The New Adventures of Tarzan
The New Adventures of Tarzan
| 21 May 1935 (USA)
The New Adventures of Tarzan Trailers

A feature film. Tarzan, who has returned to Africa after living in England, sets off to Guatemala in search of an old friend who may have survived a plane crash there. Also in Guatemala are Ula Vale and Major Martling who are out to find the riches of the Green Goddess. They join forces after they learn that a competitor, Raglan, has already set out ahead of them. Tarzan has to rescue everyone after they are taken prisoner. When they get to the hidden city, Tarzan finds his friend alive and the fabulous treasure.


Too many fans seem to be blown away

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Don't Believe the Hype

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Walter Sloane

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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I watched THE NEW ADVENTURES OF TARZAN havin no idea that it was the condensed version of a long-length serial, which explains the confused, disjointed nature of the running time. Much of the material comes from the first episode of said serial, and it's a lively enough story, with Tarzan on a rescue mission and lots of wildlife interaction to add colour and excitement. It does get rushed at the climax though, and as someone who avoids abridged editions at all cost, I recommend skipping this in favour of the whole thing.

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I saw this today for the first time in about 25 years. This is the cut- down, 70-minute version of a 12-chapter serial. I've never seen the complete version. This was filmed by Edgar Rice Burrough's company under harsh conditions in Africa and Guatemala. This is one jungle flick actually filmed in the jungle, and the scenery is lovely. There are l-o-n-g scenic passages. One aerial sequence is accompanied by what sounds like a vacuum cleaner on it's last legs. When we do finally get to the conclusion of the picture, we see glorious Queen Kia-Kia, who looks like Mae West slumming. The scenery, not poor Kia Kia, is pretty to look at, and the comprehensive animal footage is very interesting to see. There are some very good stunts here, and I understand that the filming was a major ordeal for all concerned.

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The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935)** (out of 4)THE NEW ADVENTURES OF TARZAN originally was a 12-chapter serial but the producers wanted to make extra cash so they cut it down into two different features with this here being the first. Herman Brix plays Tarzan who is just swinging around in the jungle when a group of people show up looking for the "Green Goddess" and the riches that come with it. At just under an hour there's no telling what all was cut out of the serial in order to reach this running time but this thing is nearly impossible to follow. The obvious thing you can gather is that the producers were wanting to stay closer to the Edgar Rice Burroughs character because Tarzan is smart, well educated and he's got manors. This different approach from the Johnny Weissmuller films should have been a good thing and perhaps in the serial it is but all of that is lost here. The majority of the running time the viewer is just sitting there trying to figure out what is going on. Just when you think you've got it figured out things switch up and you're lost all over again. As with many films, this one here features a large bit of stock footage, which is mainly the wildlife in the jungles. Brix really doesn't look or act the part of Tarzan too well but the supporting players aren't much better. This is a pretty bad, cut down version but at the same time the thing is so short that it really goes by rather quickly and without any drag time. I'd also say that there's some cheap fun to be had by those, like myself, who simply enjoy bad movies.

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Forget about this feature version of 'The New adventures of Tarzan', and get the complete serial! Too many sequences showing Brix in action are missing from this feature version. Inspite of the long jungle shots and poor sound track- and slow-editing of the material you will come to the the conclusion that Herman Brix is the best movie Tarzan ever.His action scenes will thrill all Tarzan fans. He worked under harsh conditions in the deepest jungle's of Guatamala. doing his own stunts (unlike Weissmuller)He completed the serial even when he got very ill,lost a lot of weight, was down with jungle fever etc. And all this without even getting paid for the job! Now there's a real Tarzan for you! No wonder Edgar Rice Burroughs (writer-and creator of Tarzan)pointed Brix out as the best film-Tarzan ever...

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