The Janitor
The Janitor
NR | 28 December 2003 (USA)
The Janitor Trailers

Lionel is a custodian that longs for more. Bombarded with daily disrespect and insults from his co-workers, Lionel sets on a path of revenge and begins to brutally murder everyone in his path.


everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Bitter, disgruntled, and deranged homicidal janitor Lionel (essayed with growly gusto by bearded and burly Andy Signore, who also co-directed and wrote the cheerfully crude and nasty script) gets fed up with the snobby jerks at the white collar office he works at constantly mocking and belittling him, so he goes on a brutal killing spree in which he bumps off everyone who crosses his deadly path. Wise and loyal mentor and fellow custodian Mr. Growbo (a solid and engaging performance by Bruce Cronander) helps Lionel out. Signore and co-director TJ Nordaker joyfully mine a hilariously crass, twisted, and outrageous line in unapologetically dark, mean, and offensive lowbrow humor that gets plenty of big sick belly laughs by eschewing good taste, restraint, and subtlety in favor of genuinely inspired and often sidesplitting hardcore lunacy and depravity. Moreover, Signore and Nordaker deliver a generous amount of yummy gratuitous female nudity complete with an uproarious parody of the infamous "Psycho" shower murder set piece and pour on the gloriously excessive and over-the-top graphic gore with lip-smacking gonzo relish. Granted, the acting is admittedly pretty ragged, but the game cast's palpable go-for it enthusiasm goes a long way, with especially amusing turns by G. Larry Butler as jolly boss Mr. Bouillabaisse, Skip Pipo as clueless bumbling fed Agent Page, Crystal LeBard as shameless and enticing office tramp Mary, and Joe Carreon as eager new janitor Willis. Troma head honcho Lloyd Kaufman has a funny bit as an obnoxious bum. Carreon's competent cinematography boasts a few nifty visual flourishes. Both Adrian Burka's robust score and the cool rock soundtrack hit the right-on hoppin' spot. A complete riot.

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Blood, breasts, and cleaning products rain supreme in this soon to be classic film. Filmed with entertainment in mind, this gore flick has lots of sick humor! There isn't much justice my words can do. Just see it. This is is total B-Movie. B= best, breast, blood, bludgeoning, and bucket of cleaning solution. See it! The characters are unique and fun, the girls are hot or at least highly killable as some of the dudes scream like girls and get the plunger! Warning contains some of the best video ever seen of girls "having fun." Was seen when they first played this online. Is a must see film for parties and other large gatherings where feeding off one another's reactions makes it over the top.

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I don't know how anyone couldn't like this movie. That is, unless your idea of a good horror movie is "Scream." I was in a unique position while watching this movie. I am a huge gore fan, a filmmaker, and a former part-time janitor. As a gore fan, I enjoyed seeing all the obviously fake blood and guts being sprayed everywhere. As a filmmaker, I could appreciate how hard these guys had to work to put together this film on a shoestring budget. And as a former janitor, I loved seeing a fellow custodian murdering all the jerkwads that ticked him off.And on top of that, this movie is hilarious. The script, the performances, the subject matter, and the guest appearance by Troma's Lloyd Kaufman...all hilarious. Even if you don't appreciate the cinematic genius that is "The Janitor," at least you'll find it funny. I showed it to a group of mainstream movie fans, and they all loved it.I rented this movie from NetFlix a few days ago, and immediately bought it after watching it. I can't wait for their next movie to come out, and according to Andy Signore (I emailed him to tell him how great it was), it sounds like it's going to be another winner.Give this movie a chance. Help some really talented filmmakers continue making amazing movies.

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I loved this movie. I wonder how many of the people who have voted have actually watched it. Also surprised to see the stats so far show women enjoyed it more than men, being that it has qualities that most male b-movie fans look for in their films. There is plenty of originality. Most b-films do a lot of the same stunts for their gore and comedy. But this one has quite a few new nice surprises that will have you coughing up your liver from laughter in some scenes. One of my favorite scenes is where the prostitute's head is still attached to the guys crotch after it has been cut off (don't worry, you don't see his pecker). The sound effects when it is pulled off is just hilarious. The film's sound effects were done really nice and often times really helps make the scene.Another scene is one that involves Lloyd Kauffman, President of Troma, whom plays the bum in the back alley in this movie. When Lloyd looses his arm, he doesn't react like you think he would, not like most people do in a b-movie in this situation. He does and says something that had me rolling into the floor and out of my chair with laughter. I didn't expect that by far. Can't say what it is, that would be a spoiler and I already gave you one of those with the Prostitute scene. The movie as you can tell revolves around the Janitors. They start off as friends but then there is a twist and stand off in the end. Can't say more than that without giving away details. But for the most part, in this movie, if you are a Janitor, then you stick together. They turn janitoring into a brotherhood, in a very comical way. Imagine Al Bundy in Married With Children working in his shoe store. Well that is what these Janitors are like and how their job is looked at by the other characters in the movie. These Janitors also pretty much look at their jobs and treat their jobs the way Al and the other shoe salesmen in Married With Children did. I really think Al and his job was a major influence to this aspect of the film. Also if you are familiar with Sickening Conceptions, then you will be happy to know that TJ Nordaker is behind this (among other people) and even does a scene or 2 in it. My only complaint is that I wish it had been longer. That is because I enjoyed what I saw so much that I wanted more. But it is long enough for most I presume. I just hope that a directors extended cut will be done for it's official release on DVD. I own one of the first 50 copies of this DVD and if their are any left, I suggest you get one while you can. Just remember that this is a b-movie and that it doesn't try to be anything more. Actually that is part of the beauty of it. Because any other type of film couldn't get by with some of the things this does and this does those things so very well.

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