The Invisible
The Invisible
| 08 February 2002 (USA)
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A teenager is assaulted and killed, but returns as a ghost to find his killer.


Truly Dreadful Film

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Lack of good storyline.

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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Niklas who soon will be graduating high school is a talented writer who dreams are truly fulfilled when he's invited to intend a interview in London where his writing aspirations can be realised, but his mum has no idea about. When his mum does finds out, Niklas is torn between either staying or leaving, but he finally goes with the latter. Walking home one night after a party he's set upon by a group thugs from his school, who heavily beat him up and leave him for dead in a ditch. The next morning he goes off to school on his supposedly last day, but what becomes clear is that no one can see him and he slowly learns that he's a ghost who can only watch on, as the authorities try to figure out what happen to him.Ideas might be running short in Hollywood, but it's not the trend in this Swedish fantasy-drama that's powerfully moving without being overly wretched. Like fellow users have mentioned the strong aspect about this story is how the cards play out, especially that of certain characters. You can't help but feel sorry for those ones you think that you'll hate and vice versa. I've got to take my hat of to the young cast; Gustaf Skarsgard as the very promising Niklas and Tuva Novotny as the hard nosed delinquent Annelie are exceptionally good. The concept behind the story might not be new, but the cleverly defined presentation was definitely refreshing and it did put out many questions that folded out rather intriguingly and lead to some surprising advancements. It does start off like your glum (if basic) teen high school fare where you have your good and bad students, but then it breaks the mould when it heads into its fantasy territory, but still it does keep that raw edge. After the death of Niklas we follow (just like he does when he finds out he can't interfere) the police investigation of his disappearance and we see that of emotional developments; why certain people hide behind images they create and see people learning when its best to let go, which makes the whole experience even more depressingly, down trodden. Stuck in are some brutally violent and arrestingly intense moments that come from nowhere and give the story some biting attitude mixed in rather well with the wholesomely, heart-felt moments. The script is pretty serious with the odd dark joke here or there and a nice couple of surreal moments, but mostly its torn between sprawling out on the harrowing burden that these characters face. The production does feel like a TV movie but these glossy elements are silkily done with great verve in its direction and the films moves along in a rather snappy pace.A emotionally, touching fantasy-drama that's beautifully implemented with excitingly, different results.

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I've never felt the urge to comment on any film in my life... although this film moved me in a way that doesn't equate in words. What appeared as a simple movie, quickly became a masterpiece of dialogue, emotion and acting that as a teenager echoed deeply. I could relate to its main character and the last 30 mins had me sitting on the edge of my seat and wishing it would be a Hollywood ending!!! Just if wishes could come true!! It might not be a movie for everyone, but for me I can say it will have to be one of the best movies I have ever seen and tomorrow I am going straight into town, to search for the DVD.. I am a fan of the film, a fan of the director and a fan of the actors!! Its rare you find a film that can touch you, but this one did... I just hope someone watches it and agrees with me.. A must see if your a fan of a movie with a bit of brains and a lot of ummphf!!

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Without revealing too much or nothing at all, let's just say that the theme is a big classic of the fantasy cinema but we are presented here with a completely new twist and it works so wonderfully; with no money the director chose another road and it's amazing; I saw it at the Brussels fantasy film festival and I should have congratulate the director; and to add even more pleasure to the vision of this movie , we don't have a Hollywood-feel-good-everybody is happy ending, thats so good and different!

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Swedish film generally remains in stating the obvious and sticking to the conventions of the time, but then there are those rare exceptions, reaching an unforeseen level. 'Invisible' is one of those few. A splendid achievement by the team Bergvall and Sandquist in their first full-length movie.A couple of years ago they got an Academy Awards nomination in the short film category, for 'Victor', also on the grave theme of death. 'Invisible' is based on a novel by the Swedish writer Mats Wahl, a mighty storyteller.This story is indeed mighty. A high school senior, bound by his mother's high expectations, is beaten up brutally, due to a misunderstanding, by a delinquent girl of his age, and left for dead. When he comes to school the next day, he finds that everybody ignores him, as if he had become invisible. Soon, he realizes that he really is.This slight ingredient of the paranormal, makes the story rise to a mythical magnitude, and the film makers, as well as the actors, manage to keep it there, to explore the grand perspectives suddenly appearing. Still, the very concrete psychological drama continues, and intensifies.It all amounts to one formidably gripping experience, not easily forgotten. There are, of course, clear links to 'Sixth Sense' and a number of other movies about the mysterious borderland between life and death, and the necessity for our lives to reach some kind of conclusion, some kind of harmony, before passing on.If searching for them, one can find some small weaknesses - like the unnecessary presence of a gun, or the inability of the dialogue to deal with those profound existential questions - but that's easily forgotten in the very touching and beautiful whole of the film, and more so after its uncompromising and magnificent ending.

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