The Flying Liftboy
The Flying Liftboy
| 26 November 1998 (USA)
The Flying Liftboy Trailers

Pupil Abel is the victim of Laura's nasty prank, yet gets accidentally blamed and overreacts. His ma withdraws him from school and gets him a job as lift-boy. But its' a special lift: when he pushes the forbidden green button, it takes him, Laura, Jozias Tump and Maria Klaterhoen to Manhattan. There he's mistaken by a rich bitch who looks like his mother for her long missing son Johnny. When a police helicopter comes to tow the lift cabin, the Dutchmen get back in. It takes them to a Latin American country, Perugona. The new revolutionary leader realizes presidents live about one year, so he gives the job to Mr. Tump, who saved his life. The news coverage attracts Abel's and Johnny's family, in time for an even weirder finale.


Best movie ever!

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Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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The movie is based on the well-known children's book 'Abeltje' by the (locally) famous Annie M.G. Schmidt. The book is, as in most cases, better than the movie, which has been altered to appeal to another generation. Enter the skateboard and an earring for Abeltje, a mother who runs a garage instead of a florist's, and the 'girl next door' who suddenly became a 'love interest' of sorts. These modernizations show again their age today, probably more so than the original story would have done. I would have preferred it if they had stuck a bit more to the original story, although it must be said that they added a fair bit of adventure, which isn't all bad. It's a decent (though rather wacky) children's adventure story the young ones will surely enjoy, and some parents may like it too.NB: Comments about so-called 'racism' are not only ridiculous, they are simply moronic. And false. Clearly, ALL adults in the story are portrayed as goofballs, as is the case in most children's books. That's probably how it should be. Let the kids laugh about those silly grown-ups. Most likely some left-wing extremists can't handle the fact that the movie (also) pokes fun at some Fidel-wannabe revolutionaries in the fictional (hello!) country 'Perugona'. So yeah, don't confuse 'Pravda' (what's in a name) with the truth. It's blatant propaganda, just like in the old days. Enjoy your movie. :-)

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This movie is great for little children. Do you really think that children will turn in to Geert Wilders because of a movie about a flying elevator?:S If you start stuffing your child's head with illusions and stupidities that "The US is bad and the western way of life is not good", they will turn into ignorant and shallow racists themselves. This movie is made to entertain children and at that it does a good job, this movie is not about political statements. Racists (which Geert Wilders is not, he is a realist) are crafted by their parent who stuff their heads with all kinds of delusional ideas and therefor don't let the child develop it's own perspective on the world. Parent who don't let their children think for themselves create people who can't think. I ask you on behalf of your child, stop messing with his mind. thanks!!

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"Nice movie for little children?" Allow me to totally disagree! I saw it for the first time today and I am still in shock! Thank god my children are too small to see it. Wat een racistische flauwekul! Here you have it, the whole standard racist lot: "good"Americans, "evil" Indians who kidnap children, always drunken Latin American "revolutionaries", Latin Americans who desperately "want" a Dutchman for their president and all whose sicknesses can be cured if they swallow mothballs! Not to mention that the evil Latin Americans (who have some Germans with "nazi accents" among them)force children into slavery (not a word of the West profiteering from child labour in Third World countries, that's too complicated for a little Dutch mind,of course!)... How much worse can it get?? If children in Holland grow up reading such books and watching such films,does it surprise anybody that they grow into Geert Wilderses?? Or that it is one of the most racist countries in Europe at present? The sad thing is that if I tell my Dutch friends about it, they won't even understand what I am talking about, as this is something they simply grew up with... I wanted to see this film because I liked "Minoes" so much. Apparently, Ms. Schmidt is not racist only when it comes to cats... Sad, really sad.

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When I saw this movie I thought I was in my childhood. Slow but a nice movie for little children. Nice because I read the novel years ago. The movie is about a lift boy en fly through the air. High in the sky Abeltje discovers how to 'move' the elevator.

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