The Christmas Bunny
The Christmas Bunny
PG | 30 November 2010 (USA)
The Christmas Bunny Trailers

The Christmas Bunny tells the story of a lonely foster child (Sophie Bolen) who finds a lost, injured rabbit in the woods on Christmas Eve. The rabbit is nursed back to health by The Bunny Lady (Florence Henderson), who runs a rabbit rescue in an old barn behind her Michigan farmhouse.


Very well executed

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Thanks for the memories!

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just watch it!

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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So many huge mistakes in this from the start. First the bunny that was shot was wearing a ribbon on it's neck, the dad says it probably belongs to someone in the area...duh. Next scene no ribbon on the bunny! Then when the boys put the bunny in the buggy....the parents were angry about her biting the kid and no one even picked up the bunny! Then...the girl leaves tracks in the snow....the dad finds them but calls rescue and a dog to search! Hummm follow the snow's not rocket science people! I'm not working...shoot I'll take a job and actually not let ignorant stuff get thru to the release! Uuuuggggghhhhh

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Pleasant little film. Not too saccharin for a Christmas film. Lead child actress is very good and thing though, the 2 boys/characters need some help. 1st they shoot the bunny and then they put it in some weird pram with rocks and push it down a homemade bob sleigh ramp (I got the feeling the cousin was the instigator) I would have bitten the little bastard too!

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In Ottawa County in western Michigan, the Cooper family is in financial trouble because Scott has lost his engineering job and his wife Patti's job painting furniture doesn't pay enough. They have a son Billy. One way to help the family make money is to take in a foster child.Julia is on her fifth foster home. Her mother keeps getting in trouble, and has given Julia up only to ask for her back and get in trouble again. Julia arrives but won't talk. She has a video of "The Velveteen Rabbit" which she immediately starts watching, and she won't stop.The family goes to Uncle Chip's house, which is really nice. Chip has money and can offer Scott a job but Scott won't take it. The family opens presents on Christmas Eve because Chip, his wife and his son and daughter are going to Mexico on the big day.One of the presents results in a serious injury to a rabbit in the woods; the bunny appears to be a pet. Julia picks it up and holds it, and Scott and Patti go to the vet. The vet wants a lot more money than the family can afford, but it is possible for the rabbit to recover without him doing anything. This will require help from someone who knows rabbits, and there is a place.The family has seen the old house where Betsy Ross lives, with a sign saying "Rabbits" out front. Betsy takes the rabbit, saying she knows exactly what to do, and the family should come back next Tuesday. This is after Julia starts school.So will the rabbit get well? Will Julia adapt to her new situation? Will Scott get a job? Will Julia's mom show up for Christmas?Sophia Bolen does a great job. She doesn't have to say much, and when she does talk, she shows a wide range.If you're looking for Carol Brady, look somewhere else. Florence Henderson does an outstanding job but looks her age at long last; Betsy has made no effort to look good. Her personality is more Martha Raye or Sophia Petrillo than what Henderson has given us over the years. And that's fine. She is kind and loving in her way. This is not a sweet movie, but it is touching, and Betsy has a lot to teach about responsibility.Faith is included in this movie as well. Patti has it but Scott is about to lose his. While the movie had a TV-G rating, that doesn't mean it is without concerns. Julia's mother did abuse her, though she hits a camera showing Julia's point of view, not the girl. She is dressed for a hot date, but some of what is said about her suggests she was a prostitute. Plus she sold drugs. In addition, Julia, having been abused, also abuses.Overall, this is a fine family film.

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Very cute and personal story.Little girl is adopted and won't really talk until she finds a bunny that was shot with a BB gun. The story takes a turn and nursing the bunny back to health helps the little girl get back into society.According to IMDb this film was made for under $400K. The acting, directing, and writing is actually darn good for that little bit of money.It's a good family movie they don't seem to make any more. Best part -- no Katy Perry or Lady Gaga squeezing out every cent they can from unsuspecting kids by putting their auto tuned voices into the sound track.As an aside, I'm 90% certain I heard some one early in the film call the bunny an Easter bunny. If my memory holds, not sure why the movie is called the Christmas Bunny!Not that it matters.It's a neat small heart warming movie with a story that is actually believable.

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