The Soviet Story
The Soviet Story
| 05 May 2008 (USA)
The Soviet Story Trailers

“The Soviet Story” is a story of an Allied power, which helped the Nazis to fight Jews and which slaughtered its own people on an industrial scale. Assisted by the West, this power triumphed on May 9th, 1945. Its crimes were made taboo, and the complete story of Europe’s most murderous regime has never been told. Until now...


To me, this movie is perfection.

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just watch it!

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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So ej- 43 likes to think that the communist workers states of the glorious USSR and China killed 100 million people when this is nothing but a US and UK as well as Nazi disinformation campaign to discredit the power of the workers over the rich.Now.One million people over the usual 2.5 % average death rate died in Ukraine during a famine in 1933,this was also exacerbated by rich kulaks murdering over half draft animals and attacking and destroying collective farms,murdering the workers and setting fire to stores and fields of crops.These were the same rich kulaks who murdered thousands of Soviet tax collectors in the 1920's.William Hearst US media magnate and good friend of Hitler followed the Nazi lie that there was Soviet policy to starve people when the Soviets were doing everything they could to feed the people.R.Conquest the writer of "Harvest of sorrow " is the British liar who spread stories about their being 3- 5 million dead in UA in 33. He got this (like all the rest of his lies) from methodology that is proved to be ridiculous, he even increased the number to 12 -15 million when Reagan recruited him.He makes figures up out of thin air to make communism look bad,he also worked as an anti-communist liar before this in a British secret service organization who were an anti-communist unit spreading lies about the uSSR for the UK,until the unit were rumbled by the Guardian newspaper in 1978. As for the gulags Conquest did the same just like that other crackpot fantasist and anti-commie Solzhenitsyn who stated 60 million died in the gulags!! People die in prisons but there is only evidence of 150,000 approx !Totaling over 33 years ! Now lets face the biggest amount of deaths which occurred in China during Mao's idiotic great leap forward the Chinese government have admitted that perhaps up to 20 million died from that famine in China.Now considering the UK allowed between 17.5 -25 million Indians to starve to death in 3 separate famines at the end of the 19th century as well as 3 million indians in 1943. What does ej-43 have to say about this ? Or capitalisms 2 world wars that murdered 100 million ? Not to mention the many more tens of millions murdered by capitalist European colonialism. What of the US genocide of 5 -12 million native American Indians and the 50 countries the US has committed genocide,invasion,bombings or regime change in since 1945 ? Capitalist is dripping in blood from start to finish,capitalism is perpetual war, communism is for the masses and for peace.

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The horror was inexcusable but there is no mention of our own benefit from this horror. All the World, or at least the elites controlling all nations, were opposing the Soviets. Thirteen nations invaded to help the White Russians put down the Communist revolt. From the beginning Stalin knew well that Germany wanted a resource rich empire and that the Colonial powers had always thwarted any effort to compete with them in Africa and Asia, so they needed to go east. Stalin also had the Japanese threatening on his eastern border where they had been fighting since the Battle of Tsushima. He was desperate to industrialize and build a modern army but the rest of the World wouldn't help a communist country and refused all trade. It was only through confiscating the grain for sale on the international market that he managed to buy enough modern tools to start industry. Thinking the Japanese the lesser threat he built much of that industry in the East. In May of 1939 he attacked the Japanese and defeated them in what was the largest tank battle up to that time. Having started from a feudal society this was an amazing accomplishment. Without this attack by Stalin, well ahead of war in Europe, the army would have won the argument in Japan and joined Germany and Italy in attacking Russia from all sides. Instead the Navy won the argument and the Japanese went south. In August he signed the pact with Germany stalling off their attack and pushing his western boundary west to the centre of Poland. He may also have sent some resources to Germany, as depicted, again to stave off the attack he clearly knew was inevitable. Once Germany attacked the Russians fought back as best they could. They were the proletariat with no hundred year old military colleges so their command and control was the worst possible against German officers with a hundred year tradition behind them. They built more tanks and more planes in every month of the war than did the Germans but the planes especially were no match for the Messhersmits. It was a victory if a Russian plane could kill one German tank before it was shot down. In the largest tank battle ever fought at Kursk 100,000 Germans were killed or wounded vs. 850,000 Russians. They fought poorly, but if they hadn't been tying up the bulk of the German army, Britain would certainly have fallen and the Third Reich would be with us still. I repeat we are the major beneficiaries of Stalin's stealing of the grain, the nerve to attack the Japanese and the resolve to sacrifice any number of his 'comrades' fighting the Germans.

