The Gospel of Judas
The Gospel of Judas
| 05 April 2006 (USA)
The Gospel of Judas Trailers

It’s a revelation conjuring heated debate: According to a recently translated ancient text called the Gospel of Judas, the disciple infamous for betraying Jesus may well have been Christ’s most faithful servant and—because the Savior asked him to—accepted perpetual disgrace to bring about Jesus' death. Explore the mysticism of early Gnostic thought expressed in words written on a 1,700-year-old leather-bound papyrus. Hear the interpretations of four biblical scholars. Follow this fragile document from its discovery in Egypt to its translation and ultimate presentation to the world. And share your thoughts on the Gospel of Judas.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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National Geographic presents a documentary on the controversial gnostic gospel known as The Gospel Of Judas.It presents the backstory about how it was discovered,authenticated and the history behind it.It was analyzed by experts and scholars to provide an accurate story on what the content of the gospel which highlights a different view on Judas Iscariot with regards to the passion and death of Jesus and the events surrounding Christian history particularly during the time of Ireneaus, who himself condemned the said gospel in 180 A.D.The documentary presents first how the gospel was discovered in the caves of Egypt.It highlights how it was stolen once and how it was kept hidden inside the vault for sixteen years that led to deterioration of its papyrus.Also,it narrates the story of how a former antiques dealer got possession of it and provided it to experts and scholars for its restoration and analyses.It was obvious the painstaking effort it needed for its restoration and how it was authenticated through carbon dating at the Physics Center of University of Arizona.It was evident that the newly found Gospel was authentic as it was carbon dated back to 280 plus/minus 60 years and it was written in coptic writing.It was indeed the same gospel that Ireneaus rallied against.After its authentication,the story it narrates was revealed to the viewers.It tells of a special relationship between Jesus and Judas Iscariot,the only apostle who best understood Jesus and his true teachings.Also,it provides unlikely character of Jesus like someone who laughs sardonically especially when his apostles fail to understand him.Also,it includes stories that are not in parallel with the other gospels in the Bible such as appearing as a child to his apostles for them to understand him more clearly.Finally,the act of betrayal made by Judas was made in obedience to Jesus' orders.It was evident that National Geographic made an effort to validate it.Despite the fact that I commend its staff for authenticating it and proving it to be far from being archaeological forgery,I felt that it is trying to push it as another version of Christianity.The effort it made to somehow validate it by presenting other gnostic gospels that existed like the Gospels of Thomas,Mary Magdalene,Philip and many others.Despite the fact that the Gospel of Judas contains a lot of unlikely characteristics of Jesus like someone who laughs a lot and many others that are not found in the four gospels in the Bible,it somehow has scholars in it who tried to provide credibility to its content.Sad but true.Too bad that it made its viewers to give attention to what this gnostics are saying.As Dr. Elaine Pagels stated,"They called themselves Christians.Not gnostics". Obviously,they are not gnostics but heretics.In the end,there are more questions asked than answered at the end of the documentary especially when events in history are being re- interpreted particularly how the gospels were chosen when everyone familiar with Christian history knows exactly how the Council Of Nicea came about.

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This so-called documentary is yet another attack on Christianity by the National Geographic Channel.Ostensibly an authentic Christian text which was suppressed by the Catholic Church, it is, in reality, a Gnostic text and has nothing to do with Christianity.Gnosticism predates Christianity and proposes that there are actually two gods, one of the spirit (and thus good) and one of the physical world (and thus is evil).Having seen the effectiveness of Christianity, the Gnostics usurped practically every Christian character and theme in order to make their claims "valid" in the eyes of the early Christian followers. Thus the god of the old testament was made to correspond to the "god of the physical world" and the Christ as the "god of the spirit".In the Gnostic world Jesus was not even physical (for being of spirit, he could have no flesh, viz. flesh=evil) and thus could not have been really crucified. As to Christ's spiritual nature, only those of "the true faith" had the secret knowledge (Gnosis) which was passed on orally (through secret words) from Christ to his (Gnostic) followers.For those unfamiliar with Christian history, don't be fooled. - The National Geographic Channel has chronically tried to undermine Christian beliefs by "examining" such "suppressed" books and claiming that Gnosticism was a legitimate Christian sect, when, in fact, such texts as "The Gospel According to Judas" and those found at Nag Hammadi (e.g. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene and The Gospel of Thomas) were written by Gnostics three or more centuries after Christ's death.

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I found this documentary very interesting and eye-opening. While interesting, I was disappointed in what the documentary actually tells us. In trying to put together the ancient text of the Gospel of Judas, the experts tell us that they were able to recover 85% of the text, making it readable for the first time in thousands of years.Unfortunately, they only gave us a "glimpse" of what is written in the Gospel of Judas. The only written words confirmed were "Gospel of Judas." As far as I could tell, no other original quotes were mentioned. This seems unusual and I tend to question why? I'm going to the Internet to see if I can find more information on the actual words of this Gospel.

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In the entire course of the history of Christianity, he was being labelled as the traitor to Jesus before the cruxification happened. Many condemned him since. But when records of maybe a long-lost scroll about Judas surfaced which showed a different side of him, how will the public react.This documentary was first shown on the National Geographic around the Easter period this year and I even managed to watch it when it was on the cable here. As from what I remembered in my earlier school days at those chapel sessions (given I once attended a missionary school and the chapel is part of the school), there is a traitor among all of Jesus's disciples when they were all having the Last Supper. So, this documentary began to change from what I remembered and gave me another perspective of who Judas is maybe.It may be an two-hour long documentary as I realised, but then when there was a repeat of it, even on the local free-to-air television here at a later date, I tried to watch it again. It was really insightful as to hear from those who had researched about the subject and gave their opinions. Even how maybe the Bible we all knew today actually contain many gospels before the ones Christians actually knew nowadays. Real eye-opener for me, even as a non-Christian.I mean coming back to the documentary, given when the scroll was found, it was almost becoming dust. And when it was being pieced together, it showed a very different Judas that we all knew from the Bible, whether we are Christians or not ourselves. I am not a Christian myself but then I feel the documentary has done a nice job somewhere along the line in shedding the light of Judas.Maybe it may take some time for people to understand that actually there is a different side of Judas. But given how I had always know of the National Geographic's standards in producing their documentaries, I do have some faith in them. So, if you are not afraid in knowing the other side of Judas, this is recommended.

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