The Last Gunfighter
The Last Gunfighter
| 25 October 2002 (USA)
The Last Gunfighter Trailers

A man roves the vastity of a deserted industrial plant ready to grasp his gun. Hat, boots, belt, the last pistolero is going to face the hardest of challenges...


Highly Overrated But Still Good

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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It's great to see Franco Nero (who else?) back as "the last gunfighter" of the title, in a wonderful black and white photography. Nero - hero of some of the greatest Italian-made western movies, starring in one of the absolute masterpieces of the genre, Corbucci's "Vamos a matar, companeros" - doesn't say a single word, he simply acts with his presence and his face. And that's enough to recreate the legend. The movie was actually filmed in a dismissed industrial area outside Turin, converted in a postmodern western location. Every detail is simply perfect, from the beginning to the end, making this short movie the latest masterpiece in Italian western.

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Franco Nero is a gunslinger, per the film's title the last of his breed; he goes to an abandoned warehouse - the setting, presumably, is the present - and commits ritual suicide. An 8-minute short that's clearly an ode to the Spaghetti Western subgenre (though shot in black-and-white) and featuring one of its more durable stars. Even if very little actually happens - and, rather than utilizing music from Nero's own Westerns, the soundtrack draws on the instantly-recognizable scores composed by maestro Ennio Morricone for the Clint Eastwood/Sergio Leone films - it manages, in its limited duration, to be oddly elegiac and, indeed, is quite nicely done in every department.

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If you love spaghetti westerns as much as I do, and that is a lot, you will probably enjoy watching this 10 minute short 7 or 8 times consecutively more than you would most other films, as I did, it's just that great! Franco Nero is... well... FRANCO NERO! And if this Dominici guy never makes a feature length film, not to mention a feature length spaghetti western, I will be enormously disappointed, he's got the talent to make 'em as good as the best ever did.Watch it and you won't be disappointed, in fact even if you hate Django, the 20 bucks you'll spend on it is well worth this extra disc alone(it's included with Django and comes on a little mini disc).

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Great interpretation of Franco Nero! Very good the cinemathography of Dominici. Morricone's music arranged very well by italian pop group "Subsonica"

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