The Jackhammer Massacre
The Jackhammer Massacre
| 16 January 2004 (USA)
The Jackhammer Massacre Trailers

Jack Magnus is a successful businessman who periodically does drugs with his best friend Mike. When Mike takes some bad stuff, Jack panics and leaves him to die. His guilt eventually causes him to become a full fledged, utterly pathetic junkie. After being force fed a particularly nasty brew by a vindictive supplier, Jack seems to only grow stronger, surviving the ordeal and living on to become a crazed jackhammer killer. He's now utterly paranoid, believing that everybody is out to get him, with his paranoia manifested in visions of his dead friend.


Perfectly adorable

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An action-packed slog

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Absolutely brilliant

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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From a horror stand-point...this movie was terrible. As a message on saying NO to Drugs, this movie hits the nail on the head. I remember being moved after watching Leonardo DiCaprio in "Basketball Diaries" and I can honestly say this movie did the same. It proves that nobody is out-of-reach from drugs. It started with a young man who had a very good job, was respected by his peers, nice car, lots of money and the drugs took everything away from him until the final outcome. I'm being honest saying the producers should remove all the garbage scenes involving the jack hammer, re-arrange a few things, cut some, add some and this would be an ideal movie to show in schools to teach kids drugs can totally destroy your life. I'm going to ignore some of the ridiculous garbage in this movie and from an anti-drug point of view...I'll give the movie a strong 7 !

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After getting involved with lots of drugs, poor Jack goes absolutely nuts and begins killing all who enter the warehouse where he works. A friend of mine suggested this film to me, saying; "Jackhammer Massacre is the scariest, goriest film I've ever seen." Those are his words exactly. From the title alone I knew this wouldn't be the epic horror picture my friend described, but WOW, this movie really, really…sucked. Every cliché in the book has been rolled up into ninety minutes of pure torture. It seems every 5 minutes or so some miscellaneous character, always jackhammer fodder, enters the warehouse, just to meet up with Jack and die a gruesome death. There's a very generous amount of gore, though the make-up effects themselves vary in quality from pretty decent to chintzy. The acting is flat and the characters; uninteresting, but that's to be expected. Director/Co-writer Joe Castro—One of the effects artists at SOTA effects, a company who's work in the past has usually been less-than-stellar—would have been much better off handling the gore rather than writing/directing, because he shows no sense of pacing. Maybe that, combined with the film's predictability, is what made in so hard to sit through.Tiny spoiler ahead!"Jackhammer Massacre" has good gore but nothing else going for it. Skip it unless you're desperate for entertainment, or if you think a character being killed off via a jackhammer up the anus is funny (I'll admit the scene was pretty funny). And no, I didn't kill the friend who recommended this to me, he redeemed himself by showing me "Shaun of the Dead". 2/10.

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the movie is kinda weird with crappy acting and the basically the fist half hour is jack and some junkies shootin up or smoking. Then it gets interesting. Jack is a paranoid junkie who kills on drugs hes almost powered by drugs. He also uses his jack hammer to kill his victims. Some of his victims r friends and family. jack is basically trippin the whole movie, making up some crazy paranoid story and killing anyone in his way.The Gore effects are pretty good ,some of the killings look great. Some other things to notice in the movie that catch out r, a scene where jack cleans out his shoot- up arm with poor equipment, a lesbo couple, Jacks dead Friend that talks to him and only Jack can if u like to see a movie about a tripped out homicidal confused junkie who kills people with a jackhammer, then its worth seeing.Overall i thought it was pretty good and original story. RATING: 6/10

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The Jackhammer Massacre (a.k.a. Jackhammer – 2004) C-89 min. D: Joe Castro. Aaron Gaffey, Kyle Yaskin, Bart Burson, Nadia Angelini, Evan Owen, Rob Rotten, Rachel Rotten, Desi O'Brian. A direct-to-DVD revenge/slasher movie details a successful businessman's fall into insanity and growing love for his jackhammer, thanks to drugs. The first slasher movie in memory to blame its killer's antics on drugs...for a while, it even works too (with some nasty & gory special effects). It's nice to see a direct-to-DVD slasher gorefest. Unfortunately, the film's horrendous acting (worse than anything the 80s slasher films had to offer, which is really sad) and laughable last 20 minutes lead to its downfall. There is no excuse for the filmmakers to have been satisfied with the amount of bad acting in this movie (though the lead, Aaron Gaffey, isn't half bad). RATING: 3 out of 10. Rated R for graphic violence and gore, grisly images, drug use, sexuality, adult themes, and profanity.

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