disappointing and very childish, not to say almost unprofessional. According to Sergiu Nicolaescu the movie was made in about 30 something days! No surprise! Even Jean Constantin (as Limba), is not what he once was, he barely plays his role and he clearly lost his zest. Very depressing to see that. George Mihaita's interpretation is absolutely ridiculous and so fake is almost hard to watch! Sergiu Nicolaescu is trying unsuccessfully to revive Moldovan's memory, but there is nothing in there. The dialogue of the whole movie is ridiculous, painful to watch, with empty words. I like more that others Vladimir Gaitan's interpretation, but in the whole context, it was not that hard to be above everybody in this movie. Ileana Lazariuc was exactly what she is and did what she can do: a simple parade of a body and show some breasts. She played very fake her role, with no talent at all! These girls should REALLY know when not to appear on screen! Talent cannot be substituted by a body, even naked for few seconds! How low is that! Just showing a relatively nice face and/or body, cannot replace the complete lack of talent! When will they ever get that concept?! Loredana Groza's presence in this movie was not only useless and not needed, but it became very annoying after very short time! Endless minutes after minutes of singing that just tried to fill the movie, besides the fact that her interpretation of the songs was pretty bad. You could easily sense that she tried to be or to incarnate a "diva", but it had that air of a bar singer nicely dressed at a corner street joint. Very very painful to watch. Not to mention the almost laughable "luck" of the Commissar Moldovan! I mean come on! Give some sense of reality to the movie! How real is that someone plays reverse Russian roulette until shooting with 5 bullets out of six and not get killed! I had to fast forward so many times in this movie, just to skip the boredom in between very few interesting scenes. I always appreciated Sergiu Nicolaescu's movies in the past, in particular the historic ones, which are excellent, but if you didn't see this movie yet and you have some respect for Nicolaescu, do not watch it! Keep in your memory the director and actor you knew and you loved before, don't ruin his image with this movie. It is so sad to see all these big names of the screen going down the drain with such a poorly made movie, from every point of view: interpretation, direction, scenario, action etc. Too bad...

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Mihnea the Pitbull

Poor Sergiu created again a faulty toy, meant to be a sort of mechanic "action man", and turning out as a skinny teddy-bear that makes "meouw" instead of "grrr". :)) It's really sad to see this tired warming-up of the old "commissioner Moldovan" movies, which had been more or less acceptable ("Un comisar acuzä" - good enough; "Revansa" - mediocre: "Duelul" - acceptably bad). "Supravietuitorul" has an inept, illogical and nonsensical script, an extremely awkward and amateurish directing, and it's disastrously played - further, it insists to use some non-entities as Ileana Lazariuc (AND to show her shaved pubis, although in A.D. 1940 this fashion was still some distant dream of the future) and Loredana Groza (who uselessly makes oral noise to no end, in a so-called "musical scene"), only in an attempt to attract audiences - which it really does, unfortunately, since Romania still holds a sizable proportion of troglodyte spectators willing to throw their money out for such aberrations.Peter Falc, poor him, as the young commissioner, arrives only to make a fool of himself. He doesn't look alike with young Sergiu, but old Sergiu thinks he does, so he dubs him with his 78 years old voice, neglecting to synchronize his speech with the young Czech actor's lips movement - and the result is delirious.One should also add the intolerably messy way to shoot on location (the famous Majestic square in downtown Bucharest trying to pass for western place - get a life!), the hallucinant host of anachronisms, the unwilling funny effects of so many scenes purporting to be "dramatic"...! My favorite blunder was the episode when young Moldovan chases after a bad guy, DELIBERATELY SHOOTING ALL HIS BULLETS IN THE AIR, and in the end he points the gun to the bastard, hears the unavoidable "click!", and remarks: "You were lucky, this time!" (I mean, there is dumb and dumb, but this beats them all!)

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First of all, I'd like to say it's impossible to affirm this is an awful movie, but, as nothing is actually impossible in this world, the ones that know nothing about movies, Sergiu Nicolaescu's perspective and his movie-thinking, would say it.Indeed, the movie starts quite bad, but whoever doesn't get bored or nostalgic because of the connections between his old crime mob movies and this one, especially some psychological links between the movies and Nicolaescu (there are some symbols of all kind that repeat in both 1970 creations and this one, which clearly show they represent the famous director's pride and love), would eventually see the movie turns out to be quite great.Without any doubt, the most talented actors playing in this movie were Ion Ritiu, Sergiu Nicolaescu and Jean Constantin. Ritiu impressed me to the core, he's making this a 9/10 movie, from the initially 7 I was thinking of.The soft warm colors, the great 40's atmosphere and attention to detail are also great pieces of this movie.I didn't like the following (things that could have been done better, or way better): firstly, the 40's cocktail scene, where Petr Falc didn't give his best (he was quite terrible, actually); secondly, the Gold&Black Scene: the arrangements and details didn't fit the atmosphere; I certainly didn't like the *most* actors' English, it was awful, especially Goldberg's, and his general image which didn't fit the movie; the fonts used at the beginning of the movie (the credits) could have been different to inspire the modernism of now-a-days movies (maybe Trebuchet MS?).My favorite moment: Jean Constantin swearing in the cemetery, using an old saying, present in all Moldovan movies - it's truly moving for all Nicolaescu's fans.9/10

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