The Last Patrol
The Last Patrol
| 01 April 2000 (USA)
The Last Patrol Trailers

After a massive earthquake destroys Los Angeles, a new order is formed. But disagreement among the ranks leads to more war and disruption, and The Last Patrol must bring order if there's to be any hope for the future.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant

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Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

Right, well given the synopsis for this movie and given the fact that it is a Dolph Lundgren movie, makes you kind of take a step back and have second thoughts about watching it. You should listen to that little voice in the back of your head.I, however, opted to sit down and watch it, because Dolph Lundgren does have the occasional movie that is good and entertaining. However, this 2000 release wasn't one of them!The story here is about a massive earthquake hitting Los Angeles and rips it apart, and from the ashes rise a new island where law and order is gone. And a small group of armed soldiers must steer the survivors and the rest of mankind to a better future.No. Just no! Seriously, who comes up with these ideas, and more importantly how do they manage to fund these projects. Sometimes a critique's eye should scrutinize the scripts first.I didn't even get halfway through the movie before I had to give up out of sheer boredom and because there was nothing in the movie that could be classified as entertainment on any level. The characters were two-dimensional cardboard cut-outs and the entire storyline was just laughable. And the special effects weren't really helping the movie ahead in any way either.This was most definitely not the brightest of moments in Dolph Lundgrens movie career, and from what I saw, then it seemed like he wasn't even fully committed to the movie, as his performance was just half-hearted in comparison to some of his other movies.With no intention of returning to "The Last Patrol" in order to finish watching it, I can only hope that you take heed of the low rating of the movie, and actually listen to that voice in the back of your head that say "don't do it!".

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US Army Captain Nick Preston (Dolph Lundgren) is a relic left over from previous wars. He is left in Fort Edenberg, a military junkyard. Then an earthquake measuring 9.5 hits and California is separated from the U.S. Preston, Marine Sergeant Lucky Simcoe and Air Force Captain Sarah McBride are the only survivors on the base. They are joined by a disparate collection of civilians. There is an epidemic called Q Fever. There is a shortage of water. The prisoners at Nanwong have taken over led by Jesus Carrera.This is a bad B-movie even considering its intent. The apocalyptic world is just cobbled together with random problems. I don't know what a plague has to do with an earthquake. Even a 9.5 wouldn't turn the world into a dystopia. Dolph Lundgren is not the best actor but he tries. There is some action but it's not shot well. This is a low grade B-movie no matter how you add it up.

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So where I could start? I like watching B-movies because they kind of funny and when it's a rainy afternoon, it is the right thing to do. I think Dolph Lundgren is a good actor but he ruined his reputation due movies like this. This movie has a banal plot, an earthquake destroys everything and just some people stay alive and there is no explanation of how they can survive, where they can find their food, water and so on...and they are in the middle of nowhere in the desert. Then there is an addition of useless characters who play no-role in the movie (for example that "fake" redskin who looks after the sick couple). But the interesting thing is that it should be an action movie but the only "action" scene is at 1 hour and 20 mins and the movies takes 1 h and 30 and it is a very poor action scene. The movie is supposed to be realistic until the end where something strange and totally usually appears, the black woman seems to be a kind of wizard or something like that and this point seems to be a way to make the movie end with no fighting at the end or shooting scenes.I think this movie is like to see 4 or 5 movies mixed together with their own characters and its story. Probably nothing makes sense in this movie except for the fact that it is bad and it only took 42 days to be shot (probably this is the reason why some scenes are very bad)

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Corporal Hicks

The Last Patrol was one of those movies I forced myself to sit through. On pretty much every level I was left disappointed. The plot, the characters, continuity and the ending.For some reason I had respect for Dolph but after a flick through his filmography I could only obviously recommend Universal Soldier. He was the only element of this production that offered any attraction but, while he went through the motions pretty well, he was surrounded on all sides by the mediocre and the ridiculous.I'm sure that some of the scenes could maybe have been reworked and the overall plot could maybe have been dragged into more respectable territory but the characters were, overall, poor. Those who were meant to be funny were just annoying and with the possible exception of McBride, there was a general lack of depth.I just don't understand how these movies make it to DVD - we're obviously not talking big budget here but where's the quality control guys?

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