The Oath
The Oath
| 06 September 2016 (USA)
The Oath Trailers

When his daughter's criminal boyfriend becomes an increasing threat to the family, a father must take action to protect them.


Good concept, poorly executed.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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david hollyfield

Possible Spoilers!I gave this very worthy flick 10 stars just to redress the balance of the negative reviews it has received here.Works on all levels. The dramatic tension is consistent throughout. The father/daughter relationship is very realistic, particularly her lack of self awareness and immaturity wich are very recognisable traits of addicts. Gísli Örn Garðarsson was convincing as Ottar. He wasn't painted as just a two dimensional villain. Just as real villains are not just villains. They love, have families, have a sense of humour, pets and hobbies and are often victims of bigger villains than themselves.I laud Baltasar Kormakur as both a fine director and actor.

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Pues es que viendo esta película, no sé cuántas veces he pensado si el director no había visto películas en su vida, ya que por donde iba, en todas las películas al final pasa exactamente lo que pasa en esta. La película, que intenta ser distinta de las películas de este género, pero acaba siendo igual a todas. La película es muy distante. Es lejana. Intenta mostrar personajes muy humanos, pero no llega a conseguir que te unas.Los actores no están mal. Pero tampoco están muy bien. La hija para mi es la que mejor esta.Tiene una fotografía que intenta mostrar una frialdad ya que es una historia triste y fría, pero no llega a ser así, si no que está apagada. No ayuda a contar.La dirección tampoco es buena. No consigue hacer una buena película. No llega a coger ritmo. No hace planos bonitos.No termina de llegar Well, seeing this movie, I do not know how many times I have thought if the director had not seen movies in his life, since where he went, in all the films at the end, exactly what happens in this one happens. The film, which tries to be different from the films of this genre, but ends up being the same. The movie is very distant. It is far. Try to show very human characters, but it does not get to get you to join.The actors are not bad. But they are not very well either. The daughter is the best for me.It has a photograph that tries to show a coldness since it is a sad and cold story, but it does not become that way, but it is off. It does not help to count.The address is not good either. He can not make a good movie. It does not get to pick up rhythm. It does not make beautiful plans.It does not finish arriving

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Icelandic auteur Baltasar Kormákur (Contraband, 2 Guns, Everest) directs and stars in this psychological thriller about a father who tries to pull his daughter out of her world of drugs and petty crime, only to find that danger can be found in unexpected places. Eiðurinn lacks dramatic depth and good characters to care about also the film drags and it's a slow burn from start to finish, this film could have been great but it failed on so many levels. (0/10)

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Just like the other reviewer had already said, this film is uneven. The plot had potential to be gripping, but failed to achieve it. There are some holes to fill in. Some actions of the main character make sense, the others don't. You just don't start messing up with a drug dealer(s), without making sure your family is secure, especially after they had ransacked your house. What is it exactly he was planning to do with her daughter's boyfriend? I could not figure this out. Why did Óttar got into Finnur' car and allowed him to drive to who knows where? We know that Óttar was not stupid. Besides, Óttar is not the main player in the drug business. There were certainly others who ransacked his house and who would certainly go after Finnur to get their money back. That scene where Óttar talks about his troubled childhood has reminded me a scene in "Breaking bad", Episode 3, where Walt cannot decide whether or not to kill Krazy-8. What was the purpose of bringing into this movie Finnur' childhood? Besides, how would Anna know? They want us to believe that Finnar had told it to her? I could continue with plot holes, but see for yourself. The main 3 character's acting was not bad in my opinion. I am giving it 5 for it is a well-made film overall. Filmmakers should have watched BreakingBad a couple of times to get an idea how to deal with drug dealers.

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