The Haunting of Marsten Manor
The Haunting of Marsten Manor
| 17 January 2007 (USA)
The Haunting of Marsten Manor Trailers

Jill, a girl angry about being blind and struggling with her faith, unexpectedly inherits an old mansion from her estranged aunt. She and her friends go there to check it out. On the way they have a strange encounter with the creepy Hank. At the house, unnerving things start happening and Jill starts "seeing" things. Her friends become concerned about her sanity, leaving Jill feeling even more isolated and under the spell of the force in the house. But when Jill disappears, it's too late for her friends to stop what is already in motion. The ghost that brought Jill to the house and a soldier from the past are going to reveal their secret, forcing Jill to face her greatest fears, changing her forever.


That was an excellent one.

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The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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Cem Lamb

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Whenever I see "The haunting of" I assume the worst, in fact who am I kidding? When I see that a movie is ghost themed I generally do. As much as I love horror that sub-genre rarely delivers and is commonly an area taken by independent film makers.This is a disastrous little haunting movie that tells the story of a frustrated girl stricken with blindness who is left an enormous manor in her late aunts will.I'd continue, but honestly the plot is an absolute mess and isn't one I'd like to even have a go at explaining.So we've established that the plot is dire, now how about the cinematography? the soundtrack? the cast? Honestly no boxes are ticked here, everything is embarassing.And then we have the religious angle. Our heroine is frustrated and angry that she is now blind and her faith is left shaken. How can she possibly believe in a magical cloud man who impregnated a woman with himelf after creating a world full of talking snakes unicorns and giants......who would make her blind? Seriously? The only thing that could have made this worse is if it had been found footage, thank Odin for small graces.The Good:Not so muchThe Bad:Looks like a daytime US soap operaSeven shades of awful on every frontThings I Learnt From This Movie:I need to filter out all movies that begin with "The Haunting of"

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Nigel P

This low-budget project features Brianne Davis as feisty Jill, who gives her obnoxious lawyer short shrift when he attempts to patronise her when revealing the contents of his recently deceased aunt's will. Jill is blind and is still coming to terms with people's reactions to her. A possible stroke of good fortune comes about when it is revealed her estranged aunt has left her home – a spooky old mansion.I mention the low-budget production values because this can put some viewers off. I bore people rigid by saying that independent films are only constrained by their lack of finance, and better that than to have the project diluted by the creativity-sapping, restraint-soaked wishes of more mainstream organisations. And yet it is true. If you want spectacular stunts and humanity-stripping CGI, this won't be for you.If you wish to look beyond superfluous production gimmickry, there is much to enjoy here. Writer/director David Sapp makes the most of his locations and particularly the Manor itself. The three main players Davis, Ken Luckey and Christine Woods (as Jill's two good friends Rob and Erika) are terrific naturalistic and unaffected performers. Above all, their friendship is real and we can relate to them as people. When Jill starts seeing apparitions, she optimistically believes her eyesight may be returning.The pace doesn't pick up, but neither does it falter and there are a few decent scares. The most effective for me concerns Jill's audio diaries – when playing back her latest entry, there are other noises in the background. Of course, people being people, an element of distrust grows amongst Rob and Erika, and for a time it is entirely possible (though unlikely) that one of them is deliberately trying to unnerve poor Jill.The end is satisfying. And no, Jill does not magically recover her sight. She does, however, become more accustomed to her situation. Ultimately, 'Marsten Manor' is a decent chiller and well worth your time.

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My husband is a writer & I have worked in film (on numerous films as well as television series for CBS). I like indie-films & am all for supporting locals. My husband & I suffered thru 80 mins of this film which really made NO sense. The screen play was scattered at best. There was nothing frightening. It was just random. The flashbacks really didn't make sense - they didn't really contribute to the supposed point of the story. Add to the horrendous screen writing, the uber amateur photography and it just screamed beginner. I am shocked it was presented in a film festival. Not to be harsh but I have seen better cinematography and screen writing in productions produced by groups of high-schoolers. Now I know why I haven't heard of David & Julie Sapp in the professional circles in Utah.

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"The Haunting Of Marsten Manor" is an enjoyable movie. I saw this film at a film festival and again when it came to theaters. It's a film people of all ages will enjoy.It's a supernatural thriller with redeeming values. It has a lot of twists and turns I didn't expect, that I enjoyed a lot. I got chills many times during the movie! The 3 main actors did a great job as well as the ghost (Julie Sapp) and the soldier (C. Thomas Howell). C.Thomas Howell adds a lot to the film. I've loved him since "The Outsiders"!I think the writers are talented and are a great duo. This is actually the first film for the filmmakers. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of their films.You leave the movie feeling happy that you saw it. Find it and see it!

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