The Beast of the Yellow Night
The Beast of the Yellow Night
R | 07 April 1971 (USA)
The Beast of the Yellow Night Trailers

Satan saves Joseph Ashley from death on the condition that he become his disciple (and, as it turns out, a hairy murderous beast).

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Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.

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Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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During the 1970s, a long series of schlocky horror films came out of the Philippines. They all were extremely low budgeted, featured ridiculous looking monsters and tossed in some boobies. I have yet to see one of these films that doesn't fit this pattern--and this certainly includes "The Beast of the Yellow Night". It's bad but also fun if you happen to like bad films--and there are quite a few bad movie buffs out there. Heck, despite reviewing countless art and foreign films, I like a schlock film now and then--and an Eddie Romero film certainly fits that bill.An idiot (perennial lead in Filipino horror films, John Ashley) eats some poisonous fruit. But instead of dying, Satan appears and makes him a deal--you become my servant and I'll let you live. Now this movie's version of Satan is interesting--he's no idiot in a red suit and horns--he's just some fat Filipino guy in a bandanna. However, wouldn't you know it but this bargain comes with a catch--the guy becomes a hairy monster with a taste for human flesh. Not surprisingly, this creates problems with his lady, as he is torn between ripping her clothes off or just ripping her to pieces.While this is a cheesy monster film, it's interesting to note that the film is very slow to get to the action. Sure, eventually he turns into a silly monster and runs amok--but this isn't until rather late in the film. But when he does, it's well worth the wait--as he looks utterly ridiculous! What I really liked is how there is a makeup line on his neck--and you can see this very clearly. Overall, yet another dopey film in the genre.

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"The Beast of the Yellow Night" is nothing more then your average shape-shifter film. Barrowing ideas from classic werewolf style movies, A man is staring death in the face, but has an opportunity to live once again. He has a visit from Satan himself, and makes a deal to sell him his soul for life. Now the Devil's slave he must find new followers for his new master. Unfortunately this is done by transforming into a hairy green beast. (who reminds me of the aliens in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla) As he returns to his normal life he begins the well known inner struggle with his alter form. But unlike most films that do this there is very little struggle, he sort of goes into this depression where he just wants to die, and doesn't care about his life. Such as when he awakens from a transformation and simply walks around town with a blood stained shirt. I found this idea interesting as I've never noticed this element so vividly put in a film like this. The acting is of course poor, but what really upsets is the transformation. There's only one, at the very end of the movie, which is done in such an outdated fashion, that was done better in the 40s. Lighting problems occurred often and it was difficult to see characters faces, this helped with the beast's imagery, but fails when applying it to normal characters. The representation of Satan though in my opinion is decently done. He doesn't necessarily have a solid state he stays in the whole film. He alters from a man, to a sort of brown mist form. The mist forms around animals and such in some scenes, applying Satan is every where, and him no necessarily be the snake or lion we think him to be. With absolutely no sub-plots or anything close and holes in the story, the film is really affected. 3/10

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Beast of the Yellow Night, The (1971) * 1/2 (out of 4) Horror film from the Philippines is set in South Asia where a man named Joseph (John Ashley) gets lost in the jungle and is minutes away from death when a mysterious man approaches him, offering life to Joseph in exchange for his soul. It turns out this mystery man is none other than Satan and soon Joseph turns into a murderous beast. I had heard mixed reaction to this film but it nearly had me asleep during several moments. There some very nice touches but overall there's not enough going on and we're bogged down with boring talk. What I hate about this type of film is that it spends so much times with the police who have to talk and talk and talk just to try and solve the mystery but the problem is the viewer already knows the mystery so this leads to boredom. The make up effects are actually pretty good and effective but that's about all the film has going for it.

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I remember seeing this title on the marquee at my home drive-in as a child. Watched it and finds it an interesting film, but curious as to why it's not in the Mad Doc series...or is it? The acting isn't bad at all, especially compared to original Mad Doc. I noted that the first scene of the monster's arms look like they were re-used from the Mad Doc flix. The Filipino back-drop of this film, as well as the Mad Doc films, provides something a little different and interesting that stands alone from movies that we're accustomed to viewing. The mono sound with the atmosphere, particularly in the opening scenes, gives the filmgoer the creeps. I do wish I could've talked my parents into taking me to see it way back then!

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