The Old Man and the Sea
The Old Man and the Sea
| 25 March 1990 (USA)
The Old Man and the Sea Trailers

Based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway. Santiago goes out on his usual fishing trip and makes a huge catch, the biggest of his life. Then a shark attacks and tries to steal his catch.


Sadly Over-hyped

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Good start, but then it gets ruined

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Not much actually happens in this movie: an old man Santiago (Anthony Quinn) has not caught a fish in over eighty trips, goes out for one last trip and catches a huge fish. By doing so, he discovers, perhaps for the first time, the insignificance of human beings in the overall scheme of things. It is a testament to Anthony Quinn's performance in the central role that our interest is sustained; his range of facial expressions is positively wondrous, especially when alone on the boat with no one but himself to talk to. Director Jud Taylor also works hard to develop the spring-and-autumn relationship between Santiago and the boy Anderez (Paul Calderon), which prompts the old man to consider his own behavior as an old men when he believed that he was virtually impregnable. The story has a Hemingwayesque figure in the form of Tom Pruitt (Gary Cole), a writer who cannot leave Santiago's small community until he has discovered for himself just what motivates the old man. This role is a little superfluous, but at least shows why the author himself was interested in such an apparently insignificant story.

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WARNING!! This is a spoiler!I'm a 9th grader and as a class we read and saw the movie The Old Man in the Sea. The old man never gives up so you have to be ready to go in his adventures in fishing. His adventures are not that interesting but he never gave up. He knew that some day he was going to catch a fish. The book was not interesting but the movie was interesting. In the movie the old man promises his wife that he was always going to go fishing on his skiff. If you watched the movie you will see that he never breaks his promise. It looked like that old man was real in love with his wife and was willing to do anything to stay with her. But, we still don't know what happened with her we don't know if she died or if she still alive. In the book the old man doesn't have a daughter and in the movies he does. His daughter was always trying to get him to live with her but he never wanted to. The old man needs a woman in his life because the old man looks to dirty. Even though he thinks that he can make it like that I don't think he can. The old man is sick he needs someone to take care of him. Even though he knows that he sick he still refuses to move with his daughter. The old man had a little friend named Manolin that was always there for him. The little boy is like 10 years old in the movie but he is real helpful to the old man. The old man and the little boy were fans of the Yankees and that never changed. Their favorite player was DiMaggio. He was a great player back in the day. They both had faith in the Yankees they knew that the Yankees wasn't going to let them down. At the end the old man catches a fish reaching his goal. He was trying to catch a fish for over 84 days and he never gave up. The old man reached his goal without a problem. While he was out there getting a fish people thought that he was dead or something had happened to him. He was thinking about the day he got married with his wife. The old man never broke his promise and that's what I really like about him in the story. Most of the guys in the book that never talked to him would have given up but he didn't. He kept going until he reached his goal and most men wouldn't be able to do what he did. If you want to know more I suggest you watch the movie because it's better than the book.

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We watched The Old Man in the sea in English I really did like the movie. There were a lot of good parts. For example when the sharks started attacking the marlin and Santiago was defending the marlin. The book was really different movie because in the movie he had a daughter and the book didn't. There were some parts that were like told over and over again. Also some of the scenes really looked fake like when the marlin jumped out and when the sharks attacked. Also when the sharks came it looked like it was cut out of another movie and put in. But other wise it was really good and there was scenes of Cuba and those were really good parts. Comparing them both I liked the book because it was really detailed and interesting. Also when there was shark coming they said that he caught it but he really didn't. I have seen a lot of parts in the story that were put into the movie. It was really suspenseful at times like when he was attacking the sharks and when he trying to catch the marlin. At times it was really boring and then like after awhile it got rally good again. Over all I thought it was really good, but it was really short and that at the end it didn't make senses. It should have gone on longer then it would make a lot more sense. I would've liked to see when he went to see his grandchildren and how life went for him after the two day journey. I think that people would enjoy it better and people would gave the movie a lot more stars. Over all I would give this movie 6 stars because the way the move came out.madkeithdog

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My thought: unbelievably boring I felt that this movie was no good as the book itself, I think it had poor graphics. It had the worst actors. The difference between the book and the movie is that the book paints a picture in your head and the movie barely even makes you think about the book. The maker of the movie cut some parts out and changed how the book was written. They took out the part when him when he was dreaming of lions in Africa, to him when he was younger and when he got married to his wife. The movie didn't help me at all to understand the story better. They put Ernest Hemingway in as an actor in the movie. They added his daughter in the movie. But in real life Anthony Quinn played the old man in the movie with his son and daughter as his daughter and as him when he was younger. The marlin barely even looks real. It's bigger than that.

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