The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
| 05 June 1987 (USA)
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Trailers

Opera singer and professor Dr P is examined both in a clinic and in his home, as he suffers from a degeneration of the occipital lobe that allows him to see details but not wholes.


Wow! Such a good movie.

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That was an excellent one.

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Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Mehdi Hoffman

There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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Johnny Briggs

This is a fantastic film, and I'm pleased to see that other people here enjoy it too! Admittedly, it is a little far-out for some to understand, but it is very watchable too. Some of the action scenes are brilliant, and I'm surprised such a low budget film could afford to have so many car chases. The bit where "The Man" morphs into his Nemesis is a simple effect well executed. The ending was perhaps too soon in coming, but the bizarre kaleidascope sequence on the outro was mind-bogglingly fab. A film that any hardcore film fan will relish, I take my "hat" off to the crew.

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Why is it that everyone is so fascinated with how attractive Lorraine Mills is. Personally I think she's a bit of a trog. This film was crushingly disappointing at the box office, possibly because everyone was too busy administering the production of boxes. (!) The man in the film, mistakes his darling wifey, for a hat. This film is uplifting in a curious sort of way, until the gun-toting, hat-throwing finale, which I thought was a bit far fetched. Even I know there weren't pterydactils in 1940s Chicago.

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The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat is a tour de force of cinema, a masterpiece in its own right. The performance by Emile Belcourt is brilliant, and he superbly portrays the emotional struggle of a man who has a hat for a wife. The gratuitous nudity by Lorraine Mills (hussy!) is perhaps a bit O.T.T, but at least the hat was good. If the film had a fault, its that is a little confusing at first, but pay attention and it soon becomes clear (like L.A Confidential). This film was underrated and criminally ignored at the box office. Here's hoping for a re-release!

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I've watched this film over and over again, and I'm still finding new things that I didn't notice before. I have to admit, the first time I watched this film, I thought it was awful. It appeared to have little plot, bad acting, and only the superb performance of Lorraine Mills convinced me to watch it again. On watching it a second time, the message of the film suddenly hit me, and at that moment made a lot more sense. I noticed subtle hints towards upcoming events comparable to Shakespeare (esp. Macbeth), and twists in the main character's mental well being created an interesting insight in to the things that can cause a woman to go insane. I'd go in to more detail, but I'll spoil the brilliant (if confusing) plot, although the film really has to be seen to be understood. See it, but remember it is VERY hard to understand fist time round.

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