The Invisible Eye
The Invisible Eye
| 04 March 2011 (USA)
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A teaching assistant at a private Buenos Aires school begins obsessively spying on her students in the early 1980s, as the public rises up against the military dictatorship.



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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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The year is 1982. Argentina was dominated by a military junta that had failed to bring stability to the nation. The higher ups ruling the country decided to repress whoever did anything to challenge their power. As the end was near, this story takes place. Marita, a twenty-something teacher, works in a private school that does not tolerate any deviation from the established guidelines of conduct. Marita who lives at home with her mother and grandmother, lives a solitary existence. Her whole life revolves in her daily routine of going to the school, then back to a boring life. The school is co-ed. Marita has high standards for herself, as well as those under her. She is a sticker for good behavior, not even blinking if she has to turn anyone for breaking the rules.For the most part, the students seem well behaved. Early on, we realize the young teacher likes one of handsome teens in her class. She must pass inspection for the a dress code that includes, uniform, as well as personal grooming. We see her touch the back to the boy she likes ever so lightly, almost as though smelling his masculine scent to fill her senses.Being discreet, Marita, shows an excellent restrain about the way she carries her duties. One day she discovers the boys' toilet, a place where some go to smoke, which is strictly prohibited. The dean of students, Biasutto, an older man, realizes Marita is sexually deprived. It becomes apparent she is a virgin. Her secret spot in one of the toilet stalls is discovered by the older man who takes advantage of a vulnerable woman, something that ends demoralizing the young teacher. Her reaction is quite unexpected. Marita summons all her courage, as she will not be defeated by the horrible man who dared abusing her. The last sequence shows a determined Marita, leaving the empty school while outside opposition factions are confronting the military in defiance."The Invisible Eye" directed by Diego Lerman, who adapted Martin Kohan's novel for the screen with Maria Meira, brings into focus the hard times the country was experiencing with the rigid institution that functioned as though part of the outside world. Marita is an intensive looking woman, a control freak, if you will, who has repressed her own instincts by denying herself the pleasures of the flesh. In a way, the film reminded this viewer of Michael Haneke's "The Piano Teacher", in that both women faced similar situations, but where Erika Kohut, the heroine of the French film gave vent to her own sexuality, Marita keeps her under strict control. Julieta Zylberberg makes a magnificent impression with her Marita. There is not a false move in her performance. The actress surprises by the way she builds on her character with what appears to be a minimum of movement. One could see what is going on by just watching her eyes and facial expressions. Omar Nunez is quite impressive as the older predator who knows what he wants, going at it with a savage force that surprises the viewer. Alvaro Gutierrez, the cinematographer, captures in dark tones the atmosphere at the school. Diego Lerman shows tremendous talent for getting impressive results from his cast and crew.

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The camera in this movie is fantastic! The faces's expressions are very well worked. The sense of oppression is evident and the ambiguity of the main character is very marked. I liked when she laughs and I really liked when she sees the buttons, the leggings, the skirts always with this cold but intense eye at the same time. I have to say that the actress surprised me greatly and that I have to congratulate Nunez's performance, because this movie is directed with a great critical eye, and as if we were inside the movie. The same story could happen to any place in Spain during my childhood. In fact, I felt quite impressed by many memories it brought up from my own childhood in a state school during the times of Franco.

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Sindre Kaspersen

Diego Lerman's third feature film is a tense and aesthetic socio-political fictional drama that takes place in the year of 1982, where the streets are over-flooded by protestants who are opposed to the military dictatorship in Argentina and behind thick, solid walls 21-year-old assistant teacher Marita Teresa is appointed with a secret mission where she has to supervise the students at a school in Buenos Aires and reveal eventual moral offenses.Director Diego Lerman's adaptation of a novel by Martin Kohan called "Moral Sciences" is a stylistic, minimalistic and rigorously compounded study of character with great pace about a young woman who discovers unknown character trades as she figures as the moral guardian at a secondary school where the teachers are trying to create a society that strongly contrasts the real society that takes place outside of the schools hard frames. Julietta Zylberg gives a sophisticated portrayal of a reserved character in this thematically challenging independent film, and with brilliant filming and cinematography, minimal dialog, a throughout oppressive mood and stringent narrative, Argentinean Diego Lerman has created a dark and chilly psychological thriller-drama with a nation's political revolt as its background, which is narrated from the viewpoint of and plays out inside the mind of the main character who with mixed feelings realizes that she, just as well as her students, have human desires.

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