The Shadow Walkers
The Shadow Walkers
R | 07 September 2006 (USA)
The Shadow Walkers Trailers

Shadow Walkers is a highly suspenseful story of a group of lab technicians and military personnel who awaken in a subterranean laboratory with no memory of who they are. They quickly discover that they are sealed in, with only one way to get out alive. They must travel deeper into the underground facility to an escape tunnel that leads to the surface. Hindered by the fact there is only limited electrical power, they struggle through the darkness where they uncover a hive of genetically mutated creatures that stalk them from the shadows. Bred for combat, these monsters are endowed with razor sharp talons and rows of jagged teeth capable of ripping a man apart. While avoiding danger at every turn, they begin to regain their memories, discovering the origin of the deadly creatures and the part they played in their creation.



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A Disappointing Continuation

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Shoreline entertainment, a company that regularly produces creature features yet can't get a commission from Syfy after yet, despite even The Asylum being commissioned to produce Syfy creature features, brings us another creature feature of roughly the quality implied by the description I just gave.They've produced films like "Parasite" and "Stinger", they're distributed nonsense like "Blood Predator" and "Pray for Morning". Now there's this.People find themselves in an underground building, without memories of how they got there and with super soldier rejects chasing after them; super soldiers that are afraid of light sometimes.From there, well, its another alien clone type movie except for being much less competent than most. Considering how many Alien clones there actually are that's not exactly a good thing. But as an example, an older man is hanging by a rope. Other people try pulling him up and if you blink you'll miss when they drop the rope. Presumably the hanging man fell then since that character might not be mentioned again. If he was, well, see previous comment about his initial "fall".But when a movie starts off with armed men staring blankly at masked invaders who promptly shoot them, well, you should know what you're about to watch isn't too likely to be great. Or tolerable.

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Paul Andrews

The Shadow Walkers starts as a small number of scientists & security personal wake up in the depths of the Medicorp Genetic Containment Facility, at first they have no idea who they are or what they doing there except Dr. Clay (Clay Adams) who seems to have all the answers. The assorted group of Medicorp employees quickly realise that they are not alone as the genetic mutant creatures created by them for the US military are on the loose & hungry for blood. They need to stick together to find a way out before they are either killed or turned into genetic monsters themselves...Directed by Mark Steven Grove this is yet another horrible, poorly made shot on a camcorder & edited on a PC zero budget horror film that is quite literally painful to sit through. The script by Dave Hodel takes basic concepts & ideas from Aliens (1986) & adds a whole lot of Resident Evil (2002) & throws a little bit of Night of the Living Dead (1968) into the mix as well. The whole film is a very predictable & by-the-numbers genetic monsters hunt & kill small group of humans in isolated location for no particular reason other than they are 'monsters' type scenario. The character's are awful, are we supposed to believe that a bunch of teenagers were in fact hired by the US Government as genetic experts to create super soldiers? I'm sorry but since when did you see a 19 year old genetic scientist? I would have though genetic scientists, doctors & experts would have been at least out of their teens. When's the last time you saw a fully qualified doctor who was in their teens? It's a very complicated job which requires years of training & experience. If three 19 year old kids came to you & claimed they were highly qualified & experienced genetic scientists would you believe them? Then there's the awful story, it is never explained why the group wake up with no memory of who they are, how Clay survives an attack & doesn't turn into a monster like everyone else, if the US military wanted to keep everything underground in the Genetic Containment Facility why was the hatch to the outside left unlocked so anyone or anything could just freely walk out & there are various annoying flashbacks too. At almost 100 minutes it goes on for too long, it's boring, it's predictable & the majority of the film is nothing more than teenagers running around very dark corridors.Director Grove doesn't do anything to make The Shadow Walkers any more bearable, every so often the film goes from horror to karate as whenever a genetic monster attacks it usually ends up having a martial arts fight with one of the human cast members. There's no scares & no atmosphere, maybe the makers felt that simply by shooting the film in really dark locations so you can't hardly see anything would create a atmosphere. It doesn't, it just annoys. The gore is minimal, there's some fake blood splatter, someone has his arm ripped off, a monster is impaled on a pipe & very little else. The special effects are far from impressive either, the monster mask make-up effects are poor & cheap looking.Technically the film is poor & looks every bit as cheap as it was. The locations look like car parks & maintenance tunnels, they are very repetitive & dull looking as well as being very poorly lit & shot. The acting is poor from no-one you have ever heard of.The Shadow Walkers is a rubbish predictable low budget horror with a terrible story that doesn't make much sense & has plenty of holes in it, it has really dark photography so you can barely see what's happening half the time & it has an unforgivable lack of decent horror or gore. I really can't see anyone paying good money for The Shadow Walkers & actually enjoying it.

