The Prodigy
The Prodigy
| 07 July 2009 (USA)
The Prodigy Trailers

Is Prevalent's latest wonderfully creative animatedfeature film. It highlights the story of a lovely yet humble young girl in Ancient China who is an exceptional champion. Her name is "KG" - the "Kung-Fu Girl" with a big heart. Although she is an underdog, and the odds are against her; she discovers that there is no limit to what she can accomplish when she believes in herself.


Purely Joyful Movie!

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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why that Panda's voice went between a Chinese man with a bad accent (speaking English) and Mario (or some other Italian accent). Other than that. Most of that characters have very good animations except this one extra guy, but he was removed from the screen very quickly. All the music is original and I couldn't tell who made it. I also didn't get the part where the main girl character gave a werewolf flowers? And when they went to some haunted mansion with the greatest looking ghosts possible. The voice acting was also the best voice acting I heard in awhile. It was way better than Shrek or shark tale. The plot of a totally original story was nothing I could of ever thought of!!!!!!

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Anybody that gave this movie more than two stars is trolling. I have seen many films derided as the worst in existence, and let me tell you: This is the absolute worst. There are literally no redeeming qualities in this movie whatsoever.Animation: Looks like it was done in Poser. The cut scenes in Final Fantasy VII had better graphics.Plot: Dumb, predictable and boring.Voice acting: Stiff and lifeless.Characters: Differing between bland and annoying as f***. Jar-Jar Binks cannot hold a candle to the panda master.The ONLY possible redemption this movie might offer is some of the set pieces, but that will be squandered completely when you see the complete void of inspiration that are the jade, silver and gold rooms, one of which, I kid you not, is decorated with a giant down-to-the-details ripoff of the Mortal Kombat logo.The ONLY reason anyone should watch this is to increase your tolerance for pain. All of my friends question how I can sit through Battlefield Earth, The Last Airbender, Movie 43 and 2016: Obama's America without ever once wanting to gnaw my own leg off, and the truth is that those movies are all masterpieces compared to The Prodigy.IT IS THAT BAD.

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In the movie "The Prodigy" True art on a level unimaginable by human intellect was performed. The voices were a symphony in my head. Animation so flawless I almost thought it was real. Finally, the plot truly revealed the message, kept the watcher engaged, and made true romance."The Prodigy" is about a panda who raised a girl to fight since she was young. She is now a teenager and falls In love with This boy who's father is very over-protective of his child. Unfortunately, a brother and sister united capture the boy to try and rule. Will The boy's father ever let them couple be? Will They save the soon to rule before his father gives in? You will have to watch to find out.The voices really got my attention. Every word as if the actor was really that who they were being. The emotion takes you to another world with the perfect lines to fully sum up the feelings in the moment. The metaphor in the lines, wrapped in the beautiful acting styles of those in "The Prodigy". Out of everything this with the animation took my soul and drenched it in a sea of tears along, with occasional humour along the way.As far as animations go even today, "The Prodigy" is still one of the top of the scale. The movement style was so delicate and careful. The fighting was, fast, intense, and kept you in your seat the whole way through. Such immense graphics with beautiful movements that even a human could not possibly pull off in that perfection that "The Prodigy" has accomplished. When you see the animation you will be even more surprised to see how much better things can possibly get with the plot.The plot truly made "The Prodigy" the hidden gem that is and will always be one of my favourite movies of all time. It deserves a Oscar for the work and dedication taken into the story line that stands up for woman and reveals you can do anything if you believe. many are offended from the rating it has currently received and some even go as far to blame something like a glitch or a group or 'trolls'. 'Trolls' for all of you less informed about the internet is a term referring to people who try to trick people for a cheap laugh. The plot truly symbolizes the romance between the boy and girl. The conflicts were things expected from Shakespeare yet, took the form of a children's "The Prodigy". You will love "The Prodigy" for it's creative humour. their have so much more to be said about the plot but, to continue I might unveil the best parts. Out of all "The Prodigy" should be named a classic for people of all ages.I would recommend "The Prodigy" to anyone with it's flawless sound, excellent animation, and brilliant plot.

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This movie is terrible. The graphics are reminiscent of an early nineties video game. The characters are flat, the "plot" seems like it was written by 10 year old kids. During the fight scenes, the characters' arms and legs go THROUGH the other character's body. And yeah, the panda is creepy and sounds like like his voice is done by R2D2 if he could actually speak. The "lovely yet humble" KG has purple hair and a Barbie body. If that makes her lovely, more power to her, but she really seems like a 12 year old boy's idea of anime perfection. The music is just as terrible as the rest of it. I can't believe that people actually paid money to see this. I'd get my money back if I hadn't just borrowed it from a friend who didn't warn me about how awful it is.

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