The Last Man on Planet Earth
The Last Man on Planet Earth
PG-13 | 18 February 1999 (USA)
The Last Man on Planet Earth Trailers

During a war with Afghanistan, a weapon called the "Y-bomb" was used, which resulted in the deaths of 97% of the world's men. Feeling that they were better off without males, the women of Earth decided to outlaw men because they were too violent. 20 years later, scientist Hope Chase, fearing for the future of the species, conducts a cloning experiment to produce a new male of the species, whom she names Adam. When Adam reaches maturity, he soon finds himself on the run from the FBI, and hiding out with small rebel bands of the last remaining men.


It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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This made for TV movie takes a large chunk of inspiration from Huxley's Brave New World - natural reproduction is replaced by cloning (and in the case of the dual protagonist, Adam, by "synthesis"). The new society strives to be utopian, but has a grim, dystopian side. The plot is unique, though, in that it deals with dark aspects of militant, lesbian feminism. Camille Paglia would appreciate this story! The most telling line in the film is where Adam says "violence is not genetic" (meaning actually, "not determined by gender"). Another intriguing aspect of the film's social commentary is its take on conspiracy theories and official truth, and how politics is politics no matter who is in charge. From the standpoint of cinematic excellence, this is clearly not Academy Award material. Of course, it was made for TV and presumably didn't have a large budget. I was surprised though, at the depth of ideas and the acting was good. Worth seeing.

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I thought I was in for some cheap version of the classic Vincent Price/Richard Matheson sci-fi movie, but THE LAST MAN ON PLANET EARTH (the title is a misnomer) is something else entirely. It is cheap, yes, but the storyline is about a world in which mankind has been banned and women have taken over. Imagine PLANET OF THE APES except with women instead of apes and you have the idea.As I say, the title turns out to be a misnomer, as men have only been banned from polite society rather than exterminated and there are still plenty around. The hero is a guy grown in a test tube by the government who escapes and finds himself pursued by the FBI who want him for their own ends. Unsurprisingly he falls in love with a young woman while trying to elude capture.The storyline is frankly preposterous and the TV movie atmosphere makes this something of a laughable film. The science fiction elements of the storyline are almost unnoticeable; there are no depictions of a different kind of society, this just takes place in our world in order to keep costs down. Needless to say that the acting is poor and the whole thing feels very dated and cheesy; a forgettable, ill-conceived production.

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This has to be one of the worst movies ever to come out of the Sci-Fi Channel. Here is how the movie starts, Women are the only humans on this planet due to the fact that in the not to distant future chemical warfare is A OK as long as it only targets soldiers (In case your wondering, Men) However the virus back fires (Big shock)and all the men on earth slowly die. Then all of male kind is condemned to die when the madam president is shot and killed by a man. now we are taken around 60 to 70 years from now, two female scientists are working on cloning a female baby and one of them says "Hey, why don't we bring men back?" The other one says no the world is not ready for that, but promptly ignores her and thus a man walks the Eath again.First off, this movie assumes that all men who are not genetically altered are blood thirsty monsters. Secondly, the writer forgot to mention that present day soldiers are a good mix of Male and Female officers so there is no real reason to have a virus like that. This is the biggest waist of time you can find. This movie managed to insult my intellect not only by the bad story, but with the Lifetime style acting. Avoid this movie at all costs.I give this a 1 out of 10 but only because I could go no lower.

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Wow, what a stinker.I was intrigued by the premise, which had an "Outer Limits" ring to it.It's a shame that the actual movie turned out so laughable. This brings me to my summary, which is how I actually made it through this. Seriously, once I changed my expectation, I had a blast.If it weren't so preposterous and sophomoric, it might actually have been offensive.Maybe this would make a good film to review in a film class. There were so many opportunities to turn things around, I think a class of young students could have a field day with this.

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