The Bellman
The Bellman
| 01 June 1947 (USA)
The Bellman Trailers

The bell ringer at a way station in the French Alps, murders a passing horse trader with a thrown rock and relieves him of his bankroll, in order to bribe the daughter of his only friend, a head injury victim considered the village simpleton, into marrying him, despite her love for a lowly woodsman who is, in turn, being cajoled into marriage by the daughter of the wealthy innkeeper.


It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Alex da Silva

I didn't realize this job existed but Lucien Coëdel is the bellman. He rings the bell from a shack in the middle of nowhere in a snow covered zone in France which is prone to blizzards. His role is similar to that of a lighthouse keeper alerting passing strangers who may be in trouble to a safety zone. Only, he's not normal. A murder is committed outside his shack and whilst other villagers are accused the film follows a love triangle that seriously needs to be resolved.The film scores for being different as it is set in and around a snowy French village. Two women have a love rivalry that makes things interesting and the bellman is always a bit unpredictable. However, the film is a bit slow and I lost interest. There are no surprises here which is a shame and the outcome is fairly obvious and a bit cheesy.

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After watching the superb 1941 film Who Killed Santa Claus?,I decided to take a look at a DVD sellers page for other titles by co- director Christian-Jaque.Getting near the end of the first page,I spotted a film which sounded like a companion piece to Who Killed,that led to me getting ready to meet the Bellmen.The plot:Called "Bellmen" by everyone in reference to his job, Jean-Baptiste tries to pass the time by talking to fellow bellmen Fabret.As Fabret talks about his daughter Catherine,Jean-Baptiste spots a man riding by. Sneaking out,Jean-Baptiste grabs a stone and kills the man.Running out, Fabret discovers the dead body,and Jean-Baptiste pulling a bag of cash from the dead man's clothes.As the dead man's blacks horse disappears into the horizon, Jean-Baptiste and Fabret cut a deal.Returning to town for the first time in three days in order to care for his Catherine,Fabret finds himself unable to escape the black horse of death.View on the film:Returning to the small town setting just a year after France was liberated from Nazi rule,co-writer/(along with Jacques Prévert) director Christian-Jaque & cinematographer Louis Page bask the title in a chilling Gothic Film Noir atmosphere,where the horse of the apocalypse rides into town with death. Circling the village with snow covered stones and graceful tracking shots breathing in the rustic Horror Noir mood,Jaque and Page ring the bells with the Bellmen in gliding stylised shots,as razor sharp overlapping shots sink Jean-Baptiste and Pierre into a fiery pit of Film Noir hell.Bringing their adaptation of Claude Boncompain's novel out of the clouds,the screenplay by Jaque & Prévert blends rich Gothic Melodrama with horrific Film Noir doom.Injecting the superb dialogue with a sharp playfulness,the writers gradually entangle Catherine's romantic troubles with her dads fears of Baptiste's killing being dug out of the snow.Keeping Baptiste round the bell tower,the writers open up the in-fighting of the townspeople,whilst slowly spilling the dread from Baptiste and the horse of death over the village.Caked in a thick black beard, Fernand Ledoux gives a fantastic performance as Fabret,with Ledoux bringing a method to Fabret's madness,as the loss of his wife and illness of Catherine weigh down on his shoulders,as the snow covers Fabret's hands with dirty money.Casting a long shadow over the town, Lucien Coëdel gives a brittle performance as Baptiste,whose rugged shell Coëdel cracks to unveil a ruthlessly mischievous Film Noir loner,who along with tightly keeping Fabret on track,also has his eyes secretly set on Catherine.Running against the hard gazes of Baptiste and Fabret,the stunning Renée Faure (who made her debut as another Catherine in Who Killed Santa) gives an excellent performance as Catherine,thanks to Faure sparkling in her criss-cross romantic exchanges with cad Pierre (a great Roger Pigaut) and also displaying a real bite in Catherine's fight against rival lover Marthe, (a splendidly stern Madeleine Robinson)as the Bellmen bell tolls.

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Spellbinding,fascinating film,in a wintry snowy atmosphere which Christian-Jaque's camera perfectly captures.Wonderful pictures:the dead body in the snow raising a hand;the dark horse,galloping in the mountains,as if this animal were demanding justice for his murdered master;the fete ,with the dance complete with quaint instruments ... The whole movie is a feast for the eye .The soundtrack essentially consists of the old French folk song "Aux Marches du Palais " (which Serge Bourguignon would use again in "Cybèle Et Les Dimanches de Ville D'Avray" aka "Sundays and Cybèle" ) which is played again and again,and even sung in full by Renée Faure.If the film is visually a splendor,I do not think that Prévert's screenplay is perfect .It sometimes drags on and the first dialog between Ledoux and Coedel is rather talky;so is Pigaut's and Faure's interminable love scene.Renée Faure is not attractive enough to portray a romantic peasant girl successfully.She is overshadowed,every step of the way ,by sensational Madeleine Robinson ,one of the greatest actresses France has ever had.Robinson and Pigaut had already teamed up in Claude Autant-Lara's classic "Douce" (1942) and the scenes where they are together (particularly the ball)takes the film out on a level of stratospheric intensity that simply rises above the rest and makes theFaure/Pigaut scenes bland by comparison.Like this?Try these:"Goupi Mains Rouges" Jacques Becker 1943"L'Assassinat du Père Noel" Christian -Jaque 1941"Barry" Richard Pottier 1949

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Sortilèges is an excellent film made by Christian-Jaque, a french director known by his comedies, on a marvellous scenario from Jacques Prévert. it shows that the french poet he was made very good films without Marcel Carné, the director he is too much associated. The film is very dark (as its B&W) and takes place in a little village lost in the mountain. The contrast between the murder and the snow is very symbolical. Besides the french love story between two young fellows, the character of the Bellman (Lucien Coëdel) has a very interessant psychology. Unfortunately, the film is nowadays totally forgotten and I doubt that people could see it easily... but a piracle may always happen ! In this case, I hope that my point of view will be shared and that Sortilèges will cross the Atlantic to be appreciated !

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