The Perfect Human
The Perfect Human
| 14 June 1968 (USA)
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An elegant and humorous film—in the guise of a serious anthropological treatise—spotlights "The Perfect Human," a model of the modern Dane created by our wishful thinking.

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A waste of 90 minutes of my life

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After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Horst in Translation (

"The Perfect Human" is a 13-minute black-and-white film from almost 50 years ago. It is a Danish production by writer and director Jørgen Leth, so make sure you get subtitles. Or just do not watch it at all. I am fairly surprised this film is so famous. It shows us the perfect man and the perfect woman eating, undressing, lying in bed and just existing in general. However, I must say I never found it inspiring or funny, let alone the wrong statement that perfection exists in a general sense. Perfection is something different to everybody else. But maybe this is also what Leth is telling us by showing us in the end that the perfect man was apparently left by his girlfriend, so he wasn't perfect to her (anymore). Not a particularly interesting short movie. Not recommended.

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At first I did not know what to make of this film. I was disappointed, but it felt like I had probably missed something, like there must be some underlying message which I was most likely not interpreting correctly. I spent days trying to figure it out, and then I realized it: both critics who say this film is boring and a waste of time, and those who say it is an entertaining depiction of our human nature have missed the point.The perfect human, as shown in it's true form in this "documentary", has no responsibilities, no space, no time and no subjectivity at all; the perfect human only knows his own needs (sleeping, eating, making love), he is constantly idle, alienated and empty. The perfect human is a profoundly uninteresting creature. From this perspective, the apparent pointlessness of the film is precisely the point which the film is trying to make: that perfection is dull, silly and undesirable. It portrays our human nature by reaching inside us as viewers (and not by leading us inside the characters of the film) and making us feel estranged from our own dynamic reality - the imperfect reality that actually makes us perfectly humans.

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When Jørgen Leth made this short art film, I'm sure he was very pleased with himself as all the intelligentsia agreed that it was brilliant. After all, what's better than a Danish-language film made in black & white that consists of no plot but a man and woman who are non-emotive and do lots of moronic repetitive actions set to a pointless narration? This is the height of greatness for the artsy-fartsy folks who like to watch incomprehensible films and laugh in a self-satisfying way when others say they think the film is a waste of time. While I have seen many, many international films and have done a ton of reviews on IMDb, I just can't see much point to this sort of stuff BUT at the same time I hate the fare that Hollywood has been churning out for some time. Can't you want something different and yet not have it be as banal as DET PERFEKTE MENNESKE? Watch this film only if you have a tremendous need to be self-satisfied or if you actually enjoy being bored out of your mind. Don't say I didn't warn you.FYI--This banal little film is included on the DVD for THE FIVE OBSTRUCTIONS--a series of updated versions of this film. While not much fun to watch, THE FIVE OBSTRUCTIONS is better and more watchable (though this isn't saying much).

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Arne Kristian Lindmo

This is an interesting little movie. It explores the concept of "the perfect human" through close studies of a "perfect" male and a "perfect" female. The movie asks a lot of questions but does not try to answer them. I don't feel like I fully understood the picture and it felt a bit too artistic for its own good. I chose to view it as an attempt to ridicule our conceptions of what it means to be "perfect". Some scenes were outright funny, while others were just confusing (especially in the shaving sequence). This movie is essential viewing if one plans to see Lars Von Triers "The Five Obstacles" which is a very good documentary where the director, Jørgen Leth gets to re-make his short movie 5 times but under different, more difficult circumstances. As entertainment I rate it slightly above average. As art? I don't know.

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