The Heroine
The Heroine
PG-13 | 26 April 1973 (USA)
The Heroine Trailers

Incriminating evidence against a gang is left in a cab when a gang member dies in it. The gang chases the innocent cab driver, who receives help from the dead gangster's sister - a tough police woman.


Wow! Such a good movie.

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Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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this was the worst film I'd ever seen until I saw the film kickboxer king (read my review), as a big jackie chan fan I was very excited to find out about a film I'd never heard of before, and I got it as a new release for 5 quid! how could this be I asked myself (I like to talk to myself), well the reason was that it's a pure pile of crap! it is the most boring and false marketed film ever (except for kickboxer king as already stated) as another reviewer stated jackie has a huge false mole on his cheek for most of the movie, I say most because it's not always there or sometimes it's on the other cheek, I figured it was some sort of "magic mole" but that part of the plot never came into it unfortunately, that might have been interesting at least, also jackie is barely in the movie and has no decent fights, plus to make matters worse there was no sound on my version for 10 minutes near the end...not that it really matters as I'm sure they were just spouting on about "ang chang chong" and the likes...rubbish

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I love watching some of Jackie Chans old movies. They usually have great action sequences, but not this one!!!! I had to force myself to actually finish it. It was so weird to see him as a bad guy, and he had this big hairy mole on his face. I mean, what's the deal with that? He was hardly even in it, and was not the main character. I also think his name is all over the box just because of his fame. Usually when watching his old films I usually can look past the fact that it's low budget, but this one I could not. It was really bad quality. The only thing I really found funny was seeing all of them run around in bell bottoms, and that chezzy 70's music in the background. So whatever you do, if you want to watch a good Jackie Chan movie DO NOT watch Rumble in Hong Kong.

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Well all i can say is that this had the worst dubbing in movie history, if you see it i am sure you will know what i mean. The movie was bad but no extremely bad, there was some okay action between Jackie Chan and Charlie Chin, yes it was nice to see Jackie as a bad guy, but not with a stupid mole on his face the size of a football. The story was incredibly pointless, and all the titles are misleading, the police woman has a small part, and has NOOOOO comparison to rumble in the bronx. Chan fans may want to see him on the other side of the badge, but anyone else do not see this, even if you like Chan be prepared for a terrible film with average action.

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This is a sad example of bad marketing on everyone's part. Jackie Chan appears on the box and headlines the credits although he's only in the movie for a handful of scenes. I guess it was retitled "Rumble in Hong Kong" by the Americans to cash in on "Rumble in the Bronx"'s fame, even though the two movies have nothing in common. Even the Chinese title "Police Woman" is misleading; sure, there's a police woman in the film, but she's not the main character and the story doesn't follow her like the title suggests.But as a film it isn't really 100% bad. Ignoring the unfairness of using Jackie's image and the misleading titles, the film is a basic "police vs. evil crime lord" story with the usual twists and turns, good guys and bad guys and the occasional action sequence. A good movie to see with friends, but kind of gets boring if you watch it alone. The hero isn't a police woman though, it's a taxi driver. Go figure.Hardcore fans of Jackie's will like this film because you get to see him play something other than the hero. He's not the main villain though, only one of the henchmen, so everyone else will be disappointed by his amount of screen time. Deprived of his characteristic moves, humor, and even basic character development, he becomes just another thug (they give him an enormous ugly mole on his neck too, for reasons unknown).So as a whole the movie's ok, just don't expect to see a lot of Jackie Chan or police women.

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