The Heirloom
The Heirloom
| 15 September 2005 (USA)
The Heirloom Trailers

A Taiwanese man returns to the island after years abroad when he inherits a house; when he and his fiancé move in, strange things start to happen.


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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I found this film quite interesting though very slow pacing at times. The characters chosen were really good. I am a Singaporean and I do understand Chinese. Hence, I do not really need to look at the subtitles to understand this film. Though this films may not be as scary as J-Horror films, I think it does a great job in creating a creepy atmosphere. This movie is very original. Very much like Ringu, tension and fear builds up to only one very terrifying scene. The scene in the toilet at the airport was terrifying. The girl got hung without even with a rope around her neck. Just like ringu, this terrifying scene occurs in one of the most unexpected moments in the show, that makes the scene scary. The idea used in this movie was rather ridiculous. It is about a strange tradition a family has in which people who are unhealthy have to get locked up. However, the storyline was done so well that I found this film very entertaining. The acting, especially the main character, in this movie did a very great job. Score: 8/10

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THE HEIRLOOM had a pretty decent and twisted concept - unfortunately, it didn't deliver on it. The first 40 minutes of the film were pretty much completely unnecessary and could have been summed up in 10 minutes or so. We only get into the "meat" of the story during the second half - and even then the film doesn't deliver on what could have been a pretty cool subject...A guy inherits a house from his family that was a breeding ground for ghosts. Strange things begin happening around the house and as the (slow-moving) story goes on, we find out exactly what went down in the haunted house...The ghost-breeding concept was pretty cool - and had this part of the film been expanded on, it could have been good. Unfortunately, the whole explanation of what happened in the house was summed up in about 10 minutes in a scene where the main character's girlfriend speaks to one of his relatives in a mental institution. The film also fails by falling into many of the typical stupid horror trappings - people staying in a house that is OBVIOUSLY haunted instead of leaving like they should have in the first 5 minutes, etc...Despite decent camera-work and acting - this one just felt too "typical" to me - hence my mediocre rating. Die-hard Asian ghost-film fans will probably love this one...personally I found it extremely average...5/10

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This was a great Thai film with some really amazingly beautiful visuals. The premise was really interesting and I appreciate the look it gave me into certain Chinese beliefs, particularly the darker ones. I could not stop thinking about this movie for a couple of days after I saw it, which to me is always a sign of a good film! The film is basically about this family that raises a baby ghost, which according to Chinese and Taiwanese beliefs can bring a family lots of money and good fortune. Well, this family certainly had wealth, but they did not have good fortune! In the beginning of the film, we see that they have all hung themselves in some sort of bizarre mass suicide.Twenty years later a distant relative returns from China to claim the house, from ancestors he never even knew he had. He brings his fiancée with him and the two proceed to move in. It begins to get really creepy when a secret fourth floor is discovered and the real family history inevitably gets discovered. Now, I don't want to give anything away so I will stop there. But, I have to tell you again this film is soooo worth seeing! The acting of the lead actress is great, the guy not so much. But overall it was the really awesome visuals, coupled with an interesting story that did it for me and made me want to recommend this one.

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My motivation for this comment is the only, very negative review, that says exactly the opposite of what I found in this movie! The overall rating is terrible (though 11 votes is not representative of anything), and the film definitely deserves more.To me, it has a good story, for once. It avoids Asiatic horror movie clichés and creates a mood of its own. It is superbly photographed. Under a seemingly classic form and approach lie lots of elements that makes this movie much more special than you'd expect it to be in the first 10 minutes.It's well worth a try. To be perfectly honest, I saw it in a festival, and one develops a certain tendency to see the good things in the four to six movies you watch every day, so I can't rule out that I might react otherwise if I saw it today.Still, I am confident this is more than just another Asian horror-flick, and that, if you're curious and open-minded, you'll find something to feed your movie-hungry appetite...

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