The Journey of Jared Price
The Journey of Jared Price
| 31 December 2000 (USA)
The Journey of Jared Price Trailers

A gay young man becomes involved with his blind employer's untrustworthy son. Jared Price is a small town boy who arrives in Hollywood with a few hundred bucks and a lifetime of dreams. See how he handles each situation he gets into and grows in his understanding of who he is. When what he thinks is his first love turns out to be false, see how he is helped and given the strength to stay in L.A. and try again. This film will remind you that love is worth waiting for and that there is always hope. A hustler for a roommate, a wealthy Hollywood executive for a boss, a lonely blind woman and a loveable new best friend make "The Journey of Jared Price" an adventure you will never forget.

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Wow! Such a good movie.

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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adam martin

I have been harsh in my scoring of this film because I know it couldn't have been easy to make for the money but what lacks here to satisfy the viewer is a comprehensively decent narrative. This film stands as a record of gay film making in 2001 and yet sadly and portentously has given birth to a plethora of US gay titles that probably saw this film as the ceiling of what could be achieved for gay film and that other film makers have chosen to poorly copy or make less inspiring or aspirant films.That said obviously it was a good lesson for the writer/director - he went on to win an Oscar for a film that did break through that glass ceiling (but let us hope that this was not just down to a much bigger budget by several degrees of magnitude nor solely because of a great cast or director because gay film in 2010 and beyond needs to get better and reach further.) With the knowledge that Dustin went onto write and win that Oscar for MILK and looking at this film I wonder if it isn't more autobiographical than we think? Ten out of ten for progressing on from this first stab at a film, it was a valiant effort but just not enough for me to fully embrace it. But essentially thanks Dustin for persevering and writing MILK. Oh and my god you're good looking!

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M. D. Tarrington, DBE

There are too many incongruities here. (1) After an hour sitting in the corridor owing to his roommate's commercial activities, why didn't Jared go to the desk clerk and ask, "May I please have another room? Javier's turning tricks in there and I really would like a place to sleep." (2) Middle-aged blind women who insist on tightly locked doors do not customarily hire young men as companions in their houses without checking references. (3) Andrew leaves Matthew the very day after he has told Jared that he intends to try to make the relationship last. We didn't get to see the tearful scene (or terrific fight) after Andrew took Jared home. It's a pity, for it probably would have been the best scene in the picture. (4) Mrs. Haines's supposed wealth was not reflected in her very ordinary and plain residence.Jared's video diary was an interesting device and could have been used to turn a really effective plot point had there been one. The gratuitous sex is not unpleasing to the eye, but it does not redeem this silly picture.

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I've seen "The Journey of Jared Price" twice now, and the second time I became convinced that I was watching one of the worst movies ever made. It's like watching a train wreck-hideous and fascinating at the same time. The acting is hopelessly amateurish, the dialogue is painfully bad (particularly the monologue on the meaning of the word "partner"), and the plot is predictable and condescending. If this is the state of gay movies in the year 2001, then we've taken a huge step back. What ever happened to good movies, like "Beautiful Thing," "Get Real," and "Edge of Seventeen"?

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Corey Spears (who also plays a bit part in Traffic) does an amazing job of pulling off the role of a young man shoved into reality (and self-discovery) in L.A.The film was shot in 5 days on about $30K, but doesn't look that way. The plot is solid, the characters well developed - a tribute to a very talented director and production/editing team.The press once characterized this as an "after school special", but I think it's much more. Check it out - it's worthy of rental - and possible permanently adding to your DVD collection.

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