The Stay Awake
The Stay Awake
R | 17 April 1987 (USA)
The Stay Awake Trailers

The ghost of a serial killer, executed for murdering students at a Catholic girls' school, returns to the school to take revenge on the current student body.


Tied for the best movie I have ever seen

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A bit overrated, but still an amazing film

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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An executed serial killer returns from the dead to continue his murder spree as an indestructible spiritual entity. Hmm, where have we seen that highly imaginative concept before? Oh yeah, I remember now, in about a dozen of other contemporary horror movies like "Shocker", "The Chair", "Prison" and "House 3". All these movies may be slightly more famous, but "The Stay Awake" got released a little bit sooner so I can't really claim it's a rip-off or something. What I can righteously claim, however, is that this is a dull and utterly senseless turkey that deserves to be unknown and remain that way. The killer, John Brown, died in an American gas chamber in 1967 but inexplicably returns in 1987 and takes possession of a European girls' school during a night when a teacher organizes a stay-awake (some kind of charity pajamas-party in the gym) with eight of her students. That sick bastard chose his time and location to reincarnate suspiciously well, it seems… Early in the film there's a scene where the girls play a prank on their teacher and all pretend to be dead. I wish that were true and the film would then be over and done with, specifically since only sheer boredom, ineptitude and horrible acting performances ensue further after that. The presence of the supernatural killer is indicated through unsteady camera movements and cheesy wannabe ominous music, but nothing really interesting happens for a very, very long time. In fact, this might easily be the tamest and most frustratingly uneventful of ALL 80's slashers. The obligatory group shower sequence doesn't show any of the good stuff and the whole damn thing is virtually gore-free. Seriously, how is it possible that, by the year 1987, filmmakers still hadn't figured out that making a stalk & slash movie without gore and/or nudity is completely pointless? Nobody likes movies with invisible killers and it's even more irritating when the culprit eventually turns out to be a tacky demon-like monster with flashy red eyeballs and laughable horns. What the hell were they thinking?!?

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Nauseatingly awful film that begins with a serial girl killer being executed in 1969 somewhere in America. As he is being primed for the gas chamber, he rants over and over again that he is the prince of darkness and cannot die. The film then forwards to 19 years later somewhere in Europe at an all girl's school. From here we see a bunch of pretty yet untalented girls and their teacher do aerobics, watch a movie and eat potato crisps, smoke cigarettes, and play scary games on each other. All the while the spirit of the killer seen in the exposition piece comes to this place 19 years later and for some weird, inexplicable reason to Europe of all places. This movie sucks bad and in a big way. Why does this spirit come here and 19 years later? Why is he back as a real cheap looking demon costume - like he just lost the lead for a baby Godzilla commercial or something? And perhaps my biggest question: how do you make money holding a stay awake? Anyway, you can guess....well, not really but you get the general idea, what happens. People die and there is a fight of the teacher(wearing a crucifix) against the rubber menace. In one scene, knowing she is only being protected by the crucifix, she lays it on a table. Why would she do that? Nothing later shows it to be a good move. Ultimately, The Stay Awake is a very tiring, boring movie with almost no merit at all. Nothing exciting happens. The script is riddled with question marks and bad scenes. The direction is trite. The acting very poor. The setting of the school is impressive at the very...and I mean very...least. All the girls are quite fetching, but you don't get to see anything so the movie doesn't deliver at any level. there is absolutely no way I can believe this had any theatrical release of any kind. It must be one of those direct-to-video movies so popular in the 1980s.

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Excuated killer comes back from beyond the grave to murder off the student body at an all girl's Catholic school, which also happened to be the scene of the crimes he committed back when he was alive. Really terrible film with some of the worst special effects to ever grace a screen. Too slow moving and dull to boot! Aburpt ending also.Rated R; Violence, Nudity, and Profanity.

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I hated this was boring, pointless, and stupid. There is no gore, no nudity, nothing fun...just lots of pointless footage of this messed up "demon killer" or something roaming the halls of a girls school in Europe. The girls are a bunch of annoying chicks with big hair and badly dubbed voices. One of them even sounds like she's a she-male her voice sounds so manly. I hated sitting through this film! Yuck! Do not even waste your money on it. I found it for like two dollars at an old flea market up in Northern Michigan. Good thing I didn't spend for than that. Yes, folks, it is that bad!! Avoid this piece of lard at all costs!

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