The Robinsons: Lost in Space
The Robinsons: Lost in Space
NR | 01 January 2004 (USA)
The Robinsons: Lost in Space Trailers

In the year 2082, the Earth was invaded by aliens after it was long determine that existence of extra terrestrials was long thought to be science fiction. Major cities crumbled from the destruction of the beings from beyond the stars. The invasion came to a halt when Earth's own armed forces led by Col. John Robinson fought off the invaders and thus Earth won the battle which came to be known as "Robinson's Raid". 15 years have passed by and John Robinson attends a ceremony for his retirement from his services in defending the Earth from alien threat. This disfunctional family is one of the fewest families chosen to be part of the space program that is heading for a planet called Nova which will become occupied with a new farming colony.


A Brilliant Conflict

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Cissy Évelyne

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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Joseph Godfrey

I ran across this pilot maybe 10 years too late, but I'm here to say how happy I am that Warner Brothers did not pick this garbage up. And by "garbage", I mean the kind you see on the side of a highway; Trash so bad that it goes ignored without ANY attempt to pick it up.The first thing I disliked was the older brother David. I thought to myself how does Will get to be that lonely kid I identified with from the original series? If Will has always had an older brother then it misses the dynamics of what molds a young child's imagination ... A loneliness that allows such a child to live in their own heads or find surrogate friends through robots. David was completely unnecessary and it became more evident when he was left behind surrounded by aliens. David was just a future plot device.Judy & Penny ... They immediately focused on Judy and I was a little thankful for this. The original series Judy was a background character for Don West to play with. Here she was granted a larger role, but she was still just the love interest. The Judy & Don relationship I remember was built up over time rather than the late-night fling these two began with. I actually preferred Heather Graham's Judy from the 1998 movie; She was a central character not thrown into the cliché "girl meets boy" BS of Hollywood.Penny was reduced to an infant ... maybe to make Maureen Robinson appear more motherly. It irritated me to no end. Penny was my first television crush. She also had the plain tomboyish look that allowed young girls to identify with ... frak knows there's no way to identify with her Barbie doll older sister played by (boob distraction) Adrianne Palicki.Will was the main focus of the original series. Here (much like Jayne Brook's Maureen Robinson with baby Penny) he's a background staple to make Brad Johnson's John Robinson look like a father. Sure Johnson reminded me a great deal of Guy Williams, the original John Robinson. I found myself enjoying him because of that. But the dynamic of father & son are left to one moment of a baseball glove being handed down to a boy that doesn't even know what a baseball glove is. This John Robinson at least tried to be there for his son, the original John Robinson constantly overlooked Will adding to the loneliness of the character.There wasn't really any character here to identify with.Don West. Why bother talking about this guy? I won't even waste your time. He was that dull.John & Maureen Robinson? Nope not interesting enough to discuss. Although perhaps to look at the star of the show which was John Robinson. Why make him the focal point? He became an action hero because that's basically all John Woo can do. The original father of the family was a professor. Here he was updated as some retired Marine or some crap apparently to justify the lame slow-mo action scenes.I suspect Woo grew up with a house full of action heroes that he acted out fight scenes with with no more dialog than "booosh" and "guhhhh". Sure in the original series both John & Don handled the fight sequences ... but Lost In Space was always about the science-fiction NOT some choreographed drop kicking shoot 'em up. It's a Swiss Family Robinson revision that happens in outer-space. The fight/action scenes here were used as FILLER, designed to stretch the story to complete an hour long time period. It made no sense.THE ROBOT. Anytime anyone remembers 'Lost In Space' ... whether it's the old television series or the failed 1998 film ... the biggest attraction has always been the damn ROBOT. What do we get in it's place? A legless C3PO reject. Seriously WTF? Go to the Lost In Space Wikia and see the image of it. Try not to laugh, I dare you ...The face is a bent piece of metal with two holes drilled in it for eyes. It was a metal Muppet. A bad joke. Especially considering they blew 2 million on this pilot. 2 freaking mill and we get a glowing 3D Operation™ game Dr Zachary Smith was not in this pilot. Not sure why. But on the single interesting note that could have worked here - that someone evidently overlooked ... While the protagonists were generic alien rubber suits rather than a terrorist doctor ... it left an opportunity for the Dr. Smith role to actually be an alien. Would have been the only interesting thing about this series if they had seen fit to use such a twist.All in all, I would hope that any future endeavor teaches the idiot executives hired in family that THIS IS NOT HOW IT'S DONE!!! I say Hell Yeah" reboot the show but put (maybe) someone like Ronald D. Moore in charge. Someone that knows character development & a thing or two about science fiction.

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As someone who grew up watching the series, I was very anxious to watch this. After doing so, I have to say, I hated to see that it was over! I always wondered as a child, how Don came into the picture. This was explained in this version. And although I never knew there was a David, I hated to see him left behind. I think that Mr Smith would be missed though. His character made for many a great episode in the past. No one will ever forget that whining man, lol. All said and done, I was very entertained. Would definitely tune in next see what happens next. I cant believe it was never picked up! Maybe someone will try this again in the future?

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I found this while browsing, don't remember where. The quality kinda sucked (352x240 at 1150 kbps) but I was curious about it. Sadly, I wasn't overly impressed with it. It was kinda standard TV, but still almost entertaining enough.Huge goof: When Will and David are threatened to get sucked out into space, they seem to be suspended in mid-air, just grabbing some handle, However, Will's cables are clearly visible in two or three shots.Also kinda goofy is the use of 2003 Battlestar Galactica music (Richard Gibbs' "Are You Alive?", "Main Title" and "By Your Command") and right after that, Thomas Newman's music from American Beauty (track no. 9 Bloodless Freak").The morphing of Penny into a baby is mildy surprising, maybe they were gonna use it as an arc, like Penny gets sucked into so time-space warp and returns as a teen, preteen or fully grown adult, depending on which actress the network owes a favour to.And Jayne Brook as mom Maureen is hotter than Adrianne 'big chin' Palicki as daughter Judy, that's never a good sign. I'm not sad that it's not picked up, but i'd not have minded watching it on TV. Buying it or giving it space on my hard drive, nah.

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I guess most people who have seen this unaired TV pilot at this point either worked on the show or saw one of the bootleg versions that pop up on the internet occasionally. I am in the latter group.The Robinsons: Lost in Space was interesting to me mostly for the curiosity factor. The special effects were as good or better than most TV SF in the 1990s or early 2000s. The actors were good. Even the young actors were very professional. There was no low-budget feel to this effort at all, and it would have been great to see where this series might have gone.My main disappointment was the paucity of science fiction present in this science fiction show. The original series (1965-1968), although sometimes silly and childish (it was aimed at children, after all), did indeed focus on some element of science fiction each week. In The Robinsons, the science was mostly in passing. For example, Will's robot experiment was a quick scene. The worm hole was used as a quick device to get them lost, but that's about all.Still, for the Lost in Space completist, or SF fan seeking something that was well made and hard to find, this is well worth a look.

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