The House on Pine Street
The House on Pine Street
| 28 February 2015 (USA)
The House on Pine Street Trailers

A psychological horror about a young woman coping with an unwanted pregnancy after moving into a seemingly haunted house.


Surprisingly incoherent and boring

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Strong and Moving!

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Dreadfully Boring

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Andariel Halo

Something odd about the way this film was shot made it feel low budget, but it engaged in some very compelling bits of subtle, paranoia-laced horror early on, particularly with the way people continuously stared at Jennifer, in a way that could easily just be normal yet when amplified through the uncomfortable eyes of the protagonist, come across almost paranormal in how unsettling it is. When it does start up with its Haunted House Shenanigans, it tends to do so in a way in some rather straightforward ways, with noises and shadows and visual hallucinations, all done in a style to make it rather unclear as to whether its an actual haunting or all in Jennifer's mind. Certain physical feats (such as a broken wooden door) seem too extreme to just be in her head, but are extremely plausible to actually be just in her head (the door was old and likely damaged from mildew and humidity).The film does a great job despite its low budget look and feel at hooking you in and keeping you as perpetually tense and paranoid as Jennifer. There seems to be a breakthrough with the character Walter at one point which further adds to the mystery as to whether this is even some manner of "ghost" or some other inexplicable phenomenon. Where it completely falls apart is near the end, in a conversation/expo-dump with Walter, where he goes and explains that it isn't an actual ghost haunting but... "Energy" Namely, Jennifer's "energy" is like, just so intense, you know, so it, like, manifests in spooky ways. You see, like, her like "energy" like interacts with other people's "energy" and other thing's "energy" and that causes Jennifer to savagely beat herself up and destroy everything. Because since she wants to not live in the house, her "energy" is causing her to self destruct and destroy everything around her in a fitful desire to move out of the house. Leaving aside the fact that energy doesn't work that way, this pseudo-science "magic" feels extremely close to astrology, with the idea that people's "energy" or more accurately "midichlorians" vibrate in some magic way that cause actual physical effects in the world, which in turn also has magic that interacts with them. If this were the case, everyone's magic energy would be blinded, deafened, and drowned by the overwhelming nuclear "energy" of the sun every single day.

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Radu Stan

All over the Internet I've seen countless awards for this movie, a lot of positive reviews about it and this is completely baffling for me, going as far as to make me think that I've seen a different movie. I can't understand how is this production so praised, when almost every tense moment was nothing if not predictable, when the acting of most of the actors was not only visibly uninspired, but also irritating (I could barely stand the scenes where Jennifer's mother was featured). Besides this, I cannot cope with the fact that I have watched a ghost movie WITH NO ACTUAL GHOST featured in it. Also, the ending, with the "energy" explanation is so far-fetched and rushed, I felt it ruined the already bad impression I've had. The death of her husband was completely unnecessary, it felt misplaced, not to mention the almost full recovery of Jennifer from it in a matter of days. The plot in its entirety was a generic haunted house story, with no original aspects save for the actors, basically I felt as if I was watching another episode of "A Haunting", although I am inclined to appreciate the show a lot more for ACTUALLY FEATURING GHOSTS in it. I tend to believe the movie was biased for being successfully funded through Kickstarter. Other than that, there is a single way to describe this production : Unconvincing and generic.

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The House on Pine street should be shown to any horror movie director as an example on how to make a good movie. It's also an example of how a good story and good direction can take a movie with a low budget and make it excellent. You don't need a lot of special effects if the story is done right.The scares are very subtle and don't even tip you off with scary music. I love movies like that, you actually have to pay attention. The acting was well done and the story left a lot for the viewer to interpret. If you are a person that doesn't enjoy a movie where you may have to draw your own conclusions, this movie may not be for you. If you enjoy a movie that keeps you on your toes and makes you think about it, give this one a chance.

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Jump to the last 3 lines! the rest of this is dribble that IMDb wants us to put in as if its going to make a difference!I LIKE the part of the movie where if you weren't watching it would have you thinking of the last part where they tried to write 10 lines of dribble but in this case the last frame was what I expected while others might of though that posts have NO life so IMDb makes us write 10 lines of dribble.Don't stop me I'm still trying to write dribble dribble dribble. My pet peeves are long drown out reviews from credits wannabe's and this site forces you to put in more then 10 lines which is totally ridiculous! My review is the last 3 lines so skip over all the BS that IMDb makes you dribble in as if we have no life and really care about others.Everyone knows that there are very few horror/thriller movies made that are 10's so with that being said I look for quality in filming and this one is above average. IMHO its well worth the watch

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