The Caretaker
The Caretaker
| 14 July 2012 (USA)
The Caretaker Trailers

As a wave of vampirism sweeps the world, a small but discordant group hole up in a country mansion in Victoria, Australia. A vampire, who has also occupied the mansion, offers them a deal: if they protect him from humans during the day, he'll protect them from other vampires at night. So begins an uneasy alliance which soon threatens to fall apart.


One of the best films i have seen

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Rich Wright

On and on this film went, long past the point where I cared about it, until a sort of numbness crept in, where you really start to notice the world around you in your front room. Like: When was the last I hoovered the floor, or that wonky picture needs to be straightened. In the end, I just fidgeted around on my phone, as the lifeless (no pun intended there) characters met their respective fates and the ordeal was over. If the fact that I had more than one eye off the screen during the last 40 minutes means you ignore my review, then so help me... I don't give a hoot.It's just a badly written, wretchedly edited, poorly acted piece of... dung which is NEVER scary, about from the implied idea that it was worth releasing in this condition. There is not one aspect of it which is worthwhile, and the only reason I haven't scored it less is when I compare it to some of the VERY worst horror movies I've seen, it's not QUITE as horrendous as that. This is hardly a recommendation, though. Steer well clear. 2/10

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Like many fans of the horror genre i have been disappointed on quite a few occasions by films that sound good but don't deliver when it comes to watching them (there is so much crap out there) i bought this DVD from a pound store then decided to read some of the reviews here first just in case i was wasting my time, some of the reviews sounded optimistic so i gave it a chance, and from the start i knew this was going to be better than most of the rubbish out there, the camera work was excellent with some beautiful scenery captured throughout, the story was interesting and the vampires just scary enough (although i would have preffered a couple more scenes with the characters fending off vampires) with good makeup effects, and the acting was pretty good for a low budget flick, all in all it was a decent horror film, hope to see more good horror stuff from this Director, he did a great job!

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The previous review must have been written by one of the film crew or someone who's paid to write a good review for an absolute piece of trash. Don't believe me? Sure. Go ahead and watch this piece of crap. The acting is awful. I've seen high school plays with similar standards of acting. Special effects are indeed special (if special means retarded). The make up crew probably made a trip to the local costumes store, bought a few fake plastic fangs, then traipsed down to Coles and bought a few cans of tomato puree. Then put a couple of splotches on the shirts they got from Salvos and voila! Instant gore. To add to the suspense, have the female lead stand in front of an old tree, play some elevator music with violins and have some poorly dressed stand-ins dash across the foreground to simulate fast moving "terrifying" vampires everywhere and you should have the audience shaking in their seats. This piece of work is a piece of rubbish. I wouldn't pay $0.10 to watch this. I'd much rather donate the money to the hobo sitting at the corner of the street.

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While there is no denying that Vampires play a central role in this movie, I would challenge its pigeonholing as a genre film. Underneath the gore and fangs and horror is a simple story about humanity and survival. Each of the characters is unlikeable yet fragile, likable yet horrifying, showing us the complexity of human nature and human relationships. The actors and filmmakers did a wonderful job of bringing these characters to life and imbuing them with a sense of reality, as opposed to the sometimes stereotypical caricatures that often find their way into these type of films. On top of that the filmic style and colour palette used by the filmmakers gives the film a beautiful, rich visual feel.One of my favourite Australian films to date, I hope it gets the recognition it deserves!

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