The Judas Project
The Judas Project
PG-13 | 19 February 1993 (USA)
The Judas Project Trailers

How would you react if Christ had re-appeared on earth today? Would man kind repeat their mistakes or accept? This movie is about a modernized 2nd coming of Christ. Instead of facing Romans there are different obstacles in this modern times that he'd have to face.


Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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I have watched this about 20 times. I wish it was passed throughout the country like the Jesus movie

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Initially his movie was promoted: What if Jesus came today, for the first time? In that context, the movie makes a very good statement except for one (misquoted?) excerpt when Jesse says: the quality of life determines the value (of life). It is not the quality of life that determines it's value, but the value that God the Creator placed on life since God values all life according to His word, the very reason Jesus came into this world. The quality of life is placed into the hands of mankind. For those who don't believe or never read or studied the New Testament, this movie has little to offer since it is the spirit in man we are dealing with.

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I wish I could give this movie zero out of ten. Oh my, is it bad. I mean really, really bad. I mean...if given the choice between brain syphilis and watching this movie, take the brain syphilis! At least that's curable! Everything about this movie is horrible. Gut-wrenchingly bad. So bad you'll need medication to re-enter society after watching. The makers of this movie should be embarrassed to ever show their faces in public. In fact, the stunning enormity of this movie's awfulness amounts to abuse, so perhaps some of them should be in jail.Ignore the sycophantic claims of some reviewers that this is a good movie. It's possibly the worst movie to come out in the past thirty years.

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I saw this originally when it was released to theaters here in 1994 (why does IMDb say 1990?). A friend who worked at a local theater told us about this "really controversial" movie about Christ. Being a movie geek I was surprised that I hadn't heard of it, but figured that it was a small indie movie that didn't get much publicity. Since the theater allowed her to bring herself and three others to a flick for free, she and I grabbed our significant others and checked it out.This movie was one of the greatest movie experiences of my life.Seriously.Sunday night, opening weekend. There are 6 people in the theater, including us. We missed the first minute or two and had to play catch up to figure out the premise. Lucky for us the second scene set up the rest of the movie perfectly.If you have the movie you must watch this scene. If you don't have it, run to the DVD bargain bin of your local Wal-Mart and dive in. I'll wait.Okay, the scene shows "Jesse" and "Jude" talking in a small restaurant. The camera is only showing one of them at a time, sitting at opposite ends of a table. They're discussing the miracle that happened the night before. After a couple of these one-shots, the camera shows the entire table, and there's this large bearded lumberjack looking guy sitting between them. There was no set up that there was anybody other than Jesse and Jude there. I remember saying out loud something like, "where the hell did THAT guy come from?" and the rest of the movie became a MST3K experience. There was so many bad decisions in this movie, from casting to acting to writing to music and so on that I find it hard to believe that anyone could take this movie seriously. I understand the whole "good intentions" thing, but there has to be some semblance of talent to pull it off, especially a story which people know so intimately.After the movie ended the four of us (there was only one guy left other than us) stood around in the parking lot for two hours, smoked a lot of cigarettes and kicked around our own version of the movie. Today I got the idea of how I could possibly come up with that version of the movie, which is why I'm visiting this site.I must admit, when I watched this movie on DVD a year or so ago, it didn't seem as bad as it did originally. The director/writer/music guy was sincere as to how he wanted to see this movie done, but he just didn't have the ability to pull it off.The best way to watch this is the way my friends and I originally saw it: totally obnoxious. Have a few drinks, get loose and throw it in.I only rated it a 9 out of 10 because my toe got stepped on really hard that night and it hurt. Otherwise it would rate a 10.Spoiler Warning! Jesse gets crucified.Betcha didn't see that one coming.

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