A Disappointing Continuation
... View MoreAlthough it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
... View MoreThis is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
... View MoreThe story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
... View MoreI've only watched it once so far, several years ago, but my memory of it is that it is the most painfully beautiful and bittersweet film that I've ever seen.My sister didn't get the story because she has a difficult time accepting that imperfection is the only perfection. Also, she probably has a hard time accepting that someone might be dependent on someone else for a lifetime.The actors are lovely.Why should a review have a minimum of 10 lines? Another great Italian movie is "Pranzo di Ferragosto" ("Mid-August Lunch" in the American release.)
... View MoreIf somebody knows a hundred odd things about Italian cinema then it must be assumed that that person must surely have heard of Gianni Amelio.He is a great figure of Italian auteur cinema having made important films like Colpire al cuore,Il Ladro di bambini,Lamerica and Così ridevano.It is sad to state but a hard to digest truth is that "Le Chiavi di casa" is a film for which Gianni Amelio has failed miserably.There are elements in this film which have the potential to emotionally stir a viewer but they do not have any effect as they are presented in a disconnected manner.This is a film about a father and his troubled relationship with his invalid son but so many questions are left unanswered.It is not sure whether this film is favoring invalid children or is just showing fake sympathy.Casting for the film has not been done properly.There are times when "Le Chiavi di casa" appears as a pathetic euro pudding as it features an English actress Charlotte Rampling sharing screen space with an Italian actor Kim Rossi Stuart in Germany.
... View MoreI just saw this film, and since I don't like to talk about scenes in the film because I don't wish to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, I wanted to at least give my recommendation, and high praise for this piece. This is a film you have to see for yourself, the performances delivered are some of the best I have ever seen. It is so deeply moving and touching. My face was literally a faucet through the whole film, and I don't recall ever seeing and film that made that happen to me. As an actress myself, I can only hope to someday deliver performance such as the ones in this movie. There is so much said in this film without words, I was so deeply impressed. Needless to say, I give this 10 stars, and I heartily recommend it to everyone. *Note: It helps to have a box of Kleenex and a strong heart to watch this, also if you watch this and don't get "any" of it (for I know some may have trouble) you need to watch it again, because everything that needs to be said is there and more*
... View MoreIt's inconceivable how a father can abandon a child at all. Gianni, the man at the center of this story, has done that when he saw his lover die during the delivery of the child, but the baby survived. The baby is born with cerebral palsy that leaves him physically handicapped. After fifteen years, Gianni suddenly comes around to take his son Paolo to a German hospital so he can undergo some rehabilitation.Thus begins a journey in which director Gianni Amelio takes us along to witness how the father and the son get acquainted after all those years. Paolo, the son, realizes Gianni is the missing father. He is quite an extraordinary boy in spite of the fact that he can't walk without the help of a cane. Gianni, at the beginning, is cautious of what he does because this is obvious a situation he didn't look for, but fell on him as part of having been absent all those years from his son's life.As Paolo is being tested at the hospital, Gianni meets Nicole, who is at the hospital because her daughter is also being treated there. Nicole asks questions and Gianni is reluctant to answer, but she guesses what the nature of the relationship is like. Gianni, who doesn't have any experience with his son's problems, wonders how Nicole has been able to cope all those years. When the final revelation is bared, little prepares us for what she has to say, yet, it's only a human reaction.Paolo and Gianni end up bonding in more ways than either one expected. Gianni surprises his son by taking him to Norway, where Kristine, a young pen pal of Paolo lives. Although they never get to see the girl, the trip serves for them to find a common ground and for Gianni to accept his responsibility. The last scene is a revelation as Gianni breaks down after realizing what a monster he has been to this son that he just have met.Gianni Amelio's genius lies in the way he tells his story in which there is no recriminations or cheap hysterics, which would have derailed the picture. Mr. Amelio is also to be commended for the way he has presented the story and for the interesting cast he put together to portray the people on the story. Kim Rossi Stuart makes a good Gianni, the father. Andrea Rossi seems to be a natural for the camera; as young Paolo, he shows more common sense and acceptance than his father. The great Charlotte Rampling plays the pivotal role of Nicole. It's her example, and stoicism, that makes Gianni think about the monstrosity of his actions and learns to love his son.It's a shame more films by Mr. Amelio don't reach us. He is a man with a conscience who wants to raise our awareness.
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