The Cathedral
The Cathedral
| 24 March 2002 (USA)
The Cathedral Trailers

The Cathedral (Polish: Katedra) is a 2002 short animated science fiction movie by Tomasz Bagiński, based on a short story by Jacek Dukaj, winner of the Janusz A. Zajdel Award in 2000. The film was nominated in 2002 for the Academy Award for Animated Short Film for the 75th Academy Awards.


the leading man is my tpye

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People are voting emotionally.

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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Married Baby

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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I have seen countless animated, CGI, or live short films. Yet, nothing was like Katedra or The Cathedral. It's maybe the best of them all. This time, not a movie, but a piece of art, could brilliantly summarize the human's journey on earth. So how about being a 7 minutes long as well ! There is a certain poetic pace, making the whole thing very special. The moment of losing the arm is as unforgettable as the most painful moment you had. And the final shot is sublime, just sublime, giving you the confirmation that you're watching a true great work. It's a film that leaves you dazzled with all the meanings of the word.I can't find out what could be the best of it; is it the design of the pilgrim's character?, is it the idea of The Cathedral itself as a holy center for all the human development ?, is it the music of the end ?, or is it the finale with its profoundly rousing spectacle in which all the human's power, abilities, age and self contribute to add just a small step towards a noble, unreached, aim ? I think it's one of the times when the best of the movie is the whole movie.As for the Oscar, let me gird up my loins. Firstly I was shocked when I knew that The Cathedral lost. But the shock of knowing that (The Chubbchubbs) was the one which won made me so mad! There is absolutely no comparison between the 2. Actually (The Chubbchubbs) can't be nominated in the first place, especially when The Cathedral is around!I don't trust the Oscar, or any other award for that matter, but when it comes to preferring a joke of a movie, or – at best – a show reel of a company's characters such as (Chubbchubbs) over this film then it's a partiality, stupidity, or sheer blindness, whatever the name of the crime is !Some films don't need any Oscar to be immortal. This one is on the top of them.

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This is more of visual experience than any story or point, what visuals! This is magnificently drawn and probably quite unlike any other animated short you've seen, although it did remind me of some of the cool stuff done when computer animation began with stuff like "The Mind's Eye." This is more detailed, showing a Lord Of The Rings-looking figure entering a huge and different cathedral. As one poster points out, he apparently was waiting for someone. At any rate, we see at the end how the cathedral is partially updated, if you will.Not only the visuals unique and stunning, the music is equally dramatic. The short story, meanwhile, will up for many interpretations, which is why I downplay the story a bit. I don't pretend to have the author's intentions with this, just appreciate and admire the work he put into it. Kudos to Poland's Tomek Baginski, and I can see why his effort here was nominated for an Oscar.No matter how you try to interpret this, a undeniable fact is that it is stunning artwork, mesmerizing at times.

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Awesome experience! This piece is not about the storyline. I feel that it's an artistic look-n-feel "tidbit" that was derived from the storyline. I found the official, authorized website dedicated to Jacek Dukaj writings, but cannot post the URL here without breaking policy. I believe that the character in this short is waiting for someone... who never shows up. He is already aware of some of the technology involved in the creation of the Cathedral, but not fully aware of it's programming details... and that's what leads to the conclusion of this piece. The Cathedral itself is made of "crysthorn" - some sort of algorithm-based organic rock(?) and houses a tomb and an alter! It resides on an asteroid which allowed the crysthorn to reach great heights due to decreased gravity. I wanted to post some quotes from the "teaser" I found on the website dedicated to Jacek Dukaj writings, but I will refrain in fear of violating policy. The character mentions a gazebo that he "grew" at his parent's house when he was 13. This gazebo was "grown" from a package of similar crysthorn seeds. Hope this was helpful to you, and piqued your curiosity even more. Have fun! Excellent CG experience! One discrepancy I must mention: In all scenes showing sky... the skies are fairly clear, except when the character approaches the massive building and looks up. The sky is completely overcast! A very dramatic effect, but ruins the continuity.

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I agree with all the previous comments - excellent animation etc...-a masterpiece indeed. However I find the plot of the movie at least as fascinating as the visualization. It's about the power of existence and coming to an end - beautiful, magnificent, unavoidable and horrifying, about sacrifices that allow us to last. ....and thousand other interpretations. You may not agree with mine but what can be said without any doubts is that the plot IS NOT LIGHT!

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