The Perfect Husband
The Perfect Husband
R | 04 December 2014 (USA)
The Perfect Husband Trailers

Viola and Nicola are going through a rough time. To overcome this crisis, they decide to spend a weekend in a remote cabin belonged to Nicola's parents. Just a couple of days together to heal their wounds, , but everything will take a turn for the worst, when a sneaking suspicion become pure madness. What was supposed to be a quiet trip will suddenly slip into a deadly nightmare.


What a beautiful movie!

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SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Perfect cast and a good story

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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So here I am, writing a review of this "masterpiece" . This is the first time I've ever reviewed a movie here and for good reason. Nothing has moved me enough, until now. The Perfect Husband truly is a masterpiece. A true masterpiece of awful, where I eventually believed that this movie was a comedy because of how absolutely terrible it was. I'll elaborate. The movie initially seems to have potential, albeit slow moving. Attractive couple with problems seek to solve said problems by heading out to the woods - classic horror movie plot. Except this is where the parallel to all the other "cabin in the woods" horror flicks ends. The actors are bad. From the moment you see them on screen, you hear that voice in the back of your head saying, "turn it off, save yourself" but you push on through. They can't act. They butcher the horribly written script worse than anyone is butchered in the film. The plot wears thin quickly and deteriorates to something a 10 year old would write. The cinematography, despite what other reviewers have stated, is dreadful. Painfully, the camera focuses on scenery and objects as if trying to be artistic and yet reminded me of someone with an phone taking a home movie. It was distracting to watch, but I was determined to finish this train wreck. Did I mention the acting was awful? The only reason I gave this movie 1 star (other than a minimum required) was for the sound and music which seemed appropriate and even decent throughout. Even the makeup was like something out of middle school drama class. Now, I know my review sounds harsh but it's deservedly so. Filmmakers, whether they're big shots from Hollywood or from sheep town Italy should have respect for potential viewers and prevent travesties like this one from ever being made. Here's a novel idea, screen your movie, write an original script and maybe hire someone who could act their way out of a paper bag. I know the cast of this movie couldn't. Being an Indy film with a low budget is no excuse for this movie. It makes Human Centipede 3 look like Gone With the Wind. I can taste bile. I've just thrown up in my mouth realizing that I'll never get these 90 minutes of my life back. Thanks for this masterpiece, a true masterpiece of awful. 1\10...Do not ever watch this junk!

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Wow this was bad. Imagine every bad quality a film can possibly have and this one most likely ticks that box. The acting is the most plain-to-see of all the things wrong. It's absolutely unbearable. Bret Roberts in particular gives one of the worst performances I can remember watching in a long time. Then add in the fact the dialogue is as poorly written as you'll ever see in the modern age of filmmaking and that just makes things twice as bad. Then there is the direction. It truly is all over the place. Loud noises are used time and time again to give the audience a jolt, yet there is never any tension in the scene to begin with. Early on there is a chase scene through the woods with literally no explanation that anything could possibly be following her. How is this supposed to make an audience feel? I've never given a film a 1 in all my years on IMDb. I've always managed to find at least something good enough to bump it up to a 2. 'The Perfect Husband' was going to be a 1 had it not been for the twist. Not that the twist was overly good, nor in any way original, but it did make some of the unbearably bad plot holes at least explicable. It did raise another question though, which was, did the violence in the film towards women really need to be as explicit as it was? This is a very different film to the likes of 'I Spit on Your Grave' where the graphic nature of the violence has a purpose and is building us extra sympathy for the character. Here, it truly was the definition of gratuitous. A real misfire that should be avoided at all costs.

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What goes on in a deranged mind? I don't know and I guess that no one without a deranged mind would either. Having that said I just declared myself sane, which might or might not be a lie… In either case, we get to follow a couple with a broken background when they try to find peace with each other and themselves during a country trip.It's obvious that neither of them feels very well. The reason is obvious if you keep your eyes open. And even if you don't you'll get the message later on. They have lost a child, a new born child. We get glimpses of a birth and a stillborn child. Nothing can be more horrifying in this world than to give birth to a non-breathing baby. This couple quickly gets my deepest sympathy.It's kind of a low paced story, almost too low paced at times but it does get really bloody and violent as it goes along. It's really terrifying what a broken couple might do to each other in the moment of their worst anxiety. We aren't spared any of it either. There's a lot of violence that almost makes me want to turn my head away. That's very unusual but there are a couple of things I feel very uncomfortable seeing. I can't stand mutilation of hands and eyes for example.It's also pretty well acted which is a great asset when it comes to suspense. It's a pretty exciting movie actually. It's terrifying and suspenseful at the same time. It's rather unusual I think, that a film as bloody as this one also manages to keep the audience in such suspense. As I watch it I'm curious on what s going to happen, and who is going to snap first. I mean really go over the edge. It's obvious that it is going to happen, just not when. And I'm not disappointed at the final breakdown, I can tell you that. There might be one or two twists too many in the story but that's not such a big deal. This is a great movie, no doubt about it!

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As a horror film fan, I have wanted to see "The Perfect Husband" for a while, ever since I saw the violent trailer and clips. It does not disappoint in the gory violence department, but I found it to be too short, with an abrupt ending. Still, the film is a haunting exploration of the darkest corners of the human psyche; a portrait that doubles, or maybe masquerades, as a slasher.Gabriella Wright is good in the role of Viola, although her role does not demand much from her, except for a few scenes of considerable emotional range. The final minutes of the movie include an unbelievable twist that is sure to leave the viewer in a state of shock. This Italian film is not a must-see film by any means, but it is a must for art-house and horror film fans.

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