| 22 December 2000 (USA)
The Trailers

When a boy decides his father is spending too much time at work, he starts his own company and ends up buying a controlling interest in his father's company.


This is How Movies Should Be Made

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It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.

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Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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My wife and I love this movie. I've been looking for it all over the place to buy but can only manage to catch it on television about twice a year. It's got a great build up to a feel good ending. Good wins over evil and all is right with the world. And love that computer and internet coolness too.

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This is a funny, well acted film, that provides family viewing, brought right up to date with an internet based plot line. This film is perfect to while away a rainy Sunday afternoon with the whole family.The cast (although a little surprising) gel together perfectly. Kevin Kilner (previously seen in Earth: Final Conflict) is truly believable as the business oriented father, who needs to spend more time with his family, Alexandra Paul manages to look pretty (which is about all this role allows her to do... but if it ain't broke...) and Michael Angarano is fabulously funny as the kid who just wants his dad to love him.Pure Schmultz, but we love it anyway!

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Zantara Xenophobe

SPOILER WARNING: There are some minor spoilers in this review. Don't read it beyond the first paragraph if you plan on seeing the film.The Disney Channel currently has a policy to make loads of movies and show one a month on the cable channel. Most of these are mediocre and drab, having a few good elements but still being a disappointment (`Phantom of the Megaplex,' `Stepsister From Planet Weird,' `Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century'). Every once in a great while, they make something really, really great (`Genius,' `The Other Me'). But once in a while The Disney Channel makes a huge mistake, and gives us a real stinker. This month (December 2000) The Disney Channel featured `The Ultimate Christmas Present,' which I thought was terrible due to poor writing and worse acting. Apparently, `The' was rushed out a few days before Christmas to get a jump on the holiday, because the plot has to do with toys. They even paid for a feature in the TV Guide, so I thought it must be better than the norm. I was in for a complete shock. Only Disney's `Model Behaviour' has been worse than this.The plot was more far-fetched than normal. I usually let that slide, but here it just goes too far. Matthew Tyler gets very sick of his widowed father spending most of his time at work. His father owns a small toy factory that has taken out large loans at a scrupulous bank to stay afloat. Time and time again, his father has to skip out on the plans he makes with his son and daughter. Matthew decides that the only way he can spend time with his dad is if he becomes the boss and orders him to stay home. He gets a hair-brained idea to create a website where kids all around the world can find and send him a dollar to invest in a computer chip that his sister is inventing. That whole concept is full of fallacies. When kids send in millions of dollars, Matthew opens his own company's bank account and buys up most of his dad's business's stock. He is the secret boss, but he doesn't reveal this to his dad, but instead presents himself at board meetings as a cartoon image through a computer. That image itself is so complex (and ridiculous) that it isn't possible for someone to create it at home, much less someone who comes across as stupid as Matthew. To make a long plot short, Matthew orders his dad to spend more time having fun and doing stuff with his kids, but a federal agent shows up inquiring about Matthew's company, as it is fraudulent.There's so much wrong here. As mentioned, the stuff they do here is impossible even for true geniuses, which these kids are not. The website, the cartoon image, the computer chip, even the stuff they are being taught in school, are far too advanced for these kids. The acting by most of the cast, especially Kevin Kilner, is terrible. Some familiar faces are wasted. Dom DeLuise plays the evil bank owner, but his part is a throwaway. He has one good scene with Alexandra Paul (who shows she has the ability to act) in which he explains his motives, but nothing more. And Rich Little is wasted in a small role as a judge. There's even some offensive and uncalled for anti-Russian jokes. But the greatest atrocities are the hard-hammered themes. These themes show up in many of The Disney Channel's films, but never before have these ultra-conservative messages been pounded so strongly. The typical `overworking parent' idea is really pushed hard, and after delivering it inappropriately in `The Ultimate Christmas Present,' seeing it again sours my mood. Family relations are important, but Disney must stop this endless preaching, because working is important to maintaining a workable family, too. Except for cancelling activities thanks to work, the father didn't come across as that bad, but I found it offensive when the grandmother told him `I don't like what I see.' Just as bad is the preaching of the idea that all single parents MUST marry if they want to raise their kids right. Enter Alexandra Paul, whose character, while important to the plot, is there solely to be the love interest for the father. This offensiveness only proves that the Disney brain trust lacks the brains to avoid scraping from the bottom of the Disney script barrel. Instead of letting this movie teach your kids how to commit serious fraud, wait for the next Disney Channel movie. It has to be better than this. Zantara's score: 1 out of 10.

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Pretty standard Disney Channel material---I've seen better, I've seen worse. It's about a boy (Michael Angarano) who buys his dad's toy company with the help of the internet. The plot has been done 100 times before---overworked dad loves his kids but doesn't spend enough time with them. I honestly think Michael Angarano does far better in the USA show, "COVER ME". In this movie it seems as if he is just going through the motions.

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