The Buckskin Lady
The Buckskin Lady
NR | 01 July 1957 (USA)
The Buckskin Lady Trailers

Patricia Medina plays the title character in The Buckskin Lady. Medina is cast as female gambler Angela Medley, who is forced by circumstances to align herself with outlaw Slinger. But Angela has never gotten over her love for honest frontier doctor Bruce Merritt, and at the first opportunity she redeems herself by catching a bullet intended for the doc. Henry Hull delivers the film's most memorable performance as Angela's drunken wretch of a father. Per the title, Buckskin Lady affords the viewer ample opportunity to see Patricia Medina in form-fitting western garb.


Very well executed

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Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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Cheap " B" western but that said, it's not that bad, it's quick at just over an hour and keeps you watching.Patricia Medina is fine and looks good, Mohr an interesting baddie even though he does look like Humphrey Bogart.Hank Worden is Hank Worden.Henry Hull the town's drunk doctor who still has a great love for his daughter.Fair western.

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As Jim Nabors would put it --- surprise, surprise. This is part of one of those packages with umpteen westerns, most, but not all, which can be labeled as crap."Buckskin Lady" is a rare exception - a low budget movie with high class credits. The twist-turn plot is excellent, as are the settings, although the little town is sparse even for its day. That is a very minor gripe.The acting is several notches above satisfactory. Overly handsome Richard Denning, in an unfamiliar part, hits the spot. Gerald Mohr, always a top villain is very good, although his expressions and voice are the poor man's Bogie. Henry Hull as a d.d. - not a dentist, but a drunk doc - and Hank Worden as a not too bright character are right on.Patricia Medina always kept busy. She is one of those black-haired beauties that graced many a pic. Think Faith Domergue, etc. (In one scene Medina sported a shiny chin). She dominates every scene.The almost hot love scenes are unusual for a western in those days. They are well done as are the fight scenes and the stand-offs between Denning and Mohr.If you can get your paws on this, do so. You won't be sorry. Have I ever lied to you?

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This is a fun Western with a slightly different story line. It has a good-goody (Richard Denning) and a real-bad baddie (Gerald Mohr) but the baddie is the guy who loves the Buckskin Lady. Watch out for the raunchy bedroom scene which almost ends in laughter but Mr Mohr changes the laughter into something else entirely! Nice piece of acting that recovered the scene from a retake to a save and print! Some nice fight scenes, too. Watch out for the publicity picture of Gerald Mohr on e-Bay - a very clever photo which actually reveals the ending to those of us lucky enough to have seen this little gem - and, yet again, the superb Mr Mohr bites the dust at the end!

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