The Curse of the Screaming Dead
The Curse of the Screaming Dead
| 13 January 1982 (USA)
The Curse of the Screaming Dead Trailers

A group of six friends are out in the rural south on a deer hunt when they start hearing strange noises coming from the woods. An investigation of the sounds leads them to an old Confederate graveyard, which suddenly begins sprouting Rebel zombies. Like the living dead in every other movie, these zombies are hungry for human flesh and soon set to chowing down on the hapless hunters.


Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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A Disappointing Continuation

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A different way of telling a story

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There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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The confederate zombies shall rise again!A group of unlucky teenagers decide to go camping in the woods.Kiyomi the Blind hears strange bells.Mel goes off to investigate and finds an old church and forgotten graveyard.The other campers soon join him and they find a case with a perfectly preserved Confederate flag and a diary.They decide to leave the stuff there,so as not to offend the dead Confederate soldiers buried in the graves,but Mel steals the diary.It's the beginning of nightmare as zombie soldiers rise from their graves looking for human flesh...The first half of "The Curse of the Screaming Dead" is deadly dull.The acting is incredibly bad,the dialogue is panned and the film looks gloriously cheap.When the zombies attack they're pretty crappy.Most of them are wearing Halloween masks and plaid shirts.The film becomes more amusing and exciting during the second half,when finally zombies do appear.5 out of 10 for this low-budget piece of trash.

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When one sits down to watch a movie with a name such as 'Curse of the Cannibal Confederates', it is quite safe to assume that the film that the viewer is about to watch is not exactly Oscar material. However, it doesn't mean the film cannot be enjoyable and entertaining! 'Curse of the Cannibal Confederates' is the Troma re-release of Tony Malanowski's 'The Curse of the Screaming Dead'. Rumor has it that 'Curse of the Screaming Dead' is actually a sequel/remake to the little-seen 1981 film 'Night of Horror' (also directed by Tony Malanowski). No matter, viewing of the so-called "first film" will have no effect on one's enjoyment or understanding of the film at hand.'Curse of the Cannibal Confederates' opens with a group of rednecks and their respective girlfriends traveling through the backwoods of Maryland on a hunting trip. Upon arrival, our campers decide to search for a new campsite; a change of pace from the years prior. Whilst in search of this new destination, and in between various squabbles amongst the couples, Kiyomi (Mimi Ishikawa) begins to hear strange bells, undetectable to the rest of the group. Her seemingly "macho" boyfriend Mel (Christopher Gummer) wanders off in search of the source of these noises and in the process he discovers a small Confederate burial ground. In the desolate ruins of a church adjacent to the burial ground he finds a strange diary kept by one of Confederate soldiers. Mel steals the diary and alerts the others of the desolate burial ground. Soon, strange events begin to take place surrounding the campers... and the Confederate burial ground.'Curse of the Cannibal Confederates' is the sort of film which is just plain enjoyable to watch. The plot was simple, yet quite good and original. Tony Malanowski took a simple zombie film and added a slight twist to it, including an intriguing motive for the rise of the dead. The main characters were wonderful and each possessed their own unique personality. They all interacted excellently with one another - not to mention the dialogue was hilarious! The makeup and gore effects were very well done and at times, quite disturbing (plenty of gratuitous gore). Despite great characters, great makeup, and an interesting plot, one thing did at times come as a minor nuisance: the lighting problems. In many of the scenes (night scenes especially) it was quite difficult to see what was going on, not to mention the fact that the cinematography wasn't exactly excellent. Although the lighting and cinematography problems were present, they seemed, as stated earlier, minor. In fact, in a few scenes the lighting gave it quite a vintage/drive-in vibe, which seemed to add some grainy character to this entertaining zombie-romp.Troma has yet again unearthed another wonderful B-movie on DVD... and a fine release it is. A well-done zombie movie with an original plot and great characters to boot. If you're looking for a fun time and you're a fan of low-grade zombie movies, then 'Curse of the Cannibal Confederates' is definitely worth your viewing.

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A group of yucky looking people in a van are going on a camping trip. The place they pick is a graveyard for dead confederates. Soon, they are attacked by living dead soldiers. Irritating and incompetent in the first half, gory irritating and incompetent in the second. You have to wait a while to see the good stuff, but it's there. However, this film is a pain to get through, even if you are in the mood for some good B movie horror while drinking some beers. The muddy looking film has some of the stiffest, most lifeless (not the zombies) actors, and the production is awful. Flaws run all over the place, with scenes alternating between day and night through the whole picture. In one scene it happens when two characters are having a small conversation. The ending is bad and the dialog is just meaningless babble. Sometimes with low-budget horror all those flaws can work, but here it doesn't. Hardcore zombie fans may wanna see it just to see how bad it really is. Troma re-released it. The version I saw was under the title Curse Of The Canninbal Confederates. Features gut-munching and gore, but it has been done better elsewhere. One Star.

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In "The Curse of the Screaming Dead" three irritating friends and their equally annoying girlfriends venture into the woods on a hunting expedition. They eventually find the ruins of a church and an abandoned cemetery filled with the graves of tortured Confederate soldiers. After the most annoying member of hunting party steals the diary of the Confederate commander, the Confederates rise from the grave and take their revenge.I hate to kick a little film when its down, but the audience would have definitely been better served if real zombies had eaten the film makers before they completed this little monstrosity. Like "The Blair Witch Project," this movie was filmed in the woods of Maryland. However, any similarity ends there. Blair Witch exhibited wit and imagination, both of which are absent from this movie. That isn't to say that the story itself wasn't workable. It was. We've all seen many variations on this tale. (Think "Night of the Living Dead" with a little "2000 Maniacs" thrown in for good measure.) It doesn't take much technical prowess to make a story this simple work, but the film makers fall short. Way short. The ineptness of this film is almost beyond description, but let me try....The acting is terrible, or, as a previous reviewer properly noted, nonexistent. I say this knowing that even Laurence Olivier would have problems delivering some of these lines. Overall, the zombie fare better than the living. All the zombies have to do is moan painfully -- like the audience. Thematically, the film is a mess too. The dead rise because one of the living has "stolen their pain." As one goofy character helpfully explains, the dead know their physical possessions rightfully belong to the living but they jealously hold onto their pain. Hmmm. Okay. Then why do they rise when the diary is stolen? Wouldn't that count as a physical possession rightfully belonging to the living? And why do the dead want to jealously hold onto their pain? You'd think they seek peace in death. Oh well. I guess I'm asking too much from a film where characters step out of a frame with a dead, leafless winter forest behind them into a frame with a lush, green summer forest behind them.As one scans the reviews on the internet movie database, one frequently sees the words "Worst Film Ever Made." That title has been unjustly applied to many films. However, I believe this film rivals the famous "Manos: The Hands of Fate" as the worst film ever made. If the film makers were clever, they would have submitted the film to Mystery Science Theater 3000. Had MST3K devoted an episode to this movie, it would now be a true cult classic and they would be making more money.Then again, maybe the film makers thought they made a good film.Nah. No one's that crazy - except maybe the characters in this film.Can't wait to see "Night of Horror."

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