The Reflecting Pool
The Reflecting Pool
| 04 July 2008 (USA)
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An investigation of the 9/11 events by a Russian-American journalist and a father of a 9/11 victim implicates the US government in the attacks.


Absolutely amazing

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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I actually saw Reflecting Pool on YouTube/movies, and had never heard of it before then. It's too bad this movie is so boring, because the premise is good. A Russian-American journalist is assigned to write a story about what really happened on 9/11, by the publisher of an independent magazine that is about to go corporate who wants to go out with a bang. The problem is that if this movie was set in the real world, all our hero would need to do is slip a copy of Loose Change into the VHS (yes, he uses a VHS not a DVD) and in an hour or so he would have all the evidence that he grudgingly uncovers throughout this nearly two hour yawn generator.Just about every scene is the journalist sitting with some expert who is repeating nearly verbatim stuff that was revealed in Loose Change or in any number of other 9/11 documentaries. No new evidence is revealed whatsoever. Whoever made this film forgot that although based on facts it is a work of fiction. It would have been quite exciting if the journalist uncovered some hard evidence and then found himself in peril. Movies like Primer showed us that films don't need a big budget to be engaging. But instead, Reflecting Pool simply dredges up the same bullet points that have already been discussed but never answered for years, while changing the names of the sources (Popular Mechanics is repeatedly referred to as "that Mechanics science magazine").I'd like to see this movie redone or better yet, a movie told from the inside depicting the theories of how it was done. This movie should be REALLY scary as the journalist uncovers what at least seems to be the truth about 9/11, but instead it's too busy trying to convince the viewer instead of convincing the protagonist.

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9/11 was probably the most tragic day I can remember, it has always fascinated's just so unbelievable, every time I see it on T.V, I wonder how could it be real! Well, this drama focuses on a journalist who teams up with a father who lost his daughter who was on one of the planes that hit one of the towers. The father believes that the whole thing was set up by the US government. Together they put all the pieces together, and the conspiracy theory they have is really does make you wonder...too many coincidences occurred on that day!Why did both towers collapse in their own footprint?...Almost as if they were controlled demolitions! Building 7 fell in a completely straight line when all it had was a small section of flames and was not even hit by a plane.NYC Firefighters claim to have heard loud explosions fron under the towers when the 1st plane hit, but their statements were totally overlooked by the commission!Why were all the cameras from buildings surrounding The Pentagon confiscated half an hour after it was also attacked. And only five picture frames were ever released to the public, where you can't make out anything really...bearing in mind this is America's most well guarded building! Unbelievably, the questions keep getting asked to the people who seem like they are covering the whole thing up, high people just can't give concrete answers.I think everybody should watch this because it really does make you wonder, some people will always believe what they think they saw on T.V, but I believe more people are looking at the bigger picture here.So worth checking out...There definitely is more to 9/11 than meets the eye!

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Roald Pettersen

We will never know for sure who was behind the assassination of JFK. We will never know for sure what really happened in Roswell. And we will definitely never know what really happened on 9/11. The U.S. is what it has always been. If this really was a conspiracy, it will long since have been so well covered up that not even Washington Post can disclose it.After all the conspiracy theories (they even have their own websites), this film was a great disappointment with just a repetition of some highlights. It does not even attempt to make any dramatization. There are no effects; just two middle-aged men talking to each other and interviewing some chosen people.A bad thing about America is that Watergate could happen at all. A good thing is that it was exposed. And that it inspired films like "All the President's Men", "Nixon" and "Wag the Dog".

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"The Reflecting Pool" may just be the "All the President's Men" of our time. No, it doesn't have Hoffman and Redford. But it is a gripping, chilling and important fact-based investigative drama. Writer/director Jarek Kupsc ("Slumberland") stars as Alex Prokop, a successful hard-hitting Russian/American journalist. As a last gasp before corporate takeover, his editor (Lisa Black) hands Prokop a bombshell assignment -- investigate the official version of 9-11. Prokop, dismissive of 9-11 skeptics, reluctantly teams with grieving father Paul Cooper (the outstanding Joseph Culp) to investigate. After losing his daughter in the attacks, Cooper transformed himself into a 9-11 expert -- at the expense of his marriage. As Prokop and Cooper kick at the hornets' nest, a sickening, carefully orchestrated pattern of deceit emerges – and Prokop finds publishing the story may mean curtains on his career.The well-researched (and exhaustively documented on the DVD) thriller ultimately proves more compelling than 9-11-themed documentaries such as "Loose Change" by taking a narrative approach and by personalizing the story. Disbelieving investigative reporter Prokop is an effective audience surrogate, while the passionate, fragile and self-destructive Cooper grounds the story with heart and soul -- a constant reminder of the human cost of the "war on terror." The script is solid, the characterizations moving. If the film has a flaw, it's in trying to document so much evidence in a narrative structure. Yet by and large, it pulls it off to deliver a chilling and effective message – maybe it *can* happen here."The Reflecting Pool" that will open eyes, anger some and test the faith of others. But it also finally gives voice to the 48% of Americans distrustful the official 9-11 story, according to a recent Zogby poll. And it's a tour de force from writer/director/actor Jarek Kupsc. See it and draw your own conclusions.

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