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From the disturbed mind of Latvian director Edvins Snore comes an evil masterpiece titled The Soviet Story. It's so bad that it has to be seen to be believed. It's filled with lies, lies and more lies. The poster alone should tell you that it's purely propaganda; the statue of the worker and the peasant on top of a pile of human corpses. The film includes a creepy narration, huge red titles, and constant footage of corpses. The Soviet Story won't be taken seriously by viewers in the future. The best Western documentary about the Second World War is titled The World At War (1973). The World At War has faults, and one can say that it's also anti-Russian. But at least it tries to provide a somewhat objective look at what happened during that war. Adolf Hitler was broken in Russia, and the Soviet Union suffered 19 million civilian deaths. This sort of information surely isn't mentioned in The Soviet Story. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union did have a non-aggression pact due to convenience, but Joseph Stalin approved it only because he wanted Russia to stay out of the war at that time. Stalin knew what the British and the French were plotting, and he had good reasons to distrust the imperialists. In addition to this Stalin's critics exaggerate the number of victims of his regime to numbers beyond belief. This tells me one thing; they don't care about the dead. The several million deaths resulting from state policies are attributed to political repression and rapid industrialization. The Soviet Union lasted until 1991, and what's shown in this inaccurate horror flick supposedly happened before 1950. I wonder what results Snore would have had if he instead channeled his criticism towards Nazism and Fascism, European imperialists, or the slavery and landgrabs of the Americans. There's also the matter of Western financiers and monopolists against whom Stalin had to fight. I'm not going to go into this matter, but I will mention that they brought Hitler to power and they seriously opposed the Soviet Union ever since Stalin abandoned the project of world revolution.Reliable critics and historians already heavily criticized The Soviet Story. One of Snore's tactics is using footage of the dead and claiming that these were the victims of Communism. Can someone sink any lower? The supposed dead from the famine of 1932 here are in fact Russian and German dead from World War I. How do I know this? It's because I've seen the same footage in the acclaimed 1964 documentary series The Great War. But this doesn't bother a man like Snore. He just throws anything that he can find into the blender and hopes for an effective result. So what you get is pictures taken at Nazi concentration camps presented as pictures taken at Soviet labour camps. It's really disturbing how much false footage is used in this film. He claims that his countrymen were brutally oppressed by the Russians. Well, there was some oppression during the Stalin period, but it certainly wasn't like what Snore imagines. Snore somehow didn't mention that his countrymen joined the Wehrmacht and the SS during the war, and then hunted down and killed thousands of Jews and Socialists. Some even participated in the slaughter of civilians in Russia. At the end of the film Snore takes a stab at the second president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. Now we get to see why this film was actually released. It was released by a Russophobe to spread anti-Russian sentiment. The dissolution of the Soviet Union took place 20 years ago, and life got worse in the countries which were part of it. The Soviet government is no more, but history continues. Russia was hit hard by the economic problems caused by Capitalism and the West. But countries like Latvia fared little better. Populations in former Soviet republics have been decreasing ever since. The current Western-backed regimes of the Baltic states want to hide what really happened and instead blame and lie about Russia. Deranged people like Edvins Snore are going to praise this awful film. These poor souls need emotional healing. Those who want reliable information should find something else, preferably a good history book.

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Trevor Johnes

For his in-depth survey of Soviet crimes against humanity, including Soviet cooperation with the Third Reich, Latvian director Edvins Snore was burned in effigy by Neo-Soviet Russians. It is an ominous badge of honor.Soviet Story acts as an effective corrective to the popular notion that the Communist experiment only turned horrific when Stalin ascended to power. The film documents orders mandating mass executions, estimated in the tens of millions, originating with the father of the revolution, Lenin. Still, it is devilishly difficult to outdo Stalin's sheer capacity for terror. For instance, the deliberate use of famine to pacify Ukraine is explained here in chilling detail. In a crime against humanity largely ignored by the West, seven million Ukrainians were intentionally starved in the cordoned Republic, as foodstuffs were confiscated at gunpoint by the Red Army.The heart of Soviet Story explores the close ideological similarities and barbaric collusion between the Soviet Socialists of Stalin and the National Socialists of Hitler. There is an eerie sequence juxtaposing thematically similar propaganda posters from both regimes, side-by-side on-screen. Even more damning are the documents Snore uncovers establishing close links between the SS and the Soviet NKVD (the precursor to the KGB), discussing among other issues, the "Jewish Question." They did not just talk—they carved up Poland between themselves, and at Stalin's prompting, staked their claims to the rest of Europe.Soviet Story is most devastating when discussing the ways in which the more advanced Soviet killing machine served as the inspiration and model for the Holocaust. According former Soviet intelligence officer Viktor Suvorov: "A delegation of German Gestapo and SS came to the Soviet Union to learn how to build concentration camps." Snore has produced a chilling indictment of the Soviet experience with socialism. He calls some very convincing witnesses, including Bukovsky, and the eloquent Cambridge historians Norman Davies and George Watson. As evidence, he produces some shocking archival film and documents. However, as the film makes clear, none of those who did (and still do) the Soviet dirty work has ever faced justice for their crimes. All told, Snore has produced a passionate but thoroughly reasoned case against the Soviet regime.

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