The Bride Goes Wild
The Bride Goes Wild
NR | 03 March 1948 (USA)
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McGrath publishes books for children and Uncle Bump is one of the best sellers. Unfortunately, Greg, who is Uncle Bump, tends to drink too much and has not started his next book. Martha won a contest to illustrate the book and the first thing that happens is that Greg gets her soused. To keep her there to illustrate, John gets a juvenile delinquent named Danny to play his son and show how much pressure he is under. The ploy works at first, but Greg's heart was broken by Tillie, and Martha may be the girl who makes him forget all about her.

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hyped garbage

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A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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The Bride Goes Wild (1948)This is a common kind of entertainment film using a catching, breezy plot and high profile actors, but filmed with bright simplicity and without attempting too much more that the basics.And all of these basic goals are met here—cheerfully, and rather enjoyably. That is, if you take it for what it is, this is a warm and well made romantic comedy. It excels most for the sweet and subtle acting by June Allyson, and by the surprise depth of the buck-toothed boy character in the movie, Jackie Jenkins. The leading man has never been a favorite of mine—Van Johnson, but he holds up his end well enough.The plot is a clever set up, reminding me for some reason of the mixed-up plot of "Christmas in Connecticut," which has the same lighthearted feeling. People pretend to be one thing and get into a comical—and romantic trap—by trying to maintain the farce. Everyone is lying, in a way, even the innocent woman who at first is purely innocent. (She ends up pretending, or changing you might say, for different reasons, which the audience appreciates.)This is no screwball comedy. It lacks the insanity, and the wit, and maybe even the inevitability (even though you know how it ends, more or less). It's a good romp with some excellent acting to shore up the feeble plot. There are lots of great moments, and even an oddly spectacular bit of nonsense near the end where a whole room full of character actors get truly nutty at the same time. Quite funny.

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June Allison and Van Johnson made quite a few films together. Most were very nice, but this one is pretty dreadful--thanks to some terrible writing and a super-contrived plot. In addition, instead of the usual sweet couple, the studio chose to cast Van as a real jerk--and it just didn't fit his on-screen persona. You know the film has trouble when the actor that came off best in the film was young Butch Jenkins!! The film begins with Allison winning a contest to see who will illustrate the next book by a world-famous author of children's' books (Johnson). However, Johnson is NOT a nice child-friendly guy, but a heavy-drinking womanizing jerk. And, when he meets the nice and naive Allison, he proceeds to get her drunk and treats her like a piece of meat. The publisher is aghast and apologizes to her--and makes up a STUPID story about Johnson acting this way because he was a sad widow with a very unruly young son(?!?!?!). So, he talks Johnson into a situation where they need to borrow a kid (Jenkins) and pose as father and son. This is 100% contrived...and moronic.Along the way, it's not surprising that the couple fall in love. But you wonder why--Johnson is a heel and a habitual liar. And, because of that, you really DON'T want them to find each other in the end. As for Jenkins, he's really good and plays a great Dennis the Menace sort of kid. This is a VERY welcome change, as MGM promoted him for years--even though the kid could barely act. Here, however, he's in his element--mostly because he's a bit older and finally had a decent role. But, it could NOT be a breakout role and the movie was a dud. Poor kid...and poor audience!5

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Van Johnson and June Allyson team up with young Butch Jenkins in The Bride Goes Wild, really a rather inaccurate title. She doesn't go wild at all, in fact Allyson's a very proper young lady. But she does have a rather wild wedding through no doing of her own at the climax.She's an illustrator who is hired by a publishing company to do pictures for a series of children's books that are published under the name of Uncle Bumps. The character of Uncle Bumps as described seems to be a more civilized version of Gabby Hayes. But like Mark Twain is a creation of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Uncle Bumps is the pseudonym for Van Johnson who's a rather wolfish sort and just eagerly contemplating how to get better acquainted with June.Allyson's a frustrated mom wannabe so Johnson borrows young Butch Jenkins from an orphanage, a kid with some behavioral issues. Today he'd be on all kinds of meds, but back in the day that wasn't available.As Johnson is running into a creative dry spell, young Jenkins proves to be something of a muse. And he does actually draw Johnson and Allyson closer together despite the fact they have some long term involvements, he with Arlene Dahl and she with Richard Derr.I think you see where this is going. I wish The Bride Goes Wild, misnamed title though it has was run more often. It's a nice family comedy and Jenkins has some real appeal as a child star. Allyson and Johnson were teamed many times by MGM and this film is a perfect example of their chemistry together.

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June Allyson and Van Johnson were paired by their studio in several pictures. Once MGM type-casted someone, or Hollywood, for that matter, an actor, or an actress, went to appear in other films performing, basically, the same role. Which seems to be the case with "The Bride Goes Wild", directed by Norman Taurog, a veteran film director who always made pleasant movies.The premise in this film is just an excuse for presenting all these players in a comedy typical of the times. After all, the times were hopeful and happy right after the WWII and a semblance of normalcy was the intention. This is a silly comedy that wouldn't have been made today.In the other comment submitted to this forum, the contributor links what appears to be a gay subtext to all one sees in the movie, and in many aspects, it makes sense. Hollywood was notorious for being a gigantic closet where gays were safely kept even though everyone seemed to realize what really was going on.June Allyson and Van Johnson are given the same roles to play. Butch Jenkins, a child actor, appears as Danny, the orphan that Greg Rawlings, the Van Johnson character, is passing as his own son. Arlene Dahl doesn't have much to do. Hume Cronyn, Una Merkel and Richard Derr play the supporting roles.Watch the film as a curiosity as long as you don't have any expectations.

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