The North Star
The North Star
| 31 March 1982 (USA)
The North Star Trailers

Edouard Binet, an aimless Frenchman, has been travelling in North Africa for many years, and is sailing to Belgium. En route, he meets Sylvie Baron. He introduces her to Nemrod Lobetoum, a rich Egyptian carrying valuable jewelry, and Sylvie and Nemrod become friends. Their friendship escalates to love, which makes Edouard jealous. Days later, Edouard arrives at a rooming house owned by Mme. Louise Baron, Sylvie's mother, wearing blood-stained clothes. It appears that Nemrod was killed on a train after he arrived in France, but Edouard denies any knowledge of what happened. Sylvie suspects that Edouard is responsible for Nemrod's death, but by now her mother has become Edouard's ally.


Wonderfully offbeat film!

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In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.

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This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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Beulah Bram

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Bob Taylor

I was left wondering what Tavernier or Resnais would have done with this story. Or Delannoy or Autant-Lara, or... I found Granier-Deferre's film to be visually sumptuous, thanks to Dominique Andre's art direction and Pierre-William Glenn's cinematography, but it left me emotionally cold and indifferent. The acting is splendid: Simone Signoret and Philippe Noiret do very well, and Fanny Cottencon and Julie Jezequel as Signoret's daughters are effective. The constant cutting back to Egypt and the postcard scenes of souks and pyramids was a wonderfully jarring device. But the visual effects can't make up for the coldness of the directorial approach.

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End of the line for Simone Signoret.And unfortunately,not one of her best ,by a long shot.Granier-Deferre was never a great director ;he continued the cinema de qualité tradition.His closer relative is certainly Jean Delannoy-who did a better job with Simenon's books :his two late fifties Maigret are brilliant.Like him,he's icily impersonal ;that's why French critics -in spite of some moments of inspiration:"le chat" " la veuve Couderc" and his overlooked "une étrange affaire" ,probably his finest hour-never hailed him as an "auteur" .The first part is almost entirely Signoret-less and ,as Fanny Cottençon is totally bland (acting like a Barbie Doll),the audience desperately relies on Noiret.When Signoret's part becomes more important,as the movie progresses,the film begins to hit its stride.But it remains listless .Granier is unable to make Signoret's house's guests interesting:Clouzot ("l'assassin habite au 21" ) and Duvivier ("la fin du jour" ) ,Granier-Deferre cannot hold a candle to both of them.Only Signoret's fans need bother.But I guess they are numerous so...But if they have not seen "manèges" ,"diabolique" or (her triumph!) "Casque d'Or" ,do not think twice.

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The swan song of the great Simone Signoret - she lived another three years but never made another movie - teams her with the equally great Noiret in a script by yet another great, Jean Aurenche, adapted from a Simenon novel. If you like period detail (30s) strong atmosphere and top-drawer emoting then what are you waiting for. The bizarre melange of Eygpt and Belgium make for a sort of Turkish Delight of an movie. Gorge! Enjoy!

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I don't agreed with Mr. Maltin's comment of this film saying is talkative and boring,he disqualify a very interesting film in very simple terms. It's true sometimes the characters could be more develop, but it is a very absorbing story very well told of the relationship of two very oppose personalities and how the character of Signoret come to create such a fondness and friendship for Noiret, even when she finds out he is a liar, and a murderer, and a thief. I think it is a very valid film and highly recommended, specially for fans of the marvelous Signoret. It was her last film.

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