The Corrs: Live at the Royal Albert Hall
The Corrs: Live at the Royal Albert Hall
G | 28 August 1998 (USA)
The Corrs: Live at the Royal Albert Hall Trailers

The Corrs, the Irish sibling supergroup, play a special St. Patrick's Day concert at Britain's famous Royal Albert Hall.


brilliant actors, brilliant editing

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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Married Baby

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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The Irish group gives its first big concert, playing in London's famous Albert Hall in 1997. After reading great reviews on this, and being a fan of Celtic music, I was enthused about watching this, buying the DVD sight-unseen.I wound up disappointed. The visuals weren't as good as I had anticipated and the songs, especially in the first half of the show, sounded too much the same. Once I stopped ogling the pretty women performers the music came more to the forefront. That music is pretty solid - good singing and good instrumentation - but nothing spectacular. If I just want music, I'll buy the CD but for a DVD, I want some decent visuals, too, or a much-improved 5.1surround sound, neither of which were offered here. If the visuals aren't special, why bother? Just buy the CD.This is a pleasant 80-some minutes of pop music with an Irish twinge but that's it.

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Nicely performed live concert by the talented Irish Corrs group, recorded on St. Patrick's Day 1998 (Caroline Corr's 25th birthday), at the famed Royal Albert Hall. Good song selection from their then two recorded releases. Musicianship is tight and skilled by the Corr siblings and two back-up members. Many shots of youngest sister and lead vocalist, Andrea, who's beautiful voice and looks are enough alone to hold a viewer's attention. Oldest sister, Sharon, also sees a lot of the camera with her fine violin playing and attractive features. The girls' older brother, Jim, plays keyboards plus guitar and seems content with his sisters as the main attraction. A few flaws, however, do exist in the program. Guest Mick Fleetwood's presence could be done without on three songs, including the bands cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams". If there is a worst part of the whole, it is that the drums are under-amplified. While at the time of this recording, Caroline Corr had only been playing the instrument for seven years. In that short span, she had become quite a competent musician, and downright hits like a ton of bricks. Stories of her often having to replace drum skins and breaking cymbals are surely accurate. This is quite an accomplishment for such a petite young lady. As much a pleasure to the eyes as her sisters, a bit more time in the camera's eyes for Caroline would be in order as well. Overall, though, this is a DVD deserving of a spot in the collection of any Corrs fan.

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This concert is superb. This is without a doubt the best concert ever released by the Corrs. Like Mick Fleetwood said: Playing with passion. Truly amazing.

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am not quite fond of concert videos but watching this makes you want to see more of the corrs' performances, watched it several times already but just can't seem to get tired of it, why? go figure ;) ... just great!

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