The Guard Post
The Guard Post
| 03 April 2008 (USA)
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The plot concerns Guard Point 506, where an entire squad of soldiers have been killed in mysterious circumstances, bar one survivor who's in a coma. Military Investigators are dispatched to the base, and discover they're dealing with a virus that turns humans into ravenous flesh-eating killers!

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Absolutely the worst movie.

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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I really dig this 'Genre' of Horror films where there is a military 'Outpost' or 'Bunker' somewhere, and something is amiss...Immediately I was frigg'n blown away by just the sheer look of the film. The Blu-ray was SO damn sharp and dimensional, that I fully expected the soldiers to walk right out into my living room at any time! It was absolutely LOVELY to look at. And the Dark Blue tones and lighting were done very well.One thing though... and you will likely be able to tell this by some of the other reviewers' Summaries here. This is a VERY SLOW-building, suspenseful Horror film. Those who prefer a lot of fast action or continuous mayhem will likely find it pretty slow and boring. BUT... if you don't mind, or like me, actually really enjoy the slow-burn type of Horror films, you will probably like it.Another real strong element in this film is that it is such a DAMN Mystery. There were several places along the story where I'm thinking, 'What the hell just happened?' Or, there are places where you almost swear that they show multiple flash-backs, but the same scenes are somehow different, GREATLY adding to the sense of Mystery and Suspense. Without giving anything away, I THINK that at the end the audience pretty much knows WHAT the primary 'Cause' of everything was. But, to me it was a little confusing at times as to exactly WHO was doing WHAT? Especially with the multiple flashbacks.Ultimately, I felt that the film was paced very well, with a nice, slow-burn building of Suspense and Terror as to what the hell was going on. The primary actor was very good too, and I think that 'Through' his eyes, the audience really feels and experiences what is going on in a more visceral way.I won't give away what it is that is behind what's happening, but I will say that it was a little bit different of an approach than many of the other similar films of it's type. I personally probably prefer the 'Other' approach more so, just for my preference and taste, but even though this one came from another angle, I still felt that there was a good, strong sense of Mystery, particularly, and I felt that the director and actors did an excellent job!I would say that if you are familiar with movies like this, and IF you don't mind a bit of a slow-burn to your Horror films, then you likely will find this well made, Dark and Mysterious Korean Horror movie entertaining...

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A grisly yet derivative horror flick set on a border post between North and South Korea. THE GUARD POST turns out to be a very familiar journey in its depictions of the terrors, both real and imagined, that befall a group of soldiers living in an ultra-remote and dangerous locale. The film it most resembles is R-POINT, another Korean movie with a very similar background, and if it isn't quite as good as that film then at least it makes the effort.THE GUARD POST offers a neat blend of psychological fear and in-your-face graphic horror. It opens with a massacre (wisely kept off-screen) and we subsequently follow the fortunes of a group of soldiers sent to investigate what happened. What exactly did happen won't really surprise anyone – the theme is extremely familiar these days in plenty of horror films – but it's handled in an efficient way that maximises the various scare scenes to strong effect. There's physical horror present in the film too, but rather than dwelling on it, it's presented in brief, jarring visions which add to the viewer's disorientation.One flaw prevents THE GUARD POST from being a great film: the disjointed editing. The decision was made to tell both the back-story leading up to the massacre and the present, investigative story at the same time, with rapid-fire editing between the two time frames. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for the viewer to tell whether what's going on is happening at present, or in the past. It doesn't help that only a few of the main characters are given any kind of depth, and trying to distinguish one huddle of soldiers from the next is a difficult process. If it wasn't for this, then THE GUARD POST could have been a truly great viewing experience; as it stands, it's something I enjoyed but wouldn't bother with a second time.

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Caine Dagal

Ever since "Aliens" debuted in the eighties, I've been a rabid fan of the once subgenre: Military Horror. A once thoroughly unexplored branch of the general horror genre, films such as "Dog Soldiers" "R-Point" and "The Bunker"--to name a few, have excitedly fleshed out the intersection of military service and funereal goings on.A veteran myself, I can only laude the writer who understands the suitability of military life as border to the unexplainable and its fertility for forays into the unknown. That said, "The Guard Post" is a two hour tour de force foray into the realms of psychological and brutal corporeal terror.Presentation is amazing--a grey, iron hard military outpost manned by a handful of heavily armed soldiers daily humping live ammo just a few hundred meters from their enemy counterparts across a no man's land of concertina and landmines. The setting is great: the soldiers of GP 506 were living under immense tension long before their lives diverged into the unknown. Add to that brutal South Korean military taditions, accidental fire on enemy postions, and the stage is set for even a unit of elite paratroopers to come unglued at the drop of a spent shell casing.Some of the imagery alone is brutal enough to get you out of your seat, while psychological tension is ratcheted without mercy, building inevitably toward the next "incident". If you love a story that begins with an armed unit in solid control of a ghastly situation, with well armed men sweeping dark corridors where evidence presents of goulish goings on, and continues on toward the at first slow loss of control over said situation, you will thoroughly love this film. Additionally, the subtitles, and foreign sentence structures of an unknown (to most) culture serve to add further tension and alienation during the experience.While long for a horror film, I was continually watching the play time bar, willing it to slow down. This one is a great find, a gem among scores of so so to downright unwatchable films of the genre, and after viewing this one, I want more!

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This Korean movie looked really promising and definitely has some great cinematography to offer. One thing is for sure, there must be a strange interest for war/army horror movies ... RPoint, Dog Soldiers, The Bunker and even remakes of those movies, well GP506 fits in between these movies fine. The movie is set on a guard post on the North/South Korean border where strange happenings occurred and a whole team of 21 soldiers got killed. The one surviving is killed when found blood drenched and wielding with an axe among the remains of the other soldiers. Since the army wants to cover up what happened one soldier is sent in to uncover what happened that night before 6o clock in the morning when an army troop arrives to cease the evidence. From here on the uncovering begins slowly (the movie is 2 hours long, so I expected it) and the new team of soldiers soon finds another surviving man who hesitates to tell his story. The movie is edited in an interesting way of flash backs telling the story fragments found in diaries and the movie soon turns out to be a mix of The Bunker and The crazies because whats behind it all is not the ghost movie you expect at the beginning. I don't want to ruin too much for you, because otherwise you'd spend 2 pretty slow hours to reach the final twist. The problem is that the movie is way to long and repetitive... the visuals are nice, the editing is interesting but it wears off soon. After all its a lot of drama elements in there and although there is some blood its rather on the sidelines for me. GP506 could have been a great movie but its way too long and fragmented for me and will sure not please the typical horror crowd with its ending. If you can't get enough of the movies mentioned before give it a try, but I think its not the same class even though the cinematography is superior to e.g. The Bunker.

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