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I just created my IMDb profile just to comment this movie At first when I saw the cover of the DVD box, it looked like an interesting Resident Evil type movie (I like those movies even if we are invaded by those these days), so I bought it. Yep 10$ I'll never see again. When I watched the movie for the first time on my PC, I thought they had put the wrong movie on the DVD. I have one random question, why is there a picture of a girl on the cover? Anyways, I just couldn't believe it.At first, as the movie starts, all meanings of "acting" disappears. It's hard to become absorbed in a movie where the characters are acting just like if they were playing in "Scary Movie". The main character, who's supposed to be an army men or something, doesn't know how to hold a shotgun coreclty and has a very mind buzzing/confusing way of fighting. Maybe I'm too used to seeing movies like "The Matrix" or Jet Lee movies, but I think there's a limit.The visual effects and the editing are poor. I was sure it was a 90's horror movie inspired who's director's vision was highly inspired by Power Rangers, but then I saw on IMDb that it was a 2006 release. I was speechless. Come on, replay 5 times the same stunt in 60 diff angles with 15fps poor slow motion effects and fades is bad. I am sure the movie was filmed with a 200$ digital camera with a 5$ computer microphone and edited with Windows Movie Maker. No, I'm sorry, WMM can't make green screen effects, which were unaceptable for a 2006 production.The music makes no sense with the actions that are presented. What's the deal with the terrific metal band that plays the music for the "action" scenes... The first song kinda sounded OK.The sound effects are so cheesy. Some sounds were obviously directly taken from games and/or taken from a very common sound database. I'm sure I've heard some Starcraft sounds in there. The creatures' voice changing is hilarious.The costumes and the make-up is laughable. The army related costumes are the best. Like I have these clothes at home in a closet we never open. The make-up is soooo outdated. They used the same type of make-up in the 1922 movie "Nosferatu" without the green. Personnaly, I wouldn't be so scared of weird green face monsters with plastic teeth.The setting is (im running out of vocabulary). They managed to film almost the entire movie in a subterranean parking. I think this is pretty impressive, but sad.If you want to rent a scary movie, stay as far as you can from this movie. If you want to rent a funny movie, jump on this one, its the best because it wasn't meant to be funny. If you want, you can actually make copies this film and sell them legally, because the government knows you won't make a penny out of it.

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Awful simply awful! I watched the trailer and the effects were so 2nd rate where the cover looks intriguing and the plot described A group of scientists and soldiers wake up in an underground lab to discover their memories are gone and they're surrounded by vicious monsters. Designed to kill, these human-like creatures boast deadly teeth and talons. The group's memories begin to return, and they learn they may not be so innocent after all. The Shadow Walkers revolves around a group of people who wake up inside subterranean laboratory with no memory of who they are or why they've been put there. It all comes back to them shortly. They are in fact scientists who were working on a project to create the ultimate weapon - steroid mutant killers (hahaha, yeah, they are indeed running out of things to call new breeds of zombie-like creatures), and they've been trapped inside the building together with these creatures. Now they have to fight for survival as these mutants crave human flesh for some unexplained reason they also have a very high sex-drive which is shown to give us some T&A, well T at least. If you're a ravenous devourer of all things horror-related, you might find just enough in this goofy B-movie to warrant a viewing. This movie is definitely a BIG waste of time and lets face it we're only given so many years to live.. do yourselves a favor and look for something more intelligent, I think the director must have been on drugs when he was directing and who ever they used to do the make up and special effects are obviously school drop outs.. hmm maybe they are working for the dole??Seriously DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY!!